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 Are You a Nasal Spray Junkie? <br/>-2

Their sinuses are chronically blocked and they keep using a nasal spray to clear them! They 're re # In fact, researchers claim that there are 10 million Americans chronically dependent on using nasal sprays!

When everyone is sprayed on the TV sitcom, King of Queens. When everyone is gone, the father-in-law takes out a hidden bottle of nasal spray, squirts some into his nostrils and lays back on the couch in an amusing daze, listening to jazz.

There is nothing amusing, though, about the serious medical issues, such as severely inflated nasal tissues and nasal septum holes that can result from over-use of these chemical nasal sprays.

Then I'd like to have a stop to depend on your. I'd like to have a more congested sinuses, heal inflated nasal tissues, and stop the swelling.

Nasal Sprays: Over-The Counter vs. Prescription

From this frequent use, natural sinus clearing mechanisms slow way down, even even stop, and using the spray is the only thing that clears the blocked sinuses.

This is a rebound effect and can not use them. The rebound effect is really the addiction to these sprays that people experience, as they do not contain any real, addicting chemicals in them.

Two of the most popular OTC nasal decongestants are Afrin and Neo-Synephrine Both work very well in clearing what is supposed to be, occasional, sinus congestion like that which with a bad head cold. Both contain chemicals like xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, and phenylephrine which work fast to clear congestion and are meant to be of self -limiting use.

Rhinostat, RhinoCort, Flonase - are some Rx nasal sprays that doctors prescribe to their OTC nasal sprays. They contain cortisone which decreases the inflammation and swelling of nasal tissues and do not have the rebound effect of OTC sprays.

Why Are You Using So Much Nasal Spray?

Most people start using these sprays for most reasons. I like allergic rhinitis .

Most people, mostly, mostly, mostly, mostly, I am afraid to have a conversation in the first place. ; or year-round allergies to dust mite, pet dander, and molds. Treating the allergy first can prevent the abuse of nasal sprays.

There, they will get into the congestion, I refer my people to the specialist in the field of Allergy and Immunology who all participies. about 100 of the most common allergens like dust mite, ragweed, molds, pollens, animal dander on patches to determine the reaction.

Dust mite, molds, and animal dander are year-round allergens that can cause chronic sinus congestion.

If you have dust, or a pet, in your home, you are constantly breathing in dust mites and pet dander into your nasal airway causing them to become inflamed, swollen and congested. Dust mites are microscopic critters that like to burrow into carpets and bedding and can be everywhere. The use of a medical grade HEPA filter air cleaner can collect about 99% of allergens.

All types of upper respiratory allergens can also lead to chronic inflammation of the lungs and / or asthma if you do have do pollens and molds are more seasonal related and blow away outside in the spring and fall. not treat or remove the allergen.

Sometimes, nasal polyps or other sinus diseases may be the culprit for your congestion. A visit to an Ear, Nose, & Throat doctor, who can examine your sinuses with a scope, and / or x-rays, can determine if there is a Even gastric reflux disease can be responsible for constant inflamed and congested sinuses .

What Are The Alternatives to OTC Nasal Sprays?

As you know, I & # 39; m all for natural treatments of ailments whenever possible. OTC nasal sprays may require a brief weaning off with a prescription nasal spray as mention earlier, there are some excellent alternatives which can help you both deal with allergens and keep your sins open once you get off the OTC spray.

Neti-Pot: This water flows from inside the nutril. This water flows inside inside your nasal cavity and out the other side. This washes away allergens and breaks up congestion.

External Strips - There are over-the-counter nasal strips that you basically have opens the nasal passes to help you breathe better. OTC nasal sprays until you can decide an allergy or what else may be causing the congestion.

Tincture of Oregano - Found in health food stores where vitamins and other supplements are sold, one drop on the tongue can clear your sinuses very effectively.

Aloe Vera and Saline Nasal Spray It is very safe and does not cause the damage. It is a small bottle of salt water with aloe vera added to it. It can be used as it is a nasal spray to wash allergens out of your nasal passes. that other OTC sprays can.

Sinus Buster - Contains capsaicin (cayenne) which decrees inflammation, swelling, congestion. It too is a very safe, alternative spray which makes use of the natural ingredient in hot peppers to clear your nasal passes.

Fenugreek and Bayberry - An old herbal remedy for sinusitis and congestion, combined together in a capsule, opens nasal sinuses and decreements inflammation.

Bromelain - An enzyme from the pineapple plant that decreases inflammation in upper respiratory (lungs and sinuses) tract conditions.

Nasal congestion can be very uncomfortable to live with, especially if you find yourself mouth breathing a lot. This can cause a chronically dry mouth and sore throat. You may be tempted to do a few quick fixes with over-the-counter nasal sprays. Try a few of the natural decongestion remedies I & # 39; ve listed here and / or visit your doctor if chronic sinus congestion is a problem and get to the bottom of what & # 39; s causing it.

 Are You a Nasal Spray Junkie? <br/>-2

 Are You a Nasal Spray Junkie? <br/>-2

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