There are lots of question marks when it comes to the science of seeds, that genetic manipulation of crops. The reality is this science is still in its infancy, I dare say it & # 39; s come along a lot further Still, I ask if we can increase crop yields by 20-50% using GM seeds in the future using less water and fertilizer, we are going to need to do this, simply to feed the world.
Matt Ridley in his weekly Wall Street Journal Column on December 10, Okay so, there are people starving in many parts of the world, and if GM crops can fix this problem, should not we be morally responsible for using this science in that regard? 2011, he had an interesting article; "Why Deny BioTech to a Hungry Africa," which noted that;
"More than 15 - million farmers now plant GM crops on almost 370 - million acres, boosting yields by 10% to 25%. The new crops have reduced not hunger but pesticide use, carbon emissions, collateral damage to biodiversity and rain - forest destruction. "
He 's able to increase the yields using his strategies by Used his strategies plus GM Seeds, then we get get 50% plus the 10-25 % from the GM crop seeds - that sure sounds like a plan.
Still, even if you look at the massive quantities of food such as droughts, heat waves, floods, pestilence, locust plague, run-away crop viruses, and man-made mistakes we do have Now short, commodity price spikes, and severe distribution channel challenges. Now then, if we are able to over produce, there are a few more fat humans here and there but no one will star starve.
We should not abandon the value of GM crops, nor should we deny We must be diligent, cautious, and scientific wise as we move these new innovative concepts forward. Please be thinking here.