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 Doctors are not health experts -2

According to several studies CDC and many other researchers reported to the American Medical Association journal, prescription drugs are one of the most influential killers in the United States.

Because the most reliable information sources do not link all of the ways that prescription drugs kill people into one study, it is a little difficult to figure out the number of accidental deaths due to prescription drugs.

For example, in April 2008, CDC examined in 2005 to discuss that 22,400 people were killed by an unintended prescription overdose and that the murder exceeded about 5,000 deaths.

However, as the death toll of 22,400 people comes out, the death toll due to side effects from prescription medication is not included.

In one study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the number is the death to 106,000 people per year. The same study reports that more than 2 million people are hospitalized each year due to unexpected reactions to drugs prescribed by physicians.

When adding 22,400 deaths due to accidental overdose to 106,000 people who died of prescription drug side effects, the annual death from prescription drugs will be 128,400 people. However, this 128,400 people still do not contain tens of thousands of deaths in US hospitals due to errors in doctors and nurses giving patients wrong drugs.

However, using the estimated deaths of 128,400 reported in these studies, the number of Americans who accidentally died of prescription drugs is more than three times the number of people who died in a car accident each year It is 43 times the number of Americans who died in 9/11 who was killed in Iraq and continues every year.

For obvious reasons it is widely acknowledged that doctors, including doctors, have not reported all deaths caused by prescription drugs. Many experts conclude that the number of deaths due to prescription drugs may be more than double that of reported deaths. As a result, the annual number of deaths due to prescription drugs exceeds 250,000 people per year.

The very large number of deaths is that it is a poison designed to block the body's ability to cause symptoms by interfering with the normal biological function of the body.

Several small prescription drugs can overwhelm you and exactly what do these medicines do to hundreds of undoubted Americans every day?

When your doctor handed over the prescription, did you say that you are betting on your life when swallowing your prescription?

Of the deaths of 128,400 people annually caused by prescription medication immediately after drugs are taken are the slow deaths and diseases experienced by millions of Americans caused by long-term symptoms.

Symptom masking maintenance drug

Imagine driving a road in your car. You do not know that but a small hole is in the hose. The hole causes leakage of the fluid which keeps the inside of the engine car cool. Over the last 5,000 miles, just enough coolant leaked, causing your engine to overheat a bit.

A small hole in the hose is the first problem for your car. The second problem is overheating of the engine. Suddenly a red light will appear on the dashboard. Red light is a symptom.

You go home and park your car at night. On the way to work the next day, the red light will reappear. After one week, the red light on the dashboard disturbs and puts the masking tape on the red light.

You are proud of a wonderful exhibition of originality to eliminate the deteriorating red light.

However, after a week, the engine sits on transportation and the engine burns, smoke starts spreading from under the hood. Your car is dead.

Is it silly sound? Well, in this example, I summarize the exercise to prescribe a conservative drug that masks symptoms considerably.

Only the medicine that hides the symptoms worsens. Because contained poison causes new problems.

A medicine that is ingested every week, every month, every year and trying to find a solution that is different from the underlying medical problem is a conservative. Maintenance medicine is used every day 365 days, pills frequently taken several times, or when severe symptoms recur.

Your health depends on ensuring that your doctor prescribed medication is taken every month for several months or years.

Medicines that mask symptoms do nothing to solve the problem your body faces. Because they do nothing to solve the problem, the problem gets worse in most cases, you must always take more powerful medicine, or you need to add more medication to what you are already taking there is.

Using a pill to mask annual symptoms often leads to more serious illness and death, just as cars die by covering the red warning lights on your dashboard.

It is important to know what the symptoms are.

Common symptoms include pain, swelling, rash, fever, fatigue, headache, dizziness, dizziness, blinking, insomnia, anxiety, tingling of fingers and toes, blood in urine,

Symptoms are undesirable conditions and experiences you encounter with a doctor. Symptoms are awkward, painful or ugly.

But you need to understand that these annoying, painful or ugly symptoms are not really the problems you have. These are the only symptoms to know immediately that the body is facing the problem. All awkward or painful conditions are symptoms with a fundamental problem.

