Good oral hygiene protects your family's general well-being. Healthy teeth not only help you chew and chew your food properly but also help you improve your looks, make your speech perfect, and confidently help you move with people.
The number of the first impression and this is the reason why it is very important to have a smile with a smile. Prevent caries and gingival diseases by maintaining good oral hygiene. Keep your teeth clean for a healthy pink gum. If you have healthy teeth, you will not feel pain or bleeding during brushing or flossing. Bad breath is no longer a problem. A healthy mouth means a healthy body and a happy lifestyle.
Today, corruption of children's teeth is becoming common. It is very painful and gum infections can also cause frustration with diet, physical growth, school participation and speech.
As a parent, you must understand that oral health care begins before the eruption of your baby 's teeth. Parents should help brushing and flossing until the child reaches seven years. A beautiful smile shows good oral hygiene, so if you do not like what you are seeing, it is imperative to check with your dentist.
Permanent teeth appear when your child is about 6 to 7 years old. This starts the problem of orthodontics while bone is growing. It is an ideal time to evaluate a child and decide whether or not orthodontic treatment is necessary immediately or after that. Oral hygiene also checks sleep problems, behavior and growth problems.
When becoming a teenager, I gradually become concerned about their appearance. It has to be revealed that bad oral hygiene causes dirt, bad breath, missing teeth, and other tooth problems. Teenagers can use fluoride rinse to prevent healthy teeth and tooth decay.
By properly polishing the teeth at least twice a day at least using fluoride containing toothpaste, bacteria are controlled. It is convenient to brush your tongue every day and wipe lightly. Oral washing is recommended to prevent gingivitis, strengthen enamel, and stop bad breath. Consider to eat a nutritionally balanced diet with little sugar. It fights disease and makes strong teeth and gums with stronger healing ability. If you receive regular dental examinations, you can remove stubborn dental plaque that can only be removed with special instruments. Otherwise, acid from this plaque will dissolve the enamel and inflate the gum tissue.
If harmful bacteria are left unchecked and left untreated, there is a possibility of oral infection that damages the bones and destroys the tissues around the teeth without being treated. This will cause tooth decay, tooth loss, inappropriate gum disease, and bacteria will more easily penetrate your bloodstream. Furthermore, if you are pregnant, you need to be more concerned about oral hygiene. Gingival disease can contribute to preterm birth and low birth weight.
Cavities and gingival diseases can also lead to diabetes and respiratory diseases. Infection of the mouth moving to the lungs may contribute to weak conditions of the lungs. In recent research, heart attacks and strokes are associated with gum disease. Regular medical examinations and dental care are historically useful for timely diagnosis of treatment again. Smoking and tobacco use also increases the risk of gum disease and mouth and throat cancer.
Oral health is much more important than you can understand. It can shorten your lifespan and lower the quality of your lifestyle. Prevention is always better than treatment. So practicing good oral health will be refreshed and added to your personality.