What is diabetes?
It will be like a starving (glucose). It would be like a starving person surrounded by tables of wonderful food but their mouth has been sewn closed and they can not eat.
Diabetes can cause serious health complications including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity amputations. About 17 million Americans are believed to have diabetes and one-third of these patients. Therefore, it is very important to have diabetes carries the carriage the same risk of having a heart attack as someone who has already had such an event. Additionally, there is a lot of tobacco products multiplies the risks and should be stopped.
Are there different kinds of diabetes?
(Sugar) for energy, and that causes the levels of glucose (sugar) in your is not it to under use reason why your body. First, the cells of your body are used as glucose are important as they must be able to remove sugar from the blood and put it inside the cell as a fuel. Secondly, the insulin which is made by your pancreas (an organ near your stomach) is important to allow the sugar to enter the cell (the key to unlock the door to enter), and lastly, glucose which is broken down Now if you think of the disease diabetes as involving a locking gas cap on your car, it will be easier to understand.
If you understand how a locking gas cap works, then you can understand how diabetes works. Insulin is the key to the locking gas cap, and glucose would be the fuel for In other forms of diabetes, your body some insulin (keys) but not much as your body. to carve in insubin (keys) so you can not get glucose (fuel) into your cells. Another thing that happens is that some of the locks on the cells will rusty and will not work properly. So even if you If insulin (keys) you can not get insulin resistance. The result of all is this glucose (fuel) inside the cell for energy. in your blood.
Types Of Diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed in children and young adults and only accounts for 5 to 10% of diabetes patients. In type 1 diabetes the pancreas does not make any insulin (keys) at all.
In type 2 diabetes, either your body does not make enough insulin (keys), or the cells in your body ignore (Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the disease. When insulin (the lock is rusty and does not work) so they can not use glucose like they are supposedly to. When your cells ignore the insulin, as stated above, it is often referred to as insulin resistance.
If not raised, it can cause problems for mothers and babies and usually disappears when the pregnancy is over. Other types of diabetes derived from specific genetic syndromes, surgery, drugs, malnutrition, infections, and other illnesses may account for 1% to 2% of all cases of diabetes.
How do you get diabetes?
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include older age, obesity, family history of diabetes, prior history of gestational diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, physical inactivity, and race / ethnicity. less well defined for type 1 diabetes than for type 2 diabetes, but autoimmune, genetic, and environmental factors are involved in developing this type of diabetes.
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
They may have SOME or NONE of the following symptoms: frequent urination, excessive thirst, unexplained weight loss, extreme hunger, sudden vision changes, tingling or numbness in hands or feet , feeling very tired lot of the time, very dry skin, sores that are slow to heal, more infections than usual. Nausea, vomiting, or stomach pains may accompany some of these symptoms in the abrupt onset of type 1 diabetes.
Glucose is sugar! So all I have to avoid is avoid sweets, right?
It is not that simple. Proteins are It is not that simple. Protesins are Protesins are Proteins are In healthy people, the blood picks I am afraid that my blood picks it up and carries it for yourself and tobacco products. Remember, in Type 2 diabetes your body does not make enough insulin (keys), or some of your cells are ignoring the insulin that is there. your both do not get rushed and will not work your need do not get the glucose they need for energy and they are starving while all the extra glucose is just floating in your blood and can not be used. That is why it is causing damage to your blood vessels and organs and that damage. That is why it is very important to keep your blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible. When the glucose levels get really high, the glucose starts to leak out into your urine.
How do you treat diabetes?
The type of insulin taken must be balanced with food intake and daily activities. For patients 1 diabetes, healthy eating, physical activity, and insulin injections are the basic therapies. with type 1 diabetes, blood glucose levels must be closely monitored through frequent blood glucose testing.
In addition, many people with type 2 diabetes require oral medication, insulin, or both to control their blood glucose levels. Some of the oral medicines work It orth medicines work to make the rusty locks start working.. It fixes the lock on the WD-40 for the rusty locks on the cells. cells the the insulin (keys) can not the glucose (fuel) inside. the glucose (fuel) is allowed inside the cell, your blood sugar level will will drop back down to normal.
What medicine am I going to have to take for my diabetes?
