Penile sensation loss can be a devastating problem, especially in the case of young people who think about their lifetime without sexual pleasure. Loss of penile susceptibility can be caused by many physiological and psychological problems. In some cases, the neurological disorder may be out of order due to reduced sensation. Men need to cooperate with physicians to identify fundamental issues, but the conditions described here are how the nerves are linked to loss of sensitivity, and how the right approach to punishment can be helpful It helps to understand.
1) Confinement of nerves. Just as it sounds, this condition occurs when the nerve is pinched or squeezed. Nerve confinement is characterized by stinging pain, numbness and / or pain in the affected part. Confusion of the pudendal nerve that may occur in overweight or frequent circulating individuals. Diabetes can also cause men to increase the risk of nerve confinement. This is because it relates to the retention of liquid that may cause swelling in that area.
Treatment of pudendal nerve obstruction may include the use of physical therapy and / or anti-inflammatory drugs. Men suffering from a loss of penis sensation should not attempt self-treatment without the advice of a doctor.
2) Diabetic neuropathy. High levels of blood glucose associated with uncontrolled diabetes can damage nerves and result in a condition known as diabetic neuropathy. Symptoms of this disorder include numbness, pain and tingling, especially on extremities.
Addressing this problem is primarily focused on prevention by keeping blood sugar levels at normal levels. Men with problems with impotence associated with diabetic neuropathy can gain some benefit from prescription drugs.
3) Multiple sclerosis. Often referred to as MS, it is a disease of the central nervous system. MS symptoms vary from individual to individual, but there are tingling, numbness, pain, seizures, loss of cognition, loss of motor function, paralysis, etc. in various parts of the body. Currently, there is no cure for this disease, but symptoms can be controlled to some extent by the use of medication and therapy.
4) Peripheral neuropathy. This condition occurs when peripheral nerves (including hands, feet and penis) are damaged. Peripheral neuropathy can cause limb pain, numbness, tingling and abnormal sensation. Typical causes are vitamin deficiency, environmental toxins, metabolic disorders, chemotherapy, infectious diseases and hereditary conditions.
Treatment of this problem depends not only on the root cause but also on the therapy and therapy aimed at maintaining physical function and minimizing pain.
Protect penis health
Some of the causes of loss of penis sensation are difficult to avoid but men can increase the penile health change of the whole in the following procedure:
- Use a more gentle technique for masturbation. Instead of using solid grip or yanking motion or rubbing against non-durable objects, men can train the device to accommodate a more gentle feel.
- Please wear binding clothing. Men should choose underwear with sufficient supportive power to hold everything in place without becoming too nervous. The pants must also be loose enough to avoid breaking the supply of blood to the area.
- Choose a special bicycle saddle - There are numerous models on the market designed to reduce the amount of pressure in that area to prevent numbness.
- I lose weight. Maintaining a healthy weight not only reduces the amount of paralysis pressure in the groin but also prevents diabetes, alleviates or reverses its effect for men already suffering from the disease It is also useful for doing.
- Use the highest quality penis health cream (Medical professionals recommend Man 1 oil) . Products containing neuroprotective amino acid acetyl L carnitine that have been shown to be effective in suppressing peripheral neuropathy associated with active masturbation should be applied as part of a male hygiene routine every day You can do.