Did you know there are numerous options for house framing between wood?
While wood remains by far, the most popular choice for framing a house, other options are gaining ground for some compelling reasons.
Among these are the potential for big energy savings, in addition to ease and speed of installation, and in some cases, inexpensive materials.
Also, is there some kind of locally locally available person who is work is the best for your climate. in your choice of materials? This is of vital importance as well.
Here are some of your options:
- Wood Framing (by far the most popular and well-known option)
- SIPS (structural insulated panels)
- ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms)
- Steel Framing
- Various Alternative Framing Styles (strawbale, cobb, rammed earth, adobe)
- Hybrid (combination of two or more of the above)
What are the pros and cons of these various house framing options?
Wood framing On the con side, wood is highly susceptible to termite problems, so prevention is a necessity. It can also be released to moisture without treated.
Steel framing is lighter in weight and will not warp, nor can termites feast on it! But it does conduct heat easily, so warmth can be lost through the building if precautions are not taken.
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS) are a new wave on the energy efficiency scene. Boards covered with a foam core are pretty easy to erect, saving time and energy. SIPS may be pricier than wood though, and termites can still be concerned without proper treatment.
Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) come in various styles, and can be liked to huge lego-type foam building blocks which are identified and then filled up with concrete. They are excellent for preventing storm and wind damage and giving a super-insulation to the residence. may be more expensive than wood, and you will need to find someone skilled in this work to build a structure in this manner.
Alternative Framing
On the con side, these are quite unusual in many developed areas, and your local building code may have laws detaching a structure.
Hybrid techniques would include two or more the above popular here would be a combo of wood and steel. Pros and cons would depend on which system you would opt to tie together, and why.
There are many house framing options available to you now days! Choose wisely, and enjoy the process of planning and watching your new home take shape.