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 Healthy diet - antidote for diabetes -2

Diabetes is a very common lifestyle disease in which the rate of epidemics is almost assumed. There is an ambiguous distinction that India is now called the diabetes capital of the world, perhaps the diabetes population by WHO can grow 200% over the next 15 years.

In this short article, I will explain the following contents.

a. what is that? What are the general symptoms?

b. what is the reason?

c. What are some of the relevant conditions?

d. How appropriate diet can cope with fundamental causes

e. Relevance and actual facts of diet mythology and diabetes

f. Special food for diabetes

g. Summary of points

1. So what is diabetes? What are the common symptoms?

Diabetes is the excess sugar level of blood flow. You would hear the name insulin almost as much as diabetes. So, what is the relationship between the two?

& # 39; Pancreas & # 39; secretes hormone & quot; insulin & quot ;. It helps to decompose glucose and sugar in our food and transport it to cells to use as fuel for energy demand and physical processes.

In diabetes patients, the secreted insulin is insufficient or the cells do not respond normally to insulin (also called insulin resistance). so? Since blood glucose levels can not be transported normally to cells, liver and muscle, they can be shot up. So what can you do?

1. Your eyesight may be damaged in the long run, especially at night. There is an increased risk of glaucoma and even blindness.

2. Feet are sensitive to infection and erosion. In extreme cases even cutting may be necessary.

3. Diabetes is called "silent killer". It impairs the ability to control cholesterol and blood pressure that leads to heart attacks.

4. Nerve is damaged by pain, stinging or loss of sensation.

5. If the blood sugar level remains high, kidney damage and even failure may occur.

scared? relax! It sounds horrible, but it can be easily managed by some small diet and lifestyle changes. To have no permanent healing is a bad thing. Changes in diet therapy, exercise and insulin injection can only be administered.

Some of the common symptoms of diabetes are

· Fatigue
· Excessive thirst and urination
· Blurred vision

2. What are the symptoms of this disease?

There are three kinds of diabetes.

First, there is type I diabetes. Although it may occur at any age, in most cases, it will be diagnosed by teens, children, and young adults. In this case, the human body produces little insulin and the whole life of these individuals depends on insulin injection. Although the exact cause is unknown, some researchers call it a hereditary or a result of maternal gestational diabetes.

Secondly, the most common is type 2 diabetes, which typically occurs during adulthood, but it is also diagnosed by teenagers thanks to high obesity. It is accused of being the main cause of obesity, stress, lack of rest, lifestyle of comfortable exercise without exercise.

Third, there is gestational diabetes that develops during pregnancy, but women do not have a history of diabetes.

3. What are the relevant conditions?

Hypertension (hypertension) is one of the most common and deadly conditions as mentioned earlier due to the reduced ability to control cholesterol and blood pressure.

Diabetic foot and glaucoma are the causes of worry, especially for elderly people.

4. How is a proper diet useful?

Most people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. Here, weight loss 30 minutes of moderate exercise It helps to control diseases . In fact, losing only about 5 kg can dramatically reduce the severity of the disorder . Diabetic patients are already short of insulin, so the problem becomes even more serious as weight increases. In the case of overweight people, fat accumulates around pancreatic cells that cause insulin production in the body. According to some researchers, this fat damages pancreatic cells, thereby further reducing insulin production.

Diabetes meals are based on the following three principles:

a. Less calories burned and more healthy calories

b. Evenly consuming carbohydrates (and replacing simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates)

c. Reduce overall fat content while increasing healthy mono saturated fat.

They check blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Diet planning with an appropriate amount of dietician and doctor is essential for making meals with blood glucose level close to normal. Periodic testing of blood glucose levels will tell you how different foods affect blood sugar levels.

However, there is no single diabetic meal that suits anyone. Also, once planned meals, you will not feel uncomfortable for you for your entire life. Diet should be monitored periodically according to body reaction.

Do you do it?

· Follow the golden rule of using small meals and water in large quantities.

Carbohydrates in the form of whole grains like oats, dahlia, ata bread, whole wheat, should be taken as it is a good source of fiber. The role of fiber in diabetic diet is to stabilize sugar, control appetite, lower cholesterol.

· Olive oil, oil like linseed oil ( Arushi ), Chill etc. need to be used for cooking. These oils are a rich source of omega-3 fat that helps increase the good cholesterol.

· Sugar should be replaced with artificial sweetener such as aspartame, saccharin, stevia.

- You can eat slimming meat such as fish and chicken. Egg yolk should be excluded. Please avoid red meat completely.

· Skim milk milk and products should be used to reduce calories and undesirable fat.


· The foods to avoid are sophisticated cereals such as sage, maida, rice and related products.

· Please avoid fruits such as banana, teak, strawberry, mango, grapes, custard apple etc. completely.

· Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams and lotus stalks should also be avoided.

· Pickles, murabas, fruit juices (both packs and fresh), pack soup, corn starch soup must be excluded from diabetic diet.

Diabetic patients are at high risk of heart attack. Samples of fat such as ghee, butter, cream etc should be restricted.

In the seeds of Ayurveda mechi, Jamun's seeds, Amura, Carrera are used to cure diabetes as an aid to lower the sugar content.

In some common myths related to diabetes,

a. Sugar is a poison for people with diabetes, especially for children.

Fact: Extra sugar is actually harmful, but diabetic patients do not need to give up sugar, but they are advised to control their intake.

For example, for a child with diabetes, completely forbidding the intake of cakes, confections, sweets is to deprive the child of pleasure. However, in order to control the obstacles that should keep them moderately, control other foods (such as rice, pasta, noodles, etc.) (reduce the amount of food) to balance glucose and calorie levels during the party Consumption) is necessary.

b. If you have diabetes, please bye bye to delicious fat and fried food.

As mentioned earlier, complete deprivation is not necessary. Occasionally, generous tolerance is occasionally just as it is balanced. Even though you eat fertilized food everyday, healthy people will soon get diseases and illness.

c. Having bitter gourd juice can rise at other times

Fact: Due to its hypoglycemic nature, Carrera juice is good for diabetic patients (but not so good), but it does not make up too much for it. after that.

6. Special food for diabetes:

Fat free ice cream, sugar-free pastry, sweets are prevalent, growing, not to be deceived by all high claim to meet the needs of the rich diabetic population. Fat free ice cream is still rich in simple carbohydrates. Mittai without sugar is still filled with ghee and saturated fat. So do not fall in love with them under the illusion that you probably will not harm you.

Ayurveda recommends seeds of black currant, amura, carrera, mesus and also controls diabetes.

7. Summary:

Diabetes progresses slowly and does not kill you in one day. Changing a little discipline and lifestyle is a long way to make it possible for you to live a happy healthy and tensionless life.

In this presentation, we will discuss the diversity of diabetes and its causes, the symptoms and symptoms of the diabetes associated with it, how healthy diets can be used to prevent and treat diabetes, and some myths related to this disorder While wiping away, diabetes is not dead with everything that is delicious and living, and emphasizes that everything sold in diabetes is really good. Diet Solutions wish you a happy and healthy life.

 Healthy diet - antidote for diabetes -2

 Healthy diet - antidote for diabetes -2

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