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 Does Home Insurance Protect Against Skunk 's Smell? <br/>-2

The frigid temps of winter have got us shivering even if we do layer on the outerwear. The one saving grace of this awfully suffering climate is the sanctuary called home.

Ah, home, every man & # 39; s castle, where each one can can take comfort from the freezes of this brutal season!

A horrid odor accosted their nostrils: the same as the welcoming they encounter they encounter their arriving at the doorstep was not as welcoming. unmistaken putrid stink of a skunk.

But the undeniable strong reek of a skunk & # 39; s spray was there - everywhere - in every nook and cranny - on all three levels of the structure!

Braving the cold again, the threesome entered their car and drove to the local supermarket to purchase any form of sweet smells that would cover and / or eliminate the stench.

After strategically spraying the anti-bad-smell around, the family spent the night at a neighbors & # 39; home The next morning, they entered their house with a good dose of trepidation. Fortunately, the smell had mitigated immensely.

When Mom pushed open the kitchen shade and let out a loud gasp, all knew the reason. Gathering around the window, the family members surveyed the pitiful sight of a dead skunk on their lawn.

And fortunately, the smell dissipated more and more.

"What if the odor could not be contained? What if it would have contaminated house, and all contents included, rendering them impossible and home unlivable? Would the homeowners insurance kick in to help?"

Here is what the insurance industry says about skunk damages.

But, yes, a skunk would fit the definition of Wings, not a mouse or rat. a wild animal.

So, in an uncomplicated one-time event of a skunk damaging property - an incident that the homeowner would not have been able to prevent it - the policyholder 's submitted related claim would most likely be honored and processed.

Black and white episode & # 39; (pun intended!) So it & # 39; s best to consult with a knowledgeable independent agent about your coverage and how it relates to the likelihood of a wild event like theymer!

 Does Home Insurance Protect Against Skunk 's Smell? <br/>-2

 Does Home Insurance Protect Against Skunk 's Smell? <br/>-2

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