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 Are Your Nursing Assistants in the Know About COPD? <br/>-2

They need to know how to help clients with this pretent. They are deal with to clients prealent, your nursing assistants are deal with Here is some information - and a few practical tips - that you can share with your CNAs:

What Is COPD?

You probably know that the term COPD stands for C hronic O bstructive P ulmonary D isease. And, you may know that the lung damage that results from COPD makes the vital act of breathing extremely difficult, sometimes painful and completely inefficient. But, did you know that COPD develops primarily over a long period of time ? For example, it usually takes years of cigarette smoking before symptoms become noticeable. While the progress of COPD is different for everyone, it might develop something like this:

Jim started smoking cigarettes when he was 19. Now, he & # 39; s 27. His wife wants him to quit smoking, but Jim has not noticed any symptoms of lung damage, so he keeps on smoking. to develop a chronic cough. Sometimes he coughs up a small amount of mucus.

By age 40, Jim begins to notice some occasional shortness of breath. When he turns 47, Jim finally sees a doctor who diagnoses COPD and starts Jim on some treatments. Jim decides it & # 39; s okay to continue smoking - just a few cigarettes a day.

In his early 50 & # 39; s, Jim starts to slowly get worse. His COPD is progressing- in spite of medical treatments Jim has repeated coughing attacks and constant shortness of breath. He loses his job. He is to repeatedly improve his family. Now, each time Jim has a coughing attack, it takes longer and more for him to feel better. (Unfortunately, his lungs suffered a lot of damage before He finally went to a doctor.) By age 55, Jim & # 39; s damaged lungs barely work. He has to gasp for every breath of air. Jim dies at the young age of 56- leaving a wife and two teenaged children.

Facts about COPD

COPD is a chronic disease, which means that it lasts over a long period of time. And it & # 39; s obstructive , because it blocks the passage of air, making it hard to breathe. COPD is a pulmonary disease , which means that it affects the lungs.

COPD is also a progressive and irreversible This means that it gets worse over time and that a person with COPD will not get better (once there has been damage in the lungs).

Early symptoms of COPD often start concern. Over time, as the symptoms worsen and fail to resolve, lung damage begins to occur. main symptoms of COPD:

  1. Chronic cough that may produce mucus. This is usually the earliest symptom. It can start out mild, then gradually increase in frequency and production more and more mucus.
  2. Shortness of breath with minimal exertion. This usually develops later on and continues to get worse as COPD progresses.
  3. Chest tightness. There are be a feeling of painful tightness in the chest.
  4. Wheezing or a whistling sound that occurs while breathing is common if the airways become swollen or blocked.
Other symptoms of COPD may include:

  • Fatigue, depression and anxiety.
  • Weight loss.
  • Enlarged chest (also called "barrel chest").
  • Too little oxygen can cause COPD clients to have a bluish color to their skin, lips, and nails.
  • Headache, irritability, and problems thinking and learning.
10 Client Care Tips

There is no cure for COPD. But, there are some things you can do do to help. Here are a few tips for improving the quality of life of your clients with COPD.

Using an inhaler seems simple, but you would surprised at how some people forget to take off the cap! Let your supervisor know if you think they may be using them wrong.

2. If you notice a "powder" around the hole where the medicine comes out, the inhaler needs to be cleaned. Clean the canister by removing medication canister from the mouthpiece and rinsing the mouthpiece and cap in warm water. It 's best to do this in the evening so the mouthpiece can "air dry" overnight.

3. You have they have exactly how much oxygen they have so they are do not run short during an outing. It & # 39; s very important not to smoke near oxygen. Encourage your clients and their family members not to smoke at all.

4. Try not to let your clients with COPD do too much in one day. first -when they have the most energy. And, suggest that your clients sit Believe it or not, sitting uses 25% less energy than standing.

5. Even low amounts of ozone can worsen respiratory diseases.

6. If your clients experience shortness of breath during mealtimes, eat several small meals instead of three big ones; eat slowly and chew foods well; breathe evenly when chewing; take plenty of time to eat ; and avoid hard to eat foods.

7. Staying hydrated is important, too. Encourage your clients to drink plenty of fluids. This is a good way to keep the mucus loose so that it can be taken up by coughing.

8. Avoid wearing strong perfumes or using strong-smelling cleaning fluids around clients with COPD.

9. Many people with COPD also have allergies or asthma. Them yourself drinking, pollen, strong odors, cigarette smoke and pets. Help them avoid these allergy "triggers".

10. Remember ... encourage your clients and their family members not to smoke. Most smokers make smile all successfully quit the habit each year. Of course, it is not easy to quit. five Offer praise and support when your clients quit smoking. Posted by: ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 (And be a good example yourself by not smoking!)

 Are Your Nursing Assistants in the Know About COPD? <br/>-2

 Are Your Nursing Assistants in the Know About COPD? <br/>-2

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