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 Advantages and disadvantages of various roof systems -2

Today's market has many different roof systems with various advantages and disadvantages. Below, briefly explain each system and list pros and cons.

Thermoplastics and PVC-single ply can be mechanically attached and fully bonded or ballasted.

Advantage: Excellent performance to highlight the water situation. A very light roof is near 30 pounds. Per 100 square feet. White if you need a cool roof, there are several different colors for aesthetic considerations. Another advantage of these roofs is that you can order large custom-made field seats from the factory and minimize sealed seams by your work crew. It is 3-4 times stronger than EPDM seams that are resistant to ozone, algae and field seams. Also, materials have enormous flexibility. Also, the seams melt with hot air, so there is no harmful smoke to deal with. Both 15 years and 20 years warranty are available.

If they are piled one on top of the other, they throw away the cigarette, they get hurt, sharp objects fall on the membrane, and the glass breaks from the bottle thrown into the roof (I happen a lot). Easy access by people with large foot traffic on the roof or unauthorized people. In the past, material shrinkage on thermoplastic plastics and PVC roofs was a serious problem, but this problem was ameliorated by composition and manufacturing changes. These roofs are not until the moment of failure as in the past, but they are shrinking over time.

Bottom Line - A large roof as long as the roof is only accessible to generally authorized staff. Especially heavy on the roof where water is stored.

Asphalt modified asphalt - This roof is actually what many people based on asphalt call rubber roof. It is in a roll of 3 feet wide and can usually be lit with an open frame, but under certain conditions it can be applied with hot air welding machines.

Benefits - In my opinion, the greatest strength of these roofs is how well they confront external pressure. They treat walking better than any other membrane and are difficult to puncture, especially if they have a granulated surface. Most of the insurance companies do not recognize the damage of hail on other roofs (I personally think that the modified roof is completely hailed by the hail, because the roofing shops are actually very strict,

Disadvantages - The most prominent disadvantage of these systems is that there is a seam every 3 feet. This makes a lot of seams. If you have competent directors and diligent crews to ensure that all seams on the roof are triple checked, you will probably work on this system. Otherwise, I can be pretty sure that a leak will occur sooner before my warranty expires in my experience. And a large area of ​​water on these systems gradually degrades the substance gradually.

Bottom Line - experienced and experienced crew becomes a good roof in buildings that do not use much water. If there are many buildings on the rooftop pedestrian, this is probably the only way.

Foam roof - This system is applied with a large spray unit which sprays two liquid components (isocyanate and resin) when the liquid is mixed together, it expands 20 to 30 times, and is made of concrete, wood, steel and most The existing roof system, but according to the manufacturer, there is no altered bitumen.

Benefits - Once completed, the roof is seamless monolithic, completely bonded and has insulating properties.

Disadvantages - All Disclosures, I have limited experience here with these roofs in NE Illinois. We will not install them, but I was in the 9-10 building using this system and leaked severely in two cases within a few months after being installed. Because leakage does not adhere very well to the surface of the repair material, even if it is found it is very difficult to trace and it is difficult to repair.

Conclusion - Based on my experience with this system, I do not recommend advancing this route to my client when a new roof is needed.

EPDM rubber - rubber roof can be completely bonded, mechanically fixed or weighed with ballast (river bed gravel or paving material). It is versatile, suitable for many facilities and has a long track record.

Benefits - The rubber roof is reliable and inexpensive, easy to install and repair. They are available in large sheets to minimize the number of field seams and the membrane has considerable flexibility.

The field seams of these roofs are not as strong as the thermoplastic roof. Flushing and roof edges tend to wear faster than reminders on the roof. Contraction over time can be dramatic in some applications.

Conclusion - Although it may be a good investment for the owner of the building, it is necessary to carefully consider all the circumstances of a specific facility. And good workmanship is essential for installation.

Spray coated roof - this is not technologically re-roofing, it is considered a coating. Since some companies essentially add plies to existing roof surfaces, we call them "reply". There are many manufacturers offering various products with different compositions and specifications. If there is a leak on the existing roof, but it has not advanced to the point of complete failure, it could be a candidate for this solution.

Advantages - Very cost effective. In particular, there are effects on roofs with many protrusions and roof-top HVAC units. This material is pure white. Especially in the case of metal roof, AC cooling cost can be greatly reduced. This is considered a repair of the roof, not a new roof, so there are also tax advantages.

Disadvantages: Existing roofs should still be in a decent state. Basically money is wasted when applied to already failed roofs. Also, as this material is sprayed, vehicles within 100 feet must be moved during the application process. This material is very difficult if not impossible to remove from car finishing. Several manufacturers do not guarantee this material when water is accumulated on the roof. It can not be applied to roofs with existing gravel ballasts.

Bottom Line - This solution can save a lot of money to the owner of the building if the existing roof is in a state sufficient to accept the coating. Excellent solution especially for metal roofing.

As you can see, there are various solutions for flat roofing needs. However, it is important to choose a roof that recommends a system that is optimal for a particular roof or situation, not the best solution for your wallet. Please understand why a particular system is recommended for your project and which system will be the best investment for you.

 Advantages and disadvantages of various roof systems -2

 Advantages and disadvantages of various roof systems -2

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