About 15 years old, I was influenced by acid digestive disorder. It kept plaguing me through high school, college, and most of the lives of adults. After sending some officers, children passing through the Ivey League college, I have studied and experimented with various remedies. I did this, not only to get lasting relief but also to try to reduce some expenses.
Here I completely controlled heartburn and acid regurgitation:
1. I put a teaspoon of aluminum-free baking soda in glass and fill it with 4 to 8 ounces of cold water. Believe me, the coldest the better. Easily get off when the water is cold.
2. I use baking soda without aluminum. After seeing that aluminum can cause some damage to the brain, I avoid common baking soda at most grocery store baking aisles.
3. After that, I stir the formulation very well and lower it at a stroke.
4. The witch's brewery sitting and relaxing while doing that.
That's it. I understand that it does not cure acid indigestion or acid reflux, but I prescribe prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs afterwards. It is simply costly and does not include things like being recalled or involved in lawsuits of some kind. If you have seen syndicated television in the afternoon, you know what I am talking about.
Is it better? For me, it must be a natural control of symptoms.
Regarding acid reflux, there is a better way than baking soda without aluminum to control the symptoms, but taking a salty cocktail makes me sleep like a baby all night. There were several times that I broke the basic rule of eating since 7 pm. I am awfully awake from dead sleep which experiences the same sense as drowning. I learned that the baking soda treatment applied immediately in front of the bed was perfect to prevent acid reflux attacks.
I can not say that this treatment failed to provide relief, quick relief due to my acidic dyspepsia. The doctor says you should not take too much. Of course, they rather write prescriptions so they can travel freely to the European compliments of the regional pharmaceutical agents. If the sourness increases more than usual, I notice that my stomach does not blow. I will be grandpa and obese for just two minutes. My body tends to deal with the pressure of gas made in perfectly natural form.
Application of baking soda is a temporary but effective protocol for eliminating symptoms of acidic dyspepsia. I do not give medical advice. I am not a trained physician. I will tell you what I will do for this illness. Whether this is right for you, you have to leave it to you.