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 Rolling back at work -2

"We have to become the change we want to see in the world.
Mohandas Karaman Chand Gandhi (1869-1948)

"I believe myself has a fortunate job ..." Are you true? Four years have passed since the economic collapse and large-scale employment loss. People who are working may be "lucky people". They can pay mortgages, send their children to school, and put regular meals on the dinner table. In many cases, this is true. But are they really lucky? The purpose of this article is to offset the reality of withdrawal, its impact, and current trends and to ensure that more people are indeed fortunate to be able to work.

In 2001, many publications showed that more than 70% of the people left jobs or aggressively departed from work. In 2010, Gallup says that because 72% of US workers are withdrawing, they simply have to "emerge". We believe that data for 2010 should be worse than in 2001 when the economy was doing well. Indeed, whatever the employment situation, many people are in the work that does not satisfy it. Why the problem? The answer is multifactorial.

Let's talk about some of the outcome results before explaining the reason. Usually, individuals who have withdrawn tend not to be distracted by their work. If people do not mind, they are doing the necessary efforts to obtain sufficient productivity unilaterally. People who have withdrawn often need a minimum to get on and off. They do not try to improve or improve things. They are not innovative and they do not help others find a new solution. Their teamwork is either not present or is sufficiently restricted to adversely affect the success of the group. Team efforts tend to focus merely on moral support and summoning. In fact, those who left it can nurture a negative, harsh environment, making true teamwork more difficult. Gallup reported that about 18% of the departed individuals reported directly and measurable adverse effects on the university. Furthermore, individuals who do not find value in their work are even lacking.

In the United States, it is estimated that about 370 billion dollars are simply lost due to reduced productivity, waste, lack of creativity, duplication of effort, and other potential damage from withdrawal. According to social security data, the average wage index for 2010 was 41,673.83 dollars. Given the fact that the merit usually increases by about 30%, please make an assumption that the average work is equivalent to $ 54,175.98. This means that by re-injecting $ 37 billion into the economy, about 6,829,595 jobs will be created and maintained. This is obviously the number used to indicate the authenticity of the problem. These "potential" jobs are not necessarily created. Waste reduction surely produces a lot of employment. However, some of the key impacts are increased investment in research and development, more effective training and development of workforce, improved benefits, improved working conditions, increased competitiveness, increased corporate profits,

So, what do people leave?

I think I already have a list of reasons lined up in your head. A normal culprit is coming back. Incorrect occupation, bad environment, lack of leadership, stress is reluctant as some conflicts and learn here. Annihilation Yes, I will withdraw because a lot of people have been released. Indeed, people should know better than to catch fake dreams in work and work environments. Or are they? Is it just a dream to wish for the environment to promote true contribution and optimum use of your skills? How many times have you heard in the interview? "We pride ourselves on dealing with people here," We always ensure that you receive the stimulation that is best suited to your ability and your wishes, and that we are fulfilling our responsibilities. " We encourage open communication and idea sharing. "" We are different. "I understand and evaluate work life balance.

How many times did the appointment meet? How quickly do you see that they are different tools in the box and not special and unique? How often are individuals who are given different responsibilities than those initially presented? Can you really speak your mind without a label? Many people recognize that nothing is different. Workers rarely face the fact that there is little support from the management team and true teamwork is rare. Data and many sad events indicate that individuals are dissatisfied and angry. Occasionally the bitterness becomes clenching, leading to disillusionment, and finally leaving. Is this picture exaggerated, pessimistic and unrealistic? This data continues to show that more than 70% of people are withdrawing.

This leads to various reasons for people to leave or leave.

Work environment

According to Leigh Branham's article, 35% of people quit or dissatisfied because the workplace is not as expected. For false promises, the need for you to get a job, work, the lack of questions and hearing in the process of interviews, unrealistic perspectives or other related reasons, people usually expect within six months, It turned out to be far different. One solution to this is to better plan and implement the interview. This applies to both interviewers and interviews. In the last 25-year interview, when I look back at what I was a participant (either active or observer), I am still surprised at how light they are taken. Too many standardized and predictable questions are given the answer "I want to ask you" chewed in advance. Posting and game play are very exciting during the interview process. There is not enough time on each side to discover the essence of the other side. I remember what I said to the person who did the interview. "You remember that there are avoidable mistakes, for just reasons, whether you do your job or not." And, to speak frankly, people who need work have the danger of injuring people illegally. In order to use the interview process to make the best information-based decisions, it is necessary to drill down to the people involved as deeply as possible. To do that, we need to understand who we are, clarify the scope of our work, first identify the value of the core, then identify the skills we need. Skills can be trained and values ​​rarely change. It is important to plan effective questions and ask new questions. In order for this to work, you need to listen, you really need to listen.

