Was your home in Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama or North Carolina damaged by smoke because of a fire in your house? Well, you can hire a smoke restoration expert to fix the damage, and if you insurance will cover it, this is the best way to go. Or, you can clean clean most of the damage from smoke up yourself with these tips!
The best way to clean the carpets. The best way to clean the carpets. If you can, is to remove remove them from The floor and take them outside. Next, using a sponge and a professional quality brand of carpet shampoo, scrub the carpet in small sections. carpet really deep, you can use a brush with stiff bristles to get out the stains.
You can do this by laying the carpet down flat in a warm, dry place You will want to to make sure that the carpet is dry all the way through and not just on the surface If you have hardwood floors, you will probably have to strip and refinish them if the fire has damaged them.
If you have had wallpaper, sometimes you will be able to scrub off the soot with a gentle cleanser, if you have a damaged by the smoke, then you may be able to have the soot off, If your walls are completely painted with semi-gloss or satin paint, then it should be easy to scrub off the soot using a combination of warm water and tsp (trisodium Then, wipe off the walls with clean water, a warm water.