These these prescriptions can cause certain nutritional deficiencies that may increase your risk for chronic degenerative diseases. NutraMD Diabetes Essential Nutrients® supplement was designed to work with your diabetic medications by replacing lost nutrients reducing the risk of dangerous side effects, and promote better health
The main classes of diabetic medications include sulfonylureas, biguanides, and thiazolidinediones.
Sulfonylureas include the following medications:
Orinase, Tolinase, Diabinese, Glipizide, Glyburide, Amaryl, Prandin, Starlix
Sulfonylureas can to increase insulin production in the beta cells of the body & # 39; s normal metabolism of Coenzyme Q10. Since CoQ10 is necessary to make energy in all tissues of the body, this effect may decrease your body & # 39; s natural ability to utilize or "burn up" sugars, and may even reduce the pancreas to produce insulin over time.
Biguanides include the following medications:
Glucophage (Metformin)
Glucovance (metformin + glyburide)
Unfortunately, biguanides you have shown that this product of glucose by the liver is glucose by the liver after reducing blood glucose levels. Your doctor may prescribe this type of medicine in combination with sulfonylureas insulin, or a class of drugs known as thiazolidinediones. to deplete vitamin B - 12, folic acid and Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ 10). A few of the problems which may arise from deficiencies of folate and vitamin B - 12 include the following: Heart disease, stroke, anemia, arthritis, joint pain, muscle Therefore to reduce potential side effects of nutrient deficiencies you should not def nutritional deficiencies which may may add to to these risk factors. Painting, pain, and neuropathies (nerve damage). take NutraMD Diabetes Essential Nutrients® supplement as long as you are on your diabetic medication.
CoQ10 deficiency has been linked to the following diseases and symptoms: Congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, rhabdomyolysis (muscle break down), Therefore, you should compliment your prescription medication by taking NutraMD Diabetes Essential Nutrients® supplement. By doing this, you will balance the risk / benefit ratio further in your favor.
However, you should also be aware that the long term potential nutritional side effects may be just as big a risk factor for your health as the disease you set out to treat in the first place. Put the odds in your favor and maintain your health with NutraMD Diabetes Essential Nutrients® supplement
How do I know I am keeping my blood sugar under control?
Most patients with diabetes should have a home blood monitoring kit. Some doctors ask their patients to check their blood sugar as frequently at 6 more a day, though this is an extreme. People with diabetes must take responsibility for their day-to-day care, and keep blood glucose levels from going too low or too high.
When your blood sugar is too high, your do sugar is too high, you may not experience any symptoms, but the high levels of glucose in your blood is caused damage your blood vessels and organs. That is why it is important to have your body utilize the sugar properly and get it out of your bloodstream.
When you are hypoglycemia. Having low blood sugar can be very dangerous and patient medication for diabetes should watch for symptoms of low blood sugar. It is also important that your monitor your blood sugar regularly to avoid both low as well as high blood sugar. It is important that you keep your blood sugar as close to normal as possible at all times.
How does my doctor know if I am keeping my blood sugar under control?
Some patients are may not follow the theme diet and exercise for the days leading up to a blood test in the doctor. It is called the hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) test. Hemoglobin is the part of your blood glucose test results will be good for the doctor. blood, or red cells, that carries oxygen to your cells. Glucose sticks to the hemoglobin in your blood cells from the blood as they emerge from the bone marrow where they are made.
So if there is has been a lot of extra glucose in your blood cell sugar on the mother the red cell goes into circulation. blood, there will be a lot of glucose stuck all over your hemoglobin. after the average lifespan of the hemoglobin in your blood is 90-100 days, a HbA1C test shows a doctor how well you have been controlling your blood sugar over the last 3 This is is check on the whole sugar. So it is important to control your blood sugar. It's important to control your blood sugar at all times, and not just before visiting the doctor. is so that you can not live a longer, healthier life without complications that can caused raised by not controlling your diabetes.
What happens if I do not control my diabetes?
The complications of diabetes can be devastating. The damage that hyperglycemia causes to your body is extensive and includes:
Damage to the retina from diabetes (diabetic retinopathy) is a leading cause of blindness.
Diabetes predisposes people to high blood pressure and high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The risk of heart disease, kidney disease, and other blood vessel complications.
