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 Current status of the world cyber wall -2

Drama. Drama is the driving force of the press. In order to grasp the realistic impression of the virtual, we must look around this particular stone. To understand what Cyber ​​War is and how it is defined, we must investigate it.

When talking about Cyber ​​Wall, exaggeration and metaphor are rules, not exceptions. Cyber ​​this, cyberthat - You may have noticed that nouns and verbs of the material world exist in the virtual world. Cyberworld's image tends to portray the physical things rather than the electrons that make up the cyberworld dramatically. Images of coins inhabit the story of purely virtual cryptic infringement like BitCoin. Perhaps the exception to this rule is the physics journal where the reader is actually interested in cyber realm electronic and mathematics.

However, as we read the story of Cyber ​​Wall, you can see pictures of soldiers, firearms and supplies that accompany the story. We call it Cyber ​​Warriors to sit on a desk or computer to understand how to hack or how to not hack. These stories are accompanied by photographs of men of flackey jackets and helmets. It is strange that photographs of tanks and bombers are attached to Cyber ​​Item.

Apart from dramatic animations and photos, what is Cyber ​​War? Mr. Richard Clark, former special adviser to Cyber ​​Security, defined the cyber warfare as "actions that cause the state to invade computers and networks in other countries and cause damage or confusion" in 2010. It is remarkable that the state must be identified as an illegal actor. If this is true, it seems that it has already participated in many years of cyber walls in attacks from China, Russia, the United States, Israel, Georgia, Ukraine, Korea, Syria, Iran, Estonia and others. Also, although the countries are always denying that, there is the same clear indicator that they prove digital attacks on each other's networks, computers and data. Damage to the network, computer, and data continues.

Certainly there is a cyber attack on each state. But is it Cyber ​​War? Dr. Thomas Lid, a professor of security research at King's College, says that there is no cyber wall. He tends to define cyber walls with physical infrastructure disasters. The scene where the water stops, the light goes off, the train derailed, the bank loses financial records, the road becomes confused, the elevator breaks down, and the plane falls from the sky. And he says it is not going to happen. In fact, there is a book in 2013 called "Cyber ​​War Will Not Take Place".

Other people are not so concerned about the theme and the possibilities. In the United States, the budget of cyber command is increasing rapidly as government spending is decreasing in most areas. It is $ 118 million in 2012, $ 212 million in 2013 and $ 447 million in 2014. It bought many electronic, code, many Cyber ​​Warriors (Sons Flack Jacket),. These increases are similar, if not dramatically inflated by cyber budgets from other countries.

Will not you tempt anyone to use them with all the cyber tools and the cyber tools created at hand? Is cyber wall inevitable? It is doubtful that an ethicologist is seriously working on it. Are big thinkers like Patrick Lin, Fritz Alhoff, Neil C. Rowe co-authoring several articles such as the possibility of a cyber war sacrifice? War 2.0: Cyber ​​weapons and ethics (conventional) laws of war exist and similar guidelines on cyber conflicts must exist. Yesterday it is not too early to begin thinking seriously about these problems.

In order to answer the phrase which is the title of this article, there is a need for everything because the definition of cyberwall on the whole map needs to be on the map as in this article. It's actually and literally all over the world. The definition of cyberwall variable differs for each country and organization. Cyberworld's Wild West nevertheless is trying to demonstrate such a different idea on that subject. Although that argument is useful, its conclusion is indispensable.

The Tallinn manual on page 302 is the result of a 3 year survey by subject matter experts trying to establish such definitions. You can read it for free. However, the conclusions reached here are not protected by all potential parties of the cyber conflict.

Well, what's the best answer that can be given to the cyber-wall state of the world? Cyber ​​attacks are prevalent all over the world. They are fired by multiple state actors or non-state actors. They argue that other states and unrestricted voters have no control or input, but they are accused by national actors as they insist that they are politically superior. They are dismissed by a hacktivist seeking political change by disabling or disabling sites, networks, and information. They are carried by people with a motive for pure profit. And they are carried by lovers who feel a joy in a mild disturbance.

Despite relatively modest acts such as distributed denial of service (DDoS) remaining, all such attacks are on the rise. However, there is little evidence that many of the physical infrastructure will be affected. There is little evidence that these attacks physically hurt people. It is unknown where such events actually occur.

Dr. Lid says he will not do so. Drs. Lin, Alhoff, Rowe point out ways to avoid such harm. Richard Clark and Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta say that inevitably it is inevitable and have to prepare hundreds of millions of dollars.

Albert Einstein said, "We can not prevent and prepare war at the same time, In the case of cyber war, he wishes that he was wrong.

 Current status of the world cyber wall -2

 Current status of the world cyber wall -2

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