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 Pros and Cons of Electrolysis <br/>-2

Many women - and some men - seek at some point in their life toremain female with luxurious sideburns and / or a mustache or a man who has excessive back hair coupled with an especially furry bum , there come a time when plucking and / or waxing endlessly lose their appeal.

For some people who want to get rid of hair in places where there should not be any, or for those who suffer from coarse, stubborn hairs that will not go away no matter how many times they are removed, electrolysis may be the answer.

What is Electrolysis?

His discovery, by today & # 39; s standards, was fairly simple yet nonetheless considered completely revolutionary: he found that hair in follicles treated by electrolysis was destroyed - essentially permanently.

The result, a, a directforward fashion: a small amount of energy is passed through which is responsible for producing hair. , in order for the procedure to work the process must be repeatedly times times.

Currently, three types of electrolysis are on the market today. They are:

Galvanic. This is the original method developed by Dr Michel. The needle interactions with the body ___ ___ ___ 0 have the best track record as far as hair regrowth is concerned.

Thermolysis. Produces a faster heat using a short - wave diathermy current but with less than galvanic electrolysis. In a nutshell, the needle passes an AC current through the water, which causes a vibration causing it to heat up and there before damage the follicle. Is not science wonderful?

Blend. As the name suggests, this type of electrolysis is one that swings both ways, passing both an AC and a DC current through the needle.

Be aware that many matter what type of electrolysis you will, often the result will depend on the skill of the practitioner, you a cosmetic dermatologist. You will need to find someone with a proven track record who has successfully carried electrolysis countless times for best results Also, you aware that follies which are bent due to previous tweezing or waxing may not fare as well.

Pros of Electrolysis

* Lasts a lot longer than waxing, plucking or shaving.

* Can even (ever) lead to permanent hair removal in some cases, and in some areas.

* Is suitable for all hair and skin types as it does not target pigment in hair, unlike lasers.

* Is better in most cases than laser hair removal as the latter is almost always accompanied by hair regrowth (but electrolysis is significantly slower and more painful).

Cons of Electrolysis

* Can be painful. Some people find it mildly irritating and uncomfortable, others find it hurts excessively. Depends on your own pain threshold but remember, no pain, no gain.

* Can be expensive. Ask around to find a reasonable price, which will also depend on the size of the area you want treated, you will have need to have loads of repeat sessions etc.

* Can be time-consuming, difficult and even boring when large amounts of hair are involved, for example, when trying to tame a very hairy back.

Redness, swelling and even scabs are too be expected, so do not be too freaked out by some (temporary) unpleasant side-effects.

* Some people waste money as they found they they do not respond to treatment at all.

* Some find there is a lot of hair regrowth. Going back once or twice a year for a tidy-up should do the trick.

* Is not recommended for specific potentially hirsute parts of the body, such as the nostrils or inside of the ear. Is also not for hairy moles.

What About Do-It-Yourself Electrolysis?

Not recommended. While many people are buying a DIY kit because they are cheaper and you can have the same feeling of your own home, the drawbacks are many. The process is extremely time-consuming and without the proper training you can do yourself some serious skin damage.

In fact, the American Medical Association & # 39; s Committee on Cutaneous Health and Cosmetics only recommits home kits when doing areas such as the lower legs, which are readily accessible. area, do not treat it yourself.

Other considerations concern expense, they are more than so long, you have a lot of hair to remove you may burn one out before you are finished, there is more to purchase more kits. In the long run, going to a salon or med spa may be cheaper - unless, of course, you buy a do - it - yourself kit just to zap the stray hair a trained professional has missed.

Make Up Your Own Mind

Obviously, that will depend on a variety of factors, such as your own hair and skin type, the expanse of In some cases, it may make make more sense - and cents - to just continue waxing and plucking away those unwanted hairs.

Having a small area done first then checking the results in several months & # 39; time to see how you respond to Then again, those Julia Roberts-style hairy armpits may soon be back in vogue ...

We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with an appropriate medical professional.

 Pros and Cons of Electrolysis <br/>-2

 Pros and Cons of Electrolysis <br/>-2

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