For couples who decided to put an end to unsuccessful fertility treatment, surrogacy is a good choice for their parents. If all the other options fail, it has the advantage that it is closest to the presence of your biological child and you can join the baby's pregnancy and childbirth closely. Salogation (& # 39; auxiliary reproduction & # 39; also brings benefits to women who do not have a uterus or are hurt.
What is a surrogate?
Surrogacy is the process of helping to carry your child if another woman can not pregnant or carry her child. The surrogate mother wants to be impregnated by the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure and then carries the baby born for "the intended parent". After the birth of a child, surrogate mother abandons all parental rights to her child.
Surrogate during pregnancy
Pregnancy surrogacy is also referred to as host surrogate, because the surrogate mother is not biologically relevant to the child, but only acts as the host of the embryo. This is a good choice for women who can lay eggs for fertilization, but can not give birth to children. In this type of substitution, sperm and eggs are provided by the intended parent or sperm or ovum donor. The surrogate is implanted with fertilized embryos through fertilized embryos.
Surrogate fee
Surrogacy is a cost option for infertile couples. The intended parents should bear all expenses of surrogate pregnancy and related expenses covering surrogate screening and counseling, unemployment wages, insurance, agency agents, surrogate agents and attorney fees. Other significant expenses include:
o Fertility possibilities required to initiate pregnancy Cost of treatment may include in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination
Prenatal visits with healthcare providers
o Shipping cost
o Food, medicine, clothing necessary for an agent
o First supply for babies before relocation
The agent will charge a fee ranging from $ 38,000 to $ 54,000. This usually includes legal fees and documentation fees.
Legal issues of agents
Before proxy relationships are established between the intended parents and agents, it is necessary to sign an agency contract that defines procedures, costs, legal parental rights. Legal concerns are of utmost importance when seeking surrogacy.
In conclusion
Despite the financial burdensome and long process being drawn out, surrogacy is a satisfying choice for many couples. However, it is not easy to find an appropriate agent, and the whole process of the agent itself was emotionally excluded. A detailed explanation of the necessary psychological evaluation and expectation is essential for the positive result of the process.
In the East Bay infertility center in Dublin, California, Medical Director, Doctor, Doctor, Dr. Ellen U. Snowden realize your dream of having families in the field of reproductive endocrinology with the latest technology and most inclusive consultation I will. Our pregnancy surrogate program is based on all steps of the method, personalized care and support. For questions and concerns regarding all of the fertility possibilities, please visit http://www.ebfertility.com.