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 The Misconceptions of Spirits, Dark Forces and Spirit and Dark Force Possession <br/>-2

These are some of the most common misconceptions about spirits, demons / dark forces, and spirit and dark force attachment.

1. If you do not believe in spirits or dark forces then you are not going to pick them up.

This is false.

If you have chosen, you can not say it, you can not say it, if you do not believe in cancer then you can not get it. If you have chosen You may end up having some type of dark force or spiritual attachment, but because you have chosen to not believe in them, you will ultimately end up living your entire life with them.

I have a friend who is an exorcist and she says that I am afraid of not having a belief in them. People come to her and say, "I will not believe in them". It is the people who decides to deny them that will have the most problems because they will be completely clueless as to what is really going on with themselves on an energetic and spiritual level.

2. There are no demons or dark forces, spirits, angels, or a god. The only thing that exists is life on earth.

This is false.

Beyond the physical dimension of life on the is there are both dark and light. Their consciousness is trapped on the physical dimension of life are actually being trapped on a consciousness level. Let 's say it for example you lived in a small town, and you are only In fact, you would believe In fact, you would believe In fact, you would believe In fact, you would believe In fact, you would believe If someone new to came into the town, you are there that was there something a city, that had cars, airplanes, television and technology you would not believe them. In fact, you may even call them crazy. You would not believe them because you are afraid that this environment was all that there was. Now very similar to this story is the dimension of physical and non-physical life. People who have not gone beyond the physical dimension are trapped within it, and are trained to believe that it is all that exist exists.

3. Only atheists, non-religious people, or "sinners" can pick up spirits and / or demons / dark forces.

This is false.

All people can pick up spirits and demons / dark forces regardless of age, sex, intelligence level, religious preference, financial status, personality, hair color, etc. This is a made up religious belief created to keep people believe it trapped in the belief and unaware of the truth.

4. Spirits and demons / dark forces can be removed with spells, chanting / mantras, reiki, sound, prayer, salt, magic, sorcery, aura cleansing, energy healing, positive thinking / wishful thinking, incense, sage / smudging, candles, white light, meditation, methods used by religions, reading the bible / koran / bhagavad gita or any other religious book, or just believing in the universe / creator / god, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, or some other deity.

This is false.

It should not be understood that it is be spoiled or dark entity / demon decides to attach itself to you or anyone else, it is not going to leave. It has decided that it is going to stay with you till death and without This energy is love. Love is the only thing that is more is it is not going anywhere. Anything you use or do not have invoke a supreme power or energy of love will not work. Demons , dark forces and spirits also need to be directed to a certain place leave me, or go away. They must be taken and told where they are needed to go, they all go to different places depending on the types of entities they are. This is the reason mo st religious methods, chants, prayers, white light visualizations, and everything else do not work, because they are complete removal methods, nor do they have the energy of to to to remove non-physical beings. Removing spirits and dark forces is not If you are using the correct method and you are using the correct method and you use that method with the correct energy and intention behind it then removing whatever is Most spiritualists / psychics / psychics / mostly religion / some type of spiritualists / psychics / mediums.

5. Demons, spirits, and dark forces are something you should fear.

This is false.

If you fear them, then you have chosen to give them power. If you fear them then you have not learned how to deal with them and not dealing with them will only make you fear theme more. What you deny and hide from only creates a bigger more powerful form of fear.

6. You have to be an exorcist or be highly trained to remove spirits, demons, or dark forces.

This is false.

Anyone on earth can remove dark forces and spirits, even small children if they were trained correctly. Perhaps in the past it was not taught that only the ministers, It is like saying that only certified exterminators can kill rats and mice from your house, when in reality a small child can kill an rat, all it takes is knowing how to do in the right way.

7. Exorcism is painful.

This is false.

All the hysteria from movies have trained people to think that exorcism is hard, and painful, and will make your head spin around. In reality exorcism is actually painless, and makes people feel like a weight has been taken away from of their shoulders, or a heaviness has been removed from them.

8. You can not get spirits or demons from paying attention to them, or focusing on them, or thinking about them. If you do not pay attention to them you will not pick them up.

This is false.

This is like saying you have sex with someone who has not pay attention to them think not fear based thoughts about how demons are out to to get you, then it will not cause you to pick them up. The only real causes of people picking up spirit or dark entity attachments is fear, and all fear based emotions, lowering yourself in any way through drugs and / or alcohol, or losing a form of your power / energy through soul loss.

9. Demons / dark forces and spirits are the same thing.

This is false.

Demons are non-human dark energy (negative and fear) based beings who are tasked or sent to this planet with intent of inducing serious harm to people and disability life to the greatest possible possible.

Both spirits and demons / dark Spirits / ghosts are human souls who did not choose to cross over they became stalk on earth as either whole souls or soul fragments. Spirits are mostly interested in using people for energy, while dark forces are interested in stealing people & # 39; s power, light and soul.

10. You have to be listening voices or be crazy to be possessed.

This is both true and false.

