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 Best herb for internal detoxification - Elimination of 5 channels -2

Removing the accumulated waste body is strong. A long-standing powerful natural healing agent refers to the internal clean time and once again points out as the foundation of optimal health. Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. Norman Walker, Dr., Dr. Jon Matsen, author of Eating Alive, Dr. Paul Bragg, Dr. Herbert Shelton, Dr. Paavo Airola all emphasized the need for purification in our body. The list of allegations continues. The question is not whether to detox any longer, how.

At the end of the 19th century, Dr. John Herbie Kellogg of Kellogg's fame and movie "The Lord of Wellville" provided guests with a variety of cleaning programs with Battle Creek Sanitarium. After that, Dr. Jensen helped thousands of patients treat various diseases through internal purification at the farm which was done in Escondido, California. However, today it is not realistic for most people to drop everything into the "clean house" at a time for several days, weeks, or months. We can no longer have time, but our need for detoxification has increased before.

Today, toxins from all directions will impact our body. Poisons contaminate the air we breathe. They see the water we drink and penetrate into the food we eat. Just avoid them. In 1993 more than 271 million pounds of toxic chemicals (phosphoric acid, ammonia, sulfuric acid, methanol, etc.) were dumped into our water supply. Agribusiness uses 33 times more pesticides today than 50 years ago. The simple truth is your filtration and the exclusion organs are not designed to handle such a heavy load. Sometimes, they are overworked, dull toxins begin accumulating throughout the body.

It can not stay inside. EPA reports that pollutant levels in buildings are 100 times higher than outdoor pollution levels. Times magazine, December 21, 1998, in the article "This Place makes Me Sick", a disease-strengthening syndrome in which a sealed energy-saving building is a disease of recent years. These include paint, vinyl flooring, insulation and outgassing of furniture. Includes outflow of chemical pollutants from copiers, facsimiles, laser printers, dirty air ducts, sediment from mature air conditioners, fungi, fungi, bacteria, dust and so on. It is enough to make you sick ... it is so.

But if this toxic monster looks invincible, do not despair. Therapeutic and internal cleansing can be released to remove the load from the organ being removed and to work. Remember that these poisons are hidden in all of your body, soft tissues, organs and systems. Avoid mistakes focusing on the colon. Colon cleansing does good to you, but improvement is the limit. The colon is the most obvious one, but it is only one of five elimination paths in your body. Lung, lymphatic system, kidney and skin each play an important role in the cleansing process. In order to obtain the maximum effect, we need to solve them all. The liver, the main filter of blood flow, needs to be detoxified almost certainly. However, unless it is particularly weak or toxic, liver purification should wait until the toxic load of the rest of the body is reduced.

Fortunately, modern herbalists have formulated an excellent cleansing product that delivers a wonderful effect without putting your life on hold. Different herbs are targeted to different organs and systems. The design of cleansing products must be adequate to do thorough work. The highest purifying action activates five excretion pathways and promotes the release of toxins from all corners. What you are looking for is here.

Channel # 1 - colon
If you do not defecate 2-3 times daily, constipation and always toxic.

Treatment herbs

Chicken Strengthen the intestines.

Fennel seeds Improve digestion and let gas escape.

Root ginger It acts as a cleansing agent.

marshmallow Remove the hardened mucus from the intestine.

peppermint Clean and strengthen the intestines.

Plantain It is one of the best herbs to neutralize poisons and decompose intestinal mucus.

Slipper Rierm I heal the intestine (and lungs) and tickle it.

Fenugreek Lubricate the intestines and dissolve the hardened mucus.

Colon health food

linseed - Gentle bulking agent.

Millers Blanc - Fiber that helps restore peristaltic movement.

whey - Acidify the colon.

Brewer's yeast - Supplies B complex vitamins, amino acids, minerals to support nerve supply to the colon.

Yogurt - Friendly bacteria will be supplied.

Super green food - Chlorella, spirulina, blue-green algae helps detoxify the entire body.

