He does not recognize what it is going on. It begins innocently enough. Perhaps a new laundry detergent may have been sold. I might just want to show it like a really tight pants model for a hipster concert last night. Perhaps it was a honeymoon. The reason is irrelevant, but the penis scuffing can overtake a lively man like a baby, a hot, exciting mess. Thankfully, scissors of the penis can be turned quickly with some tips and a little cool down time. There are several commonsense and effective ways to treat penis scarring to help cure them together.
1) Give a break to the reel - Penile scraping is also called "friction burn". Many times people burn out, it takes some time in the seat, or it becomes a solo. The thing that a person receiving criminal punishment should do first is to time out from all penis related activities (excluding course, urination). Continuous activity may destroy the skin or induce all kinds of bacteria to cause infection or exacerbate abrasion.
2) Loosen clothes - Shelf Speedo and leave a little John Cusack skinny jeans. Please wear loose fitting underwear and trousers to breathable fabric like cotton. Penis can be healed because it requires time and space.
3) Go Commando - Well, do not practice this and do not go out to work or grocery stores Sands pants. Whether at home or talented, Donald Duck does what he does and naked from his waist. This gives the skin a lot of airflow, does not cool, and does not contract.
4) Keep it natural with moisturizer - Here are things. As soon as the inflammation subsides, the abrasion begins to heal and a new threat is itchy. To relieve itching and continue the healing, please use a natural moisturizer like her butter, vitamin E oil, cocoa butter, hydrate the brown penis. Such an option is Super Hydrating, it does not have any stimulus or chemical substances that may worsen the situation.
5) Use local antibiotics - Sometimes penis scratches can lead to small incisions and scratches. In that case, please use local antibiotics like neosporin to heal cuts and prevent infection. Also, as long as possible, contact as little as possible, minimize irritation.
6) Keep it cool - Penile scratches usually bring everything from an unstable warm feeling to a 4 alarm fire. Get some peace with cold baths and cold baths. Soak a clean soft cloth in cold water, squeeze it lightly and place it on the penis. When the basin starts to warm up again, rinse with cold water and continue until the contents are gone. To obtain a stronger cooling effect, please use an ice pack wrapped in a soft dry wash cloth.
If your penis scrub is worse or has not healed, please consult your doctor. Physicians can identify if there are infectious diseases or skin problems that require more aggressive treatment.
When you are looking for ways to prevent not only scratching of the penis but also prevention, consider using a specially prescribed penis health cream (Healthcare workers recommend Man 1 Man Oil, clinically safe and proven to be mild to the skin) . This is a valuable way to heal scratches, and in order to prevent it will give the skin of the penis adequate moisture. In addition to shea butter and vitamin E, this cream also contains other ingredients selected exactly to encourage penis health. It contains L-carnitine which protects against friction-induced peripheral nerve damage. Vitamin C which is an essential ingredient of collagen is also included and promotes elasticity of the skin. By using regularly, you can activate and activate the gentle penis skin, which was the sacrifice of pain.