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 How to test for hearing loss -2

Do you lose your hearing in the following situations?

· There is a problem with listening to the phone.

· You must be nervous to understand and pick up the conversation.

· You often ask people to repeat what they said.

· Others complain of raising the volume too high.

· When two or more people are talking, they face a difficult problem following the conversation.

Often, we tend to ignore hearing and take it for granted. We will consult a doctor only if there is serious hearing loss. Many of us do not recognize that hearing loss leads to serious consequences such as cognitive decline, dementia, low self-esteem, being treated as a society's evil.

You should never ignore hearing loss. If you feel the above symptoms you should seek advice from an audio specialist, an otolaryngologist, or a auscultation doctor.

Hearing loss is diagnosed based on the results of human history, behavior, medicine and hearing test. After that, we will learn the cause of hearing loss and investigate whether it can be treated. The most common way most likely to suffer from loss of ears is that the middle ear liquid or the ear canal wax is not taken care of.

There are a couple of things you can do to make it easier to hear in situations where you have difficulty communicating with the help of a hearing aid or when you hear a cure for the problem.

If you are diagnosed as hard of hearing, you must undergo complete hearing test. This test recognizes the extent and type of hearing loss and determines whether it can be helped with a hearing aid. Hearing health professionals also recommend a type of hearing aid suited to your hearing loss.

Several facts about hearing aids:

· The hearing aid does not correct all hearing forces at once, like the correct vision of the glasses.

· You can pick up sound clearly and it helps to listen in many situations.

· For new hearing aids, follow-up visits to technical adjustments by providers may be required.

· Time and patience are necessary to adjust the hearing aid.

The doctor will do some tests to check your hearing.

· Physical examination - Your doctor looks into your ears to detect the cause of your hearing loss. It may be caused by infections such as earwax and infectious diseases.

· General screening test - You are asked to cover with one ear at a time. We will see how it responds to spoken words and other sounds at different volumes.

· Tuning · Fork · Test - Tuning · Folk is a metal-made instrument that makes sound when hit. This can be assessed and clarified whether hearing loss is caused by damage to the vibrating part of the middle ear, damage to the sensor, or injury of the inner ear or both.

· Audiometer test - It is made to wear earphones and listen to the sounds aimed at one ear at a time. Hearing audiences will present a range of sounds of various frequencies and require instructing each time they sound.

Your treatment depends on the cause and severity of hearing loss. I will receive a diagnosis as soon as possible!

 How to test for hearing loss -2

 How to test for hearing loss -2

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