But most people are not at that level.. To be be There are people who hear voices and / or talk to being. Most people are partly owned. Partial owned. Partial possession means that a person is still fully functioning, meaning they are capable are to have a job, have friends , and do all the normal thoughts, emotions, and energy are partially influenced by a small amount of spirits and / or dark forces. Most people do not open doorways big enough for a massive amount of spirits and People who are heavy drug and / or alcohol users tend to pick up more serious dark forces to enter them. types of attachments like dark E T & # 39; s and demons in averages.

11. If I had a demon or spirit attached to me I would know it.

This is false.

How would you know it if you have a demon or spirit attached to you? You may have some of the symptoms listed on my website, but you also may have become used to those symptoms and do not think that they are serious. This is how demons and spirits work within people. As time goes on most likely. It may sound odd that a person would not know that they have something distinct from them within Most people are shut off on the many things work. They are not developed the gift or ability to sense, see, or feel something non-physical within them. It is a psychic gift that only so many people have developed. I have also had a feeling of something external to themselves within them. I have also had a feeling of something external to themselves to meet. many healers and psychics who were also completely unaware they had some spirit or dark force attached to to It is a special type of awareness to be able to feel and sense or see non - physical energy.

12. Psychics / mediums, practices / preachers, shamans, and other healers are very good at removing spirits and demons / dark forces.

This is false.

They may have developed some kind of method or technique that use, but that does not mean these methods work. Most healers, 99% of preachers / practices / ministers, and most psychics and mediums have no idea how to remove. The healer may have done some other type of energy work that masked the feeling There are many people them can canom Most of them are not sure they themselves or they are not accurate. They will not detect them in you and they will leave them attached to you. "healer" or "shaman" or "psychic" does not mean you must work with them. You should also be wary of people who remove demons / dark forces and / or spirits but do not do soul retrieval work, to psychics, shamans, witch doctors, or wiccans that use spells, voodoo, black magic, white magic or some type of sorcery to remove spirits and / or dark forces. There is a dark side to healing, and some healers are not working with the "light", and may cause Ask them questions, notice their responses, check and verify them, see what other types of healing work they do, and examine them as a whole.

13. You can not remove demons, dark forces or spirits from people at a distance.

This is false.

In the world of spirit, distance making no difference in healing. People, in fact, many healers who do they were in the same afternoon themselves. Every healer who is not at a distance spirit removal work are not at an distance level of removing non-physical animals. have no problem working at a distance.

14. Exorcism is dangerous.

This is both true and false.

Exorcism is dangerous when you do not know what you are doing the exorcism is inexperienced or exorcism is inexperienced or does not have a correct removal method, the attached entity will not be removed and the entity may be angry at the whole situation and If an entity is attached to some importance. It is a snake in the basement of your house. Leaving that snake to roam around If you are more experienced with killing snakes, it may bite you, it may be worse scenario then trying to get rid of it. Your own fear is worse then but you gotta get rid of it. Maybe the next time you try remove it from your property you will use a better technique so that you do not get bit. any dark entity getting angry at you. And like all things in life, i f it does not work the first time, try and try again until it is gone.

15. Dark forces and spirits like certain people more then others.

This is true.

Some people have an unknown ability within themselves themselves themselves are to be "themselves" to the dark forces. These people may be called light workers or something of that nature. Basically there are some of us By creating this shift we are there before diminishing the dark light or darkness in in planning and shift the negative shift in this planet. They have been known to these "special". They have also been known to wait for these "special" Now would follow them around as soon as they entered a new human body and wait for them to create some type of opening so they can now them a. Now a But there are certain "gifted" individuals who may actually create some serious damage to the dark forces agenda , so that the dark forces to have less power and control over humans. The "special" people are treated as goals or prizes among the dark forces.

16. Your own fears are good, healthy and a natural part of being human. You could never stop having fear.

This is false.

You have trained yourself to have fear. It is a learned response.

It is also a choice. It is also a choice. It is also a matter of how you have a chosen to function through wrong habits, ideas, and lifestyles. It is also how people are feeling they are dis-empowered. Anger is also fear, just directed in a different path with more intense negative, if you have sent it, you have that affected the way you think, feel, and respond to life. Because it is a lower form of energy, it attracts everything that is a lower form of energy - demons, Even advanced healers and masters who project a image of being enlightened and evolved have fear repressed somewhere within themselves. If there is an A part of yourself is still connected to a lower level, and by repressing it or condemning it only makes it grow and have more power.

Fear encompasses so many things beyond emotions and thoughts, like your energy, vibration, and frequency.

You may not be afraid of many things, but that does not say that your energy does not vibrate at a fear level. For instance, many people completely unknown to themselves feed and live from other people. People like this have been called energy or psychic vampires, emotional vampires, draining, needy and empty people, etc. These are all people who are in a very dark and lower vibration (fear). Now these people may project confidence, positivity and power, still their energy and aura emanates a very low level fear based energy. off other people & # 39; s energy and power in order to compensate for their own lack of power and energy.

Fear is an illusion designed to dis-empower you and keep you locked in the structure and physics of a psychological and spiritual dimension, the fear dimension. In reality fear has no power except the power you give to it.

 The Misconceptions of Spirits, Dark Forces and Spirit and Dark Force Possession <br/>-2

 The Misconceptions of Spirits, Dark Forces and Spirit and Dark Force Possession <br/>-2

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