The underlying problem causing nasty, painful or ugly symptoms, the challenges facing the body are as follows. Overnutrition of thousands of chemicals added to foods, excessive consumption, too much carbohydrate (sugar), too much vegetable oil, too much sugar, too much sugar, Excessive caffeine exposed to toxins, injured organ, stress, exposure to pesticides, ingestion of too much alcohol, food ingredients such as MSG and aspartame, many combinations of the above, or thousands of other It is difficult for anybody in the body to function properly, there are problems that cause symptoms. When the body is faced with one of these fundamental problems or a combination thereof, symptoms appear and inform you that there is a problem.

Also, although the symptoms are pain, annoying, unsightly, but only symptoms, it is not the cause of the problem.

The way to restore your health condition is to decide what causes the symptoms, identify the underlying problem, eliminate or correct the underlying problem, and avoid challenging the body. When the problem is resolved, the symptoms disappear automatically, and continuation of medication is not necessary.

However, most maintenance drugs prescribed by doctors only mask their symptoms. When you stop taking medicine the symptoms will reappear.

Usually, there is no attempt to fix the underlying problem. The doctor will not know what the underlying problem is many times. The doctor only knows which tablets to prescribe cause the symptoms to disappear. However, since the fundamental problem is not solved, symptoms that require stronger drugs may return, or the same symptoms may appear and prescribe a second drug designed to stop new symptoms.

Most drugs that hide the symptoms are powerful poisons and react the body in such a way as to stop the symptoms. Because they are poisons, they not only do nothing to solve the fundamental problem, they actually harm the body like a toxin. Also, as the problem continues, you need to continue taking medication indefinitely. The purpose of conservative drugs to hide the symptoms is to keep you taking forever. They are rackets that earn money.

The possibility that a conservative drug is a hazardous substance is that it has a long list of harmful side effects. Other indications that the drug may be a toxin are that it is a controlled substance or that the amount of active ingredient required to have a sudden or dramatic effect on the body is less than 100 milligrams .

How can poison help the body? Can not. A toxic medicine only triggers the body's reaction to eliminate symptoms. Poison will not heal. Think about it.

Antibiotics are an exception. These drugs attack bacteria that cause infection. But they are not conservative. The doctor prescribes antibiotics for short term use. It is not designed to be taken every year 365 days a year.

Some prescription drugs provide substances that the body normally produces but do not produce in sufficient quantities to avoid symptoms. These medications are used as maintenance drugs, which may take 365 days per year, but they are not actually toxins. However, in many cases, if you give all the necessary nutrients instead of taking this type of medicine, the body can produce enough necessary substances, making it difficult for the body to produce them It is excluded from meals and the environment.

Hiding symptoms When taking toxic conservative drugs, taking the medicine that causes symptoms to disappear does not remove the underlying cause of the symptoms, the body faces two problems.

The first problem your body faces is the underlying problem that caused the annoying or sore symptoms that the doctor first gave you go. Because I did not try to find out what it is, I really do not understand the fundamental problem. Remember, the medicine did not resolve the underlying problem. It only stopped the symptoms with poison which caused the body to react so that symptoms can not be stopped. The second problem is to eliminate toxins in drugs that are currently taking to stop the first symptoms.

As the body now faces a new problem that makes it weak, the body will eventually send another signal telling you that the poison of the medicine is getting hard to deal with it. Hundreds of symptoms that need help, pain, weakness, tingling, pain, headache, blurred vision, loss of balance, burning sensation during urination, rash, fever, something new. The new problem is a powerful poison of the medication you are taking to hide the original symptoms.

When your doctor learns new symptoms, your new symptoms may be listed in dozens of the side effects of the first symptom masking drug, but it is often the second drug that stops the side effects of the first drug Give medicine.

The new toxic drug stimulates the body reaction, interferes with the body reaction, and the new symptoms disappear.

Then, there are three underlying problems in the body.

