Technical split brain, called Split Blaine (Schizencephaly), occurs when the brain branches to the adjacent part. Embryonic brains are lost as they are incorporated during the first seven months period. However, the certain nature of the cause is not out.
Two forms:
Ripples can appear on one or both sides of the brain, advance from the surface of the brain to the ventricles, and are filled with fluid. There are two forms of this disease:
Open lip: The wall of the rift is separated
Closed lip: There is no separation of broken walls
Tears in schizophrenia (evolutionary disorder) can simulate boiling (problems caused by exemplary embryonic brain injury) occurring in the spinal cerebellum. They can be distinguished by MRI examination and can diagnose the exact nature of brain tissue.
In split brain injury, brain tissue is lined up in the rift. In porence phaly, scar tissue and white matter are the same.
The cause of the disease is unknown. It is believed to be due to fetal brain injury of 4-6 months pregnancy. Damage may occur due to the following reasons.
- Reduced blood flow causing cerebrovascular accidents (CVA, stroke)
- EMX2 gene mutation
Ripples are covered with gray matter, but sometimes it is surrounded by dense abnormal tissue with an abnormally large amount of folding called polymicrogyria. In addition, there may also be heterotopia (abnormal neuronal cluster) present in various regions of the brain. Polymicrogyra and heterotopias are thought to be the result of abnormal neuronal migration during pregnancy.
What is the symptom?
This disease may vary depending on the width of the division. Appearance
- Delayed development Small head (micro head)
- fluid accumulation on the brain (hydeocephalus)
- paralysis of limbs hypoakismia (mitotic relief)
- Spasticity (increased muscle tone)
- mental retardation attacks
How do you come to the light?
Genetic testing is currently not available. Diagnosis is determined by performing MRI or CT scan of the brain.
Currently, there is no cure, but the purpose of treatment is to manage symptoms. Treatment includes the following:
- Anticonvulsant
- Brain surgical shunt drain fluid
- Surgical removal of vulnerable brain tissue surrounding the rift
The severity of the mitotic branch is proportional to the extent of the brain cleft and injury. Some patients may experience seizures without other symptoms. Due to the nature of the disease, in severe cases it may be necessary to care depending on the employee's overall life.