If people acquire "proper" positions and jobs, other problems may arise in order to cause departure.

Lack of recognition

The vast majority of people need some recognition. Here are some numbers from the worker tracker survey (2010). 78% of American workers express that they recognize that their efforts are necessary to motivate their work. In fact, 69% of people work if they get proper recognition of their efforts. Of those who are confirming that they are looking for new jobs, only 24% were satisfied with the cognitive level they were given. Those numbers are wonderful, especially considering those who are seeking such recognition, even considering those who are not offered to give recognition. Is it because the supervisor is not recognized that they do not give recognition in turn? It will happen, yes. Another problem is that managers, supervisors and colleagues are often thinking that they are providing adequate and valuable awareness. The simple fact that saying "good work" to someone is not recognition. Especially if it is told, even if there is no necessary detail accompanying it. Due to the communication style and motivation, recognition needs to be different packages. These are some of the key rules to discuss in the leadership program to provide feedback. Cognition must be genuine, unique to each situation, supported by examples, and must conform to the style of the person in line with the effort.

Leadership issues

In addition to unstructured cognition and inefficient feedback, leadership often lacks intense trust. When leadership acts just as if it is one's own growth and benefits, it is difficult for credit to settle and prosper. If feedback is given about more results and what seems to be the sole purpose of manipulating people, trust is not obviously created. For several years articles and statistics have demonstrated that people do not leave the organization.

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) announced 34 issues since early 2010. Out of 34, we are tackling leadership and personnel management as 10 leading cover topics. This is announced during periods when many topics such as innovation, competitiveness, green behavior, profitability, recession, new strategy, change management are the most important, mentally and economically and competitively successful It is about 29% out of thousands of pages. People are considered to be the company's most valuable assets when people consider making products, making, marketing, selling, servicing and repairing products. With this in mind, it is reasonable for HBR to allocate about 30% of the work to the work. So why is it so difficult for many companies to do the same? Merely showing that 30% of the operating expenses are on salary is not to prove that the right effort is deployed so that this investment can be managed with certainty responsibly.

According to Towers Watson, about 29% of the employees said that managers are actually interested in their happiness or thinking.

Reviewing the AFL - CIO 's annual salary report, the CEO gained 380 times more compensation than the average worker in 2011. In that year, CEO, the compensation increased by 13.9% compared to the previous year, for 2.8% average workers. What message would you like to send to a group of people who are actually helping to create the true value of the company?

Unbelievable feelings

As competition intensifies and profitability rises, many companies adopt short-term tactics. Employing part-time employees through an agency is one way to increase the "hands of the deck". Immediate results adversely affect analysts by improving potential productivity without adding additional fixed costs. point of view. This creates employment and has a real possibility of bringing positive results. One precious exit is to identify rising stars and hard potential all employees. However, if "outside persons" are not invited to team meetings or activities and are not properly trained or are not information on important elements affecting efforts to gather information, these people "Cheap", "used", they may actually feel like an outsider. They can not do the job properly. Some part-time workers can enjoy relative anonymity, but in other cases it often results in limited involvement. Employees should work diligently to benefit their teams and employers, but often spend valuable time and effort seeking eternal employment. But more importantly, this also affects full-time employees. Subordinate workers often lead to the conclusion that there is an "class" of employees. They hear that leaders talk about teamwork and they are making efforts to know that team members are escaping from their team.

It is just one example chosen in part because it is done more mellow and frequently at the time of reducing long-term investment in human resources. In-house competition often produces conflicts within a company that dislikes workers, while managers talk about big families and cooperate for the benefit of everyone. Blatant prejudice is not useful for "non-favorites" to belong. Even if the communication of information that may be affecting people's efforts is inadequate, we do not feel that employees are concerned about themselves or their efforts.

According to Towers Watson 's data, 31% of workers believed that management was openly and honestly communicating, "I do not think that only 3% deal with managers as an important part of the organization "

The lack of individualism and teamwork is another problem that is often identified as a separate problem. I like to include it in affiliation is fundamentally the same predicament. Tim Sanders wrote a book called Love is the Killer App in 2002. Love here is the ability to help others grow. Tim discusses the incredibly powerful influence human relationships have on the success of a business. If we are not social diseases, we all need "love". We need to be surrounded by those who willingly willing to help. Work must be a place to provide such an environment. It must be the place the team promotes so that each individual can use all the talent and always develop it. It is not that we are never saying nice and bad things to each other. In any team, people face each other and oppose it. They may appeal points and may be tough with some of the comments. But as people face an obvious and serious intent to make things better for the team, the result is the growth of everyone. Humans are pack animals. We prosper and gain strength with our cooperation with others.