The colon friendly eating habits are big vegetarians packed with high fibrous vegetables, fruits, whole grains, cereals, salads.

Channel # 2 - lungs

Every time you exhale you are losing a waste.

Treatment herbs

Black cohosh It helps to unravel mucus from the bronchus and drain it.

Fenugreek It helps to eliminate sputum, toxic waste and protects from infection.

Root ginger It is a cleaning agent for the lungs.

Licorice root Reduce excess fluid in the lungs.

Miren Loosen mucus.

marshmallow Remove mucus.

Slipper Rierm There are healing and healing in the lungs.

Lobelia It alleviates bronchospasm and congestion.

Lung health food

Diet for lung health should contain high content of vegetable protein, whole grain flour, refined carbohydrate and starch. Fruits such as apricot, peach, plum are good for lungs as well as aquaculture foods such as yoghurt, kefir, and miso.

Channel # 3 - lymphatic system

This circulatory system removes cellular debris in the body and occupies the majority of the immune system.

Treatment herbs

Black cohosh It stimulates lymphatic secretion.

Echinacea Improve lymph drainage.

Fenugreek Promotes the release of toxic waste from lymph.

And because liver fatigue and stress weaken lymphatic function, we support the liver:

Root of dandelion It is a powerful liver antidote.

Milk thistle Very protective, it cleanses the liver.

Lymphatic health food

Saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, and too much water intake slow down lymph flow. A colon-friendly diet is also good for lymph. Also, I would like to add potassium-rich foods such as broccoli, banana, black olives. Fresh vegetable juice made from carrots, celery, spinach and parsley is ideal for lymphatic system and liver. Please buy what you bought newly at a health food store. If you are particularly motivated, please make yourself with 3 juice extractors, 3 celery, spinach and a bunch of parsley.

Channel # 4 - kidney

Adjustment of water and electrolyte, maintenance of normal acid-base equilibrium, maintenance of important substances, elimination of metabolic waste are kidneys. responsibility.

Treatment herbs

Burdock root It helps to detox the kidneys.

Root ginger Detoxify the kidneys.

Horse tail Tone the kidneys and bladder.

Kidney health food

Emphasize garlic, onions, papaya, banana, buds, leaf green, cucumber and watermelon - everything is cured of the kidneys. Avoid heavy starch, lean, dairy products (excluding aquaculture), sophisticated, salty, fatty (fast) foods. All of these suppress the kidneys. Filtering ability. Generally, a healthy diet rich in water will support healthy kidneys.

Channel # 5 - Skin

The largest organ in the body is the largest organ that removes more than 20% of your body's waste. If you want to detoxify, you need to sweat.

Treatment herbs

Herbs purifying blood have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Black cohosh Neutralize poison in the blood.

Yellow dog Great blood builder.

Burdock root It is one of the best blood purifiers.

Root of dandelion Detoxify the liver and blood.

Yarrow Open the pores and allow free sweating.

Health food for skin care

Food for healthy skin includes mineral-rich foods such as chlorophyll, peppers, broccoli, sunflower and sesame, fish, marine vegetables. Aquaculture foods such as yogurt and kefir will provide friendly bacteria. Eat a lot of high moisture content food. When you consume vegetables and vegetables and drink plenty of water, you drink 6 to 8 bottles of water or filtered water every day.

By turbocharging the cleansing process with a change in herbs and lifestyle, thousands of clients alleviate gastrointestinal problems, reduce weight, improve poor skin, reduce allergies, constipation, fatigue, headache, cerebral fog, I eliminated menstrual problems. To Opportunity, it can also help you.

Sam Rose, CN MS is an approved and certified nutritionist and owner of Rose Nutrition Center in Western Los Angeles. He can access sam@rosenutrition.com or 310-473-8835.


 Best herb for internal detoxification - Elimination of 5 channels -2

 Best herb for internal detoxification - Elimination of 5 channels -2

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