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 City hazard - flash flood -2

The aftermath of their aftermath brings critical criticism not only to the management of risks and disaster management, but also to the person in charge of accounting for urban planning. If disasters are fatal, a considerable number of dead people get involved, fears, sufferings, and photographs of losses widely disclosed by the media become intensified, criticism becomes a crescendo "poor management and negligence" I will. A rapid rapid flood warned that urban planners should raise attention and pay more attention to rapid urbanization and environmental standards for industrialization. The full spread of the reality of the environment and the state of natural resources and the step of ensuring human safety should have provided an excessive framework in making decisions concerning transportation, industry and urban construction. (Me)

Responding to the problem of flood risk in areas with high population density was historically a constant factor in human settlements. Most cities are located in valleys, floodplains, coasts. Due to the nature that it has a large area of ​​impermeability, it can not deal with drainage networks and creates large outflows that may be exposed to floods. It is recognized that the possibility of damage by urban flooding is very high. Given the high urban population density, even small floods can cause damage. At the extreme end of the disaster, development may be delayed significantly due to floods caused by urban flooding. With the climate change and global warming, the frequency and scale of floods, urbanization will continue, the growth will be unbalanced, and the economic cost due to flooding will soar rapidly. Sustainable management of urban flood risk has become an increasingly difficult task for city / municipal authorities. (Ii)

Flood flooding is characterized by a very rapid rise and recession associated with debris flow and landslides occurring in small drainage zones along river basins and rivers. Their distinctive feature is to draw clear pictures. Sudden floods suddenly occur easily and frequently, are very destructive, and defense is difficult. Recent sudden floods have resulted in highly destructive disasters such as recent sudden floods in Istanbul, Turkey. In most cases, a break from the flood protection facility is necessary.

Rapid economic growth exacerbates disasters caused by floods. As new construction takes over cultivated land and urban population density increases, infrastructure growth may not progress in parallel. Progress of urbanization inevitably reduces habitat for flood prevention such as vegetation and wetlands.

The pattern of urban flooding is almost the same with that force. Small rivers, canals, channels, drains will flow through dangerous rivers. In places where the terrain is flat, on the primary and secondary roads, floods, roads and torrents of parking lands are flooded as water rivers. As implied, the flood of floods will rise sharply within minutes or hours. Water rises rapidly, carrying cars, splitting trees from the ground, destroying roads and bridges.

Reducing disaster risk in identified potential flood affected areas needs to focus on the extent of exposure and vulnerability. Exposure by urban rivers, including infrastructure (roads, bridges, dams, power houses) located in the same area, requires greater attention. We can minimize vulnerability at the time of disaster by guidance of flood, community awareness raising campaign, early warning system, planned emergency response plan etc. At the World Conference on Disaster Reduction held in Kobe in January 2005, the early warning system was called mainly by people, and alarmed timely and certainly to people who are in danger.

It generally occurs naturally, but human activities and infrastructure design are dramatically increasing. There are only a few countries that have formulated the flood management plan. Among those people, China has imposed a serious fines against negligence. Flooding floods are occurring frequently in China, with two thirds of the area in China being a mountainous area, with the current monsoon climate, fragile mountainous areas and increasing human activities adding the current natural disaster. This threat is facing the total population exposed to the flood caused by the floods in the mountains area of ​​74 million people. In the period of 40 years (1950-1990), a total of 225,000 people in China died in the flood. (Iii) The action plan seeks approval of new constructions in urban planning, subject to the completion of flood assessment.

Prior to approving the construction project, the city / municipal authorities were able to investigate the situation affecting the construction area. Best practices in the management of floods in urban areas is to strengthen the chain of disaster management and to extend these to urban planning. Some of the permissions include helping municipalities prepare for climate change. (Iv)

Other than that, there is a growing awareness that "rapid flooding in the city" occurs unless it is organized unplanned like in West Africa. The Gardena Wave suburb of Dakar was a dry zone 30 years ago. Today, that is another story. Residents in this high-population suburbs withstand flooding during the rainy season. (V) Explosive population growth, insufficient urban management, urban congestion, discrimination elimination in the Green Belt Zone all lead to shortening of fuse for disasters. Population overcrowding in the northern part of Nigeria is holding people who build dwellings in the waterway, and the natural drainage system is blocked by garbage. Despite prohibiting the construction of Dakar's "cap vert" wetlands, this flood area suffered from rural-urban migration waves with the drought of the 1970s and 1980s sub-Saharan It was. Now the area is full of buildings and roads that block natural waterways and basins.

References: -
(I) Today's Zaman. Klaus · You Jeans. Urban development limit: Has it reached the limit of urban planning?
(Ii) Related Program on Flood Management (APFM).
(Iii) Flash flood management in China urbanization, Shu Chuan Chu and Li Ju Wing, China Academy of Sciences Kunming Institute.
(Iv) Flood prediction and management in urban areas (URBAS), Thomas Einfeldt, Andreas Wagner, Fritz Hatzfeld, Jörg Seltmann.
(V) IRIN, West Africa, city surge causes flooding, Dakar, 14 September 2009.

 City hazard - flash flood -2

 City hazard - flash flood -2

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