Acupuncture to the scalp is becoming one of the options for men and women suffering from hair loss. Those suffering from illness choose to do alternative medicine at the therapist's clinic, but some do acupuncture at home using a device called plum blossom hammer. A satisfied customer has proved the advantage of using a plum blossom hammer for hair loss treatment.
The use of ume flower hammer for hair loss treatment is a relatively new concept in English-speaking countries. The plum blossom hammer is a very small hammer, which is placed at about 5 to 7 needle points. This hammer is gently pressed against the area of the scalp, and daily use is said to be an effective treatment for hair loss. However, it should never be used without prior permission and instruction from therapists practicing acupuncture and moxibustion.
Acupuncture to the scalp is becoming one of the options for men and women suffering from hair loss. Acupuncture and moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and is based on the philosophy that life force, more commonly known as "Ki" flows through the body. chi's unimpeded flow promotes health and wellness, obstacles in the flow of chi cause specific diseases depending on where the chi is blocked. What is acupuncture is to eliminate these obstacles and correct the flow of Ki into the body.
In the West, acupuncture is thought to stimulate the nerve ending just below the skin by inserting an elongated thin needle. Stimulation of nerve endings in the treatment area results in improved blood circulation to the affected area. Improved circulation of blood in the area means that the damaged cells in that area are repaired more quickly and easily and that the nutrients necessary to accelerate and accelerate healing are deprived by the blood of the area. Improved blood circulation also enables the development of new cells to replace dead or damaged cells.
Everyday use of ume flower hammer for hair loss treatment has not been demonstrated medically to completely heal alopecia but at least to promote the growth of new cells in the hair follicle of the scalp It is valid. The growth of new cells means that hair regrowth is always possible. Nevertheless, the plum blossom hammer should never be used without proper instruction from the acupuncturist.