1) the problem that caused the first symptoms not yet determined,
2) coping with the toxin in the masking drug of the first symptom, and
3) The first symptom The second symptom designed to hide the side effects of masking drugs Dealing with masking drug toxins

Your body is weak and faces more challenges as the body is fighting with two toxic drugs, in addition to the first challenge that has not been identified yet. Over time, your body sends another signal, but it is another symptom that tells you that you are not copying. The first symptom is worse than when I first went to the doctor.

And I think that when you tell this new symptom to him, you know what your gentle doctor prescribes. Another patented toxicity maintenance drug on the right, which induces a body reaction and covers a new symptom, further weakens the body as the immune system must eliminate poison from the third toxic tablet .

Maintenance medicine does not solve the difficulties of the body. They join the difficulties of the body. However, they are confident that they will bring great benefits to the pharmaceutical industry. When you begin taking expensive small pills daily, when you start taking expensive toxic drugs designed to hide the symptoms, the body weakens and weakens and the doctor moves back and forth among various toxic drugs, . And for the rest of your life for 365 days, you take a penny to manufacture, but you are taking a weak pill that sells hundreds, thousands of dollars each year.

This is one of the best safe racks invented so far. In the 2000 National Health and Nutrition Survey, 44% of Americans are taking at least one prescription medication and 17% were judged to take more than three prescription medications. In addition, most of these drugs will be paid taxes you and I will pay taxes refunded to pharmaceutical companies through Medicare, Medicaid and other federal drug programs. We are talking billions of dollars!

Do not consent the doctor to the necessity to take toxic maintenance medicine to hide the symptoms. Hire a doctor to help identify the underlying problem. Work with your doctor to pinpoint the cause of pain, fatigue, swelling, dizziness, headache, or any annoying symptoms in your body.

Physician's efforts to identify fundamental problems include blood tests of indicators such as toxins, nutrients, antibodies, etc. Doctors discuss your eating habits, stressors such as toxins in your workplace and family, the history of various diseases experienced by your ancestors and families, the possibilities of having allergies and dozens of stressors. It may cause symptoms such as environment, food and water.

The doctor will continue his research until it identifies causes such as rash, pain, fatigue, swelling, dizziness, numbness. When he reveals the cause of your symptoms, it prescribes more nutritious diet, vitamin supplement, antibiotic, exercise, etc. and helps your body overcome stress causing that symptom . On the other hand, he encourages discontinuation of specific food intake, or to tackle a plan to eliminate toxins from meals and the environment that may irritate the symptoms.

The approach the doctor takes to eliminate the cause of the problem is like the "five-step natural therapy to healing and perfect health" approach described in Chapter 16 of this book. It does not include toxic drug prescriptions that induce a reaction in the body to conceal your symptoms.

A good place to look for doctors that adopt this treatment is on the list of Naturopathic Doctors (ND).

For the same reason, hiding a nasty red light on the car's dashboard was not a very good idea, but if the symptoms disappear the doctor may not want you to give a pillow to hide the symptoms not. It makes it difficult to pinpoint the problem.

Cholesterol lowering drugs are a good example of toxic maintenance drugs you should not take. First of all, your doctor determines that your blood cholesterol level is at a level announced that the medical and pharmaceutical industries are excessive. Later, prescribe a toxic cholesterol lowering statin drug that causes liver and blood chemical changes by lowering the liver's ability to make essential life support compounds such as cholesterol and Co - Q - 10 of the liver.

Is it really meaningful to take drugs that interfere with the production of some compounds necessary for the life support function of the body?

Your liver is busy making cholesterol, because your body seems to think you need extra cholesterol. But doctors believe that the medical and pharmaceutical industries know how much cholesterol you need from your body. Or just want to make the job as simple as possible. So he writes a statin drug prescription and begins to take drugs that attack liver enzymes that produce important hormone balance and energy production functions, enzymes, products.

What if your body is right? What if you know more about how much cholesterol you need than those who your body publishes medical guidelines for doctors or who has never seen you? Your doctor was not watching anything but cholesterol values. He did not think that the body might make extra cholesterol for reasons.