Damage to the nerves in the autonomic nervous system can lead to paralysis of the stomach (gastroparesis), chronic diarrhea, and an inability to control to heart rate and blood pressure with post changes.
Damage to the kidneys from diabetes (diabetic nephropathy) is a leading cause of kidney failure.
Damage to the nerves from diabetes (diabetic neuropathy) is a leading cause of lack of normal sensation in the foot, which can lead to wounds and ulcers, and all too frequently to foot and leg amputations.
Diabetes accelerates atherosclerosis or "hardening of the arteries", and the formation of fatty plaques inside the arms, which can lead to blockages or a clot (thrombus), which can then lead to heart attack, stroke, and decreased circulation in the arms and legs (peripheral vascular disease).
Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, occurrence from time to time in most people with diabetes. Medication or insulin, missing a meal, doing more exercise than usual, drinking too much alcohol, or taking certain medicines for other You can misunderstand or have a seizure if blood sugar level gets too low.
High level of ketones can be very harmful. This is a serious condition that is unserrolled hyperglycemia (usually due to complete lack of insulin or a relative deficiency of insulin) over time creates a buildup in the blood of acid blood waste products called ketones. Diabetic ketoacidosis can be precipitated by infection, stress, trauma, missing medications like insulin, or medical emergencies like stroke and heart attack.
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome in a serious condition in which the blood sugar level gets very high. This increase the amount of urine significantly and often leads to dehydration so severe That syndrome happens seizures, coma, even death. This syndrome happens in people with type 2 diabetes who are not controlling their blood sugar levels have or have become dehydrated or have stress, injury, stroke, or medications like steroids.
My doctor says I have pre-diabetes? What is that?
Pre-diabetes. Pre-diabetes increased risk of getting type 2 diabetes and of having heart This can prevent, or at least delay, onset of type 2 diabetes. When associated with certain other abnormalities, it is also called the metabolic syndrome.
The amount of glucose (? Sugar) in your blood changes through the day and night. What is you, you and I have an exercised. Diabetes Association categories for normal blood sugar levels are the following, based on how your glucose levels are tested:
A fasting blood glucose test: This test is carried out for eight hours. A normal fasting blood glucose level is less than 100 mg / dl. A diagnosis of diabetes is made if your blood glucose reading is 126 mg / dl or higher. (In 1997, the American Diabetes Association lowered the level at which diabetes is diagnosed to 126 mg / dl from 140 mg / dl.)
A normal blood glucose range is in the low to mid 100s. A diagnosis of diabetes is made if your blood glucose reading is 200 mg / dl or higher and you have symptoms of disease such as fatigue, excess urination, excessive thirst or unplanned weight loss.
Another test called the oral glucose tolerance test may be be performed instead. In this case, you are be asked, after fast overnight, to drink a sugar-water solution. Your blood glucose levels will then be tested over several hours. diabetes, glucose levels rise and then fall quickly after drinking the solution. In a person with diabetes, blood glucose levels rise higher than normal and do not fall as quickly.
Diabetes is diagnosed if your blood glucose reading two hours after drinking the solution is less than 140 mg / dl, and all readings between the start of the test until two hours after the start of the test are 200 mg / dl or higher.
What else do you need to do if I have diabetes?
People with diabetes must see their diabetes control and help them learn to manage their diabetes. Podiatrists for routine foot podiatrists for diabetes care people, diabetes may see endocrinologists, may also endocrinologists, who may specialize in diabetes care; ophthalmologists for eye examinations; podiatrists for routine foot care; and dietitians and diabetes educators who teach the skills needed for daily diabetes management.
These include vascular diseases that result in heart attack and stroke, kidney damage leading to kidney failure, damage to nerves (neuropathy), retinal damage It is therefore Crucial to control the diabetes as well as the other risk factors for artery diseases that cause heart attack and stroke.
Medications are insist on a good diet and regular exercise. Medications are added to lower the blood sugar, and if these are inadequate, insulin or other injectable medication will be required. The medications that treat diabetes may cause depletion of folic acid, which in turn can cause a high homocysteine, you can shift shift the risks in your favor by taking NutraMD Diabetes Essential Nutrients along with your doctor prescribed medicines.