You have heard advice that it is best to defend your baby completely from the sun. This is difficult, especially for young babies. It is an age enough to be covered with a blanket and to protest, but it is too young to tell you that you are away from sunburn and the sun. So what does parents do? After all, it is also important to put the baby out of play time. So, how do you balance the necessity of having fun exercising from the need to protect your baby 's skin? By using the right baby sunscreen.
Experts recommend that infants under 6 months absolutely not exposed to direct sunlight. There are several reasons for this. First, baby's skin is more sensitive than senior children and adults' skin, making it more susceptible to sunburn. In fact, the skin of the baby is thinner, it continues to burn long-term UV damage in a much shorter time than children and adults, and once damaged it can not be restored. To prevent babies from getting sunburned, babies have more skin per square inch than children and adults, so sunburn is very important for a baby because it is much more painful. Unfortunately, babies' sensitive skin may not be very tolerant of sunscreens. Indeed, the opinion whether it is safe for babies under 6 months to attach sunscreen is still divided. Because baby's thin skin can absorb more of sunscreen than children or adult skin and the long-term effect of sunscreen is unknown, experts say that baby sunscreen within 6 months Please use the agent. Recently, the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Academy of Pediatrics have stated that there is no adverse effect from using sunscreen agents for young infants / young children. However, sunburn poses a serious danger to the baby, so it may be appropriate to use sunscreen for babies under 6 months. However, it is better to simply eliminate the same sun exposure as this age group, if possible, using sunscreen clothes, sunglasses, hats, blankets, covered strollers and so on.
If you are a parent, you know the challenge that begins when the baby gets easier to move. Young children do not object to having drafted blanks in their careers or car seats, but older babies are most certain of this. Experts agree that babies over 6 months are covered with a layer of sunscreen every day and must be covered. In this way, if the baby asserts that the blanket is broken or the roof has been removed from the stroller, it will be protected from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Do not forget to protect the baby from the sun even while a long car is on board. The window of the car blocks some of the sun's ultraviolet radiation, but some of them can pass through and the baby is known to maintain a serious sunburn while on a car seat It is also indispensable for a car.
It is important to be careful when your baby is under the sun. A sunscreen should not be an excuse for indifference. You have not given children life-saving clothes, and leave him while swimming in the lake. Do you wear a sunscreen on your baby and he is protected within the rest of the day? Sunscreens are only one step in the process of UV protection and are considered to be the least effective. If possible, the baby needs to wear UV protective clothing. This should not tempt a long sleeve to your baby in July to defend him from the sun. Your baby should always wear clothes so you can wear it. If that is outside of you, you probably will not wear a trainer. Babies are at higher risk of overheating than adults, so T - shirts and shorts are best when the temperature rises. Instead, please stick to the outdoor shade part. When placing a wide hat on a baby, when you can not find a tree you will get more hues and do not forget to protect your eyes with sunglasses. Taking the baby to the park or pool, he limits the direct sunlight to 15 minutes at a time. After that, spend 15 minutes in the shade, take time to investigate signs of sunburn, reapply sunscreen if necessary.
If you wrap your baby in UV protection clothing, the damage of the sun can be drastically reduced. By using ultraviolet protective clothes, it remains cool during the hot season, and an extra sun protection layer is left. Please apply sunscreen under the clothing, not just the part of the skin exposed to sunlight. Sunscreen plus clothing and hat / sunglasses keep your baby's skin safe and healthy. Every time you go out, give birth to sunburn prevention over the short term. It may take only a few minutes and may provide life-long protection for his health.