Cholesterol is used to produce substances that maintain countless cruel lives, such as vitamin D, testosterone, estrogen, and many other hormones regulating body function. Cholesterol is a powerful antioxidant to prevent free radical damage such as caused by free radicals in unsaturated vegetable oils. Cholesterol is used to produce bile and cholesterol helps to give structural support to cells. Cholesterol helps fight cancer. Also, cholesterol is used to patch the body to small rifts of the coronary arteries caused by long-standing inflammation from consumption of excess carbohydrates (sugar) and exposure to various other compounds added to artificial foods It is a substance. Refer to chapter 4 for important functions of cholesterol.

If a doctor truly believes that high cholesterol is an important symptom, it tries to identify the fundamental problem. And if you find the cause of the symptoms, you can get rid of the cause. The cholesterol level automatically falls, you do not have to drink a toxic medicine every day.

But he simply sells a toxic pill that works as an agent in the pharmaceutical industry and makes it impossible for the liver to make many cholesterol and others, after reading the report from your blood test every day. An important life that keeps compounds like before.

Drug ingestion to attack the cholesterol production capacity of the liver is fighting the natural and necessary healthy manipulation of the body mechanism. When the cholesterol level is high, the mortality rate due to all causes is low, so I do not know what the body is doing when extra cholesterol occurs.

Scientific exams that pharmaceutical companies use to demonstrate the effectiveness of statin drugs have nothing to do with cholesterol. In addition to the dangerous interference between the key liver cholesterol and the normal production of enzymes, statin drugs also reduce the inflammation of the coronary arteries. Inflammation is the true cause of coronary heart disease. However, this infection is supplemented with dietary supplements with vitamins C and E, controls consumption of insulin in the blood by reducing consumption of carbohydrates (sugar), eating with trans fat included in all food made from vegetable oil You can easily reduce it by stopping.

Instead of using a natural means to eliminate inflammation in the body, ie a method to make the body stronger, a toxic cholesterol lowering statin drug attacks the normal function of the liver's body and causes some problems Cause it.

First, since the body uses cholesterol to repair coronary arteries due to inflammation, the coronary artery maintenance system of the body weakens.

Second, since cholesterol is important for maintaining cellular structure, if extra cholesterol is made by the liver to overcome problems affecting cell membranes, the whole body weakens.

Third, statin drugs reduce the production of coenzyme Q-10, so the muscles of the body, including myocardium, have less energy. Even a small amount of energy will cause fatigue.

Fourth, cholesterol is used in the body to create many other important hormones that fight against all sex hormones and cancers.

Fifth, cholesterol is used to make vitamin D in the body. Reducing cholesterol may reduce the ability to produce enough of this important vitamin that is already lacking in most people in the fear of sunburn or in life Our body cholesterol to vitamin D Most of the year the sun is not strong to help you convert.

Sixth, cholesterol is produced by the liver for use as an antioxidant. Therefore, reducing the amount of cholesterol increases the risk of cancer and other diseases caused by free radicals.

The seventh is that the body deliberately created extra cholesterol in order to improve the function of the body and to overcome the fundamental problem faced. Taking statin drugs will interfere with the system for maintaining physical health.

The most fundamental problem leading to heart disease most often is inflammation. Rather than worry about cholesterol levels, I am concerned about insulin concentration, take vitamin C, eliminate inflammation, especially vitamin C, rather than worry about substances that the body intentionally creates to prevent heart attacks .

Do not take expensive toxic pill every day. Many problems arise in the body while the symptoms disappear and the original problem continues to work on the body. Identify the cause of the symptoms. Find fundamental problems, eliminate nutritional deficiencies that are causing problems, eliminate foods and environmental stressors that make life in the body difficult, eliminate bacteria and viruses that may be causing problems , Or all of these and symptomatic combinations will automatically disappear or become more tolerant.

MD can not put out a dollar until you get sick. So, medical school has absolutely not trained on what to do to maintain health.

So please stop using MD for health and nutrition.

 Doctors are not health experts -2

 Doctors are not health experts -2

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