Stress, overwork, misfortune people

In her article entitled The Overworked American, Juliet B. Schor explains the work of today's workers in the 1920s. We spend as much time as we do at home and are taking on other responsibilities. For true leisure, Americans are estimated to have a total of 16 hours a week. Basically it goes to sleep 8 hours a week and get up the first time in a week. But we can not sleep for 8 hours ... More studies show that Americans are suffering from sleep disturbances more and more. There is advertisement on TV for mattress and sleep than beer advertisement.

In order to increase profit and productivity, we adopted a strategy of doing more with fewer things. As a result, nearly 50% of Americans say that their work is stressful in that their work is difficult in nakedness.

According to the OECD data, about 48% of Americans will suffer from certain psychosis in their lifetime. The highest among the industrialized countries investigated. Considering that workers in the United States spend more time in their work than any other workers, more care is needed in relation to work, stress and health.

Fortunately, many companies and small businesses understand this problem. They encourage workers to shorten their working hours, increase exercise time, and lengthen time with their families. Some people encourage flexible time and work in remote areas. For example, First Tennessee Bank allowed some branch offices to provide flexible time. As a result, customer retention increases by 7% compared to branches that did not offer flexibility. More importantly, we have doubled the retention period of employees at branch offices that offer flexible time.

In 2009, Morgan Redwood showed that in the UK companies that helped and better balance the work and life balance showed an annual net profit increase of 23% per employee. The ability to manage their private life made workers more effective, reduced absenteeism, and greatly improved productivity.

Happy people are more productive. The main title of January - February issue of HBR is "value of happiness - how benefits of employees will benefit". It is attractive. According to one article, productivity of happy employees improved by 31%, sales increased by 37%, creativity tripled.

We all need to contribute. It is part of our social nature. It is to promote much of our actions. Why does the author write and publish books? To prove famous, recognized, their value and knowledge, to earn money. Of course, in many cases, all of the above apply. But in case priority, writing, publishing, sharing is to make a difference to contribute to something. This applies to all lives.

Over 9 million people saw a video on motivation narrated by dampink. Among the many aspects discussed, the necessity of autonomy, acquisition, purpose is discussed and demonstrated. If you have a purpose, people will make better results, push the limits and innovate. We will contribute to the success of the team and the company. It gives people importance.

Individuals who have withdrawn have little purpose. They have not been moved to contribute to their work environment and collection. This not only deprives companies and customers of new ideas, improved services, high quality products, effective communication, and other essentials, but it is robbing their core people. That is a terrible waste.

We previously stressed that about US $ 370 billion in the United States is losing productivity every year. When I was the director of pharmaceutical company training and development, we estimated the cost of new employment to $ 250,000.00 the first year. At some point 50% of the 60 people we hired were lost because of the reasons we can not tackle here. Estimated expenses to hire new talent, lost opportunities, time for new recruits to work perfectly were around $ 8 million. What happened if those people were engaged and staying in the company? That, we really can not tell. But we can certainly see and see what it spends on efforts, frustration, customer retention and team morale.


1. Improve the quality of recruitment

As mentioned earlier, both employment managers and those seeking employment should ask questions to help you better define your needs and determine what is as close as possible. In a recent survey, as a result of preliminary survey, 74% of respondents indicate that "interaction of people during dialogue" occasionally occurs or rarely occurs. At the same time, the same people say that this ability is important and quite important in 94% of cases. When you look at "Ability to ask insightful questions", it is said that skills will not appear in most or sometimes 65%. 96% of these people tell us that this ability is important and absolutely important. It is not difficult to plan and implement the interview. The structure that leads us is in place. People need to pay appropriate attention to it. You can save millions of dollars productivity in hours.

