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 What is terrible sound in the ear? -2

Tinnitus is a condition that makes people hear the noise and noise that other people can not hear. Tinnitus is a fairly common condition occurring in about 10% of the population. Tinnitus is usually seen in the elderly, but more studies have increased the occurrence of tinnitus in young people. Perhaps this change in occurrence is due to the young generation being exposed to the great noise of music, guns, blowout dryers and so on. People suffering from tinnitus tone, cry, whistling, sounding, sounding. Two people will not hear exactly the same sound. Most affected people judge that these noises are just annoying and annoying, but you can continue your daily life. However, in some cases, tinnitus can significantly affect the quality of life due to the inconvenience of noise.

Tinnitus can be divided into two categories, objective and subjective. Only the doctor can distinguish between the two types. Objective tinnitus is perceived as a sound actually originating from the ear. All sounds of anatomical bodies such as muscle spasms, heart beats or pulses, and blood flow all hear through the patient's ears. Subjective tinnitus is more common because it describes the symptoms the patient feels. With subjective tinnitus, the doctor can not hear the sound from the ear.

Tinnitus does not heal and it is difficult to determine the exact cause of tinnitus. Tinnitus has four areas: outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, brain. Wax and foreign matter may block external noise and damage the outer ear. In middle ear fluids, infections or diseases of the ear or tympanic bone can cause injury. Damage to the nerves of the inner ear can distort the noise. Finally, abnormalities in the brain can cause symptoms of tinnitus.

In addition, it includes some diseases, defects, drugs, and emotional factors that may cause symptoms of tinnitus. However, the most common cause is damage of the cochlea (cochlea) of the inner ear. The cochlear nerve communicates the electrical impulse to the brain which interprets these signals sent to the brain. Distorted signals are interpreted as noise by the brain. Determining how a nerve has been damaged is the ultimate cause of symptoms of tinnitus.

Elderly people are more likely to experience symptoms of tinnitus. As you get older like many other areas of the body, the inner ear or the middle ear gradually changes and causes symptoms of hearing loss. Age-related hearing loss is called a senile elderly person. Changes in miracles occur over longer periods of time and usually occur in both ears. In young people, exposure to loud sounds can cause deafness. The cumulative effect of repeated exposure to large noises will cause placental aging. Depending on the exposure duration and the frequency of the sound, it is determined whether the ear nerve is damaged or not. In some cases, it may cause temporary hearing loss, but permanent damage causes the need for tinnitus and hearing aids. However, all symptoms of tinnitus are not due to exposure to noisy environments or old age. Some of the possible changes in the ear include otosclerosis. Changes in ear bone cause hardening of middle ear bone. This abnormal growth pressures other bones and nerves in the ear.

All normal bodily functions such as breathing, heartbeat, muscle contraction, blood flow are all noise. However, most people can not hear these noises. Because we are surrounded by the noise hiding these small sound hearing abilities. However, removing external noise increases the likelihood that you hear the anatomical sound of your body. Also, with certain changes in the body, you can hear these sounds more easily.

Disorders of the body's metabolism may cause symptoms of tinnitus due to deficits that interfere with metabolism. Most metabolic disorders are inherently genetic, meaning they are inherited by the parent's genetic makeup. A metabolic disorder may cause abnormal enzyme function and the body can not decompose specific substances or too many substances required. Common metabolic disorders causing tinnitus are thyroid disease, hyperlipidemia, vitamin B 12 deficiency and iron deficiency anemia.

Anemia is the state where blood is diluted with red blood cells and provides oxygen and nutrition to the body. Thin blood pierces the vein quickly and makes a sound. Anemia can lead to fatigue and death unless you take care of it quickly.

Ménière's disease is a disease that causes abnormal flow of inner ear fluid which affects hearing and balance. Meniere's disease, which usually causes hearing loss or tinnitus in the ear, causes an increase in hydraulic pressure in the inner ear. The cause of tinnitus, such as brain tumor, brain tumor, or auditory neuroma, is more doubtful. Aneurysms generally occur in the treaty at the base of the brain. Bulge occurs in blood vessels, filled with blood, there is a danger of explosion if the size gets larger. As the size of the aneurysm increases, it increases the pressure on the surrounding blood vessels. Brain tumors and brain tumors that are non-neoplastic benign tumors exert pressure on blood vessels and block nutrients and oxygen supply to the brain. Therefore, the brain interpreted blood pressure as distorted sound. Audiomyeloma typically appears in the cranial nerves that occur from the brain to the ears, affecting balance and hearing.

Ear tissue, also called earwax, is secreted in the ear canal to protect the bacteria, fungi, insects and water in the ear. Periodic removal of earwax should be maintained so as not to allow excess wax accumulation. The Q chip was originally designed to help remove earwax, but now it tends to be more dangerous than it is useful. By using the Q chip, earwax can penetrate deep into the auditory canal, affecting the eardrum. When the wax is pressed against the eardrum, the brain perceives them as a noise signal.

Head, neck and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) damage also affect tinnitus. Chiari malformation, multiple sclerosis, skull fracture, whiplash, closed head injury, and TMJ disorders all affect the brain's ears, nerves and blood vessels. Because injuries and disorders cause abnormalities, the brain perceives electrical impulses differently from the normal human brain. Neurological disorders also cause brain dysfunction that may cause symptoms of tinnitus.

Prescription drugs and counter medications also affect the ability to decipher sound waves in the body. A drug is legal or illegal, it may cause the brain to receive distorted signals and cause tinnitus. Aspirin, antibiotics, cancer drugs, diuretics, quinine and chloroquine all can cause symptoms of tinnitus.

Finally, stress plays a major role for the functioning of the body to function properly. Unfortunately, stress can interfere with the ability of the brain to interpret and perceive stimuli. Atherosclerosis, hypertension depression, anxiety, and neurosis are stressors that cause dysfunction that disturbs the body and exerts its abilities. Therefore, the brain may mislead the electrical impulse that causes the tinnitus.

Unfortunately, the cause of tinnitus is so numerous that it is difficult to quickly identify the cause of subjective or objective symptoms. Therefore, it may be a long-pulled process to find your specific cause of your condition. In the meantime, tinnitus can be a great inconvenience and troublesome thing to your life. Furthermore, if you try without relief, the amount of testing and treatment may be disappointing. But there are many alternative drugs that will help you to minimize your symptoms until you can fully solve your current condition.

 What is terrible sound in the ear? -2

 What is terrible sound in the ear? -2

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