2. Ensure that leaders can provide guidance, feedback and recognition.

Too often, the supervisor does not spend the time necessary for coaching and team development. More time is allocated to administrative issues such as budget, forecast, resource allocation, organization and attendance of meetings. These administrative activities are truly necessary and often very important, but the problem lies in the time allocation ratio between these activities and leadership / guidance. What do you think about the productive ratio? Should we spend equal amounts on each? Or do you need to increase guidance and guidance time? What is coaching / leadership? This is not a guidance as guidance enters the list of notes outlining sales to the goal, success or failure to achieve it, and measures to compensate. It will not lead to leadership. Administrators and supervisors need to spend time to communicate effectively with people, there are reasons for specific decisions. It is true that it can not share everything and it is true that it should not be shared, but the more people understand decision making, the more likely it is to follow up with the best action. It is also important for all people in the team to recognize that the behavior is not the same. Not all information means the same thing. Each individual does not react equally to others. Leaders who understand the personality, differences, specific needs of people can adapt their intervention more effectively. Coaching is one of the topics in the new millennium. We have been doing a training program on coaching over the past five years more than ever. What is your view on coaching? Is it too cute of many kinds of things? Very few managers are trained psychologists, are rather frank and they are not expected to be therapists. Effective coaching implements ways to raise people and to fully demonstrate their abilities. The better adapted coaching results are often productivity gains and happy people ...

3. Understanding motivation in work environment and applying principle.

Motivation is one of the least understood concepts in business. Despite numerous research and proven methodologies, I mentioned earlier how First Tennessee Bank allowed some of the branches to provide flexible time. Compared to branches that did not offer flexibility, customer retention increased by 7% and employee retention doubled. One reason to explain this is that people are voluntary. According to our research and methodology there are four important motives of society, awards, tasks, and conformance. Task motivation may be one of the reasons for First Tennessee's success. Individuals who can determine the optimal environment to accomplish tasks usually feel better about the quality of the output. Furthermore, I was able to work in an environment where I can take care of my family and practice my work at the same time. Therefore, social motivation may have played a role as well. Remember, people were suggested to work with flexible time, which motivated some of them. The point is that motivation varies from person to person. As in most cases, if we provide the sole form of motivation (such as a prize in the form of monetary incentives), we will fulfill part of our work.

4. Invest in developing and maintaining effective teamwork.

Please imagine one of the professional teams who won each overall title (championship). Beckham can not play himself and can not win 11 baseball players. DiMaggio, Favre or anyone else could not. The team consists of people with different skills and different personality. Each member must contribute to the maximum of his / her ability. Each member must recognize and celebrate the contributions of the other members. They all need to work together with a common goal. Each member of the team is involved with more people when their contributions are valued at a reasonable level and investment (time and / or other resources) is made in personal development.

5. Reduce excessive stress and contribute to a healthy work-life balance.

It is not sufficient to encourage people to have a documented work-life balance. Companies, teams, and small and medium enterprises need to live it. You have no signs of disliking people to stay in the office with strange rules between 9 pm and 10 pm with work and life balance in the company posters and newsletter, actually going around Have you declared that you only need to observe? What the top manager is clearly stating is that the most important things a sales representative can do is that even if only a little bit during a particular time period, even if it is argued that the numbers went round the end of the quarter, , At any cost. Stress is caused by unintentional messages, mixed messages, and losing its role in a predictable specific environment. Companies and instructors need to understand that emotional learning is the most powerful tool to teach people how to act. It is not our word, but our actions.

6. Foster an environment of trust and respect.

It is absolutely true that we can not share everything with everyone. This is often said to underestimate the ability of people to handle the truth. According to our methodology, trust comes from a balanced combination of communication, listening and understanding. People need to receive the information they need to accomplish their work. Individuals and teams need to listen.また、コミュニケーションとリスニングの両方は、理由、動機、必要な行動をよりよく理解することを目指す必要があります。何が私を信頼するのか?信頼できるようにするためには何が必要ですか?信頼を育むために私は何をしますか?


先ほどお話したように、一人ひとりが何か違うものに動機付けられています。主に仕事の質によって動機を与えられる人は、可能な限り最良の方法でそのような仕事を達成する能力(環境)と、完成した製品を内部的に誇りに思う能力が必要です。マネージャーとして、私は個人が彼らが受け取るボーナスに基づいて仕事を達成することを奨励するだけであれば、私は実際にその人を刺激しないかもしれません。個人はボーナスによって動機を与えられないかもしれない。その目的が継続的に改善することであるならば、それを奨励する必要があります。人のモチベーションがチームを助けることであれば、その機会を提供する必要があります。チームの貢献が目的に必要でない場合、私たちはまたそれをそうする方法を見つけ出すか、個人を別の社会的に指向する目的を見つけるか、その人の役割を再考する必要があります。 YouTubeでDan Pinkをご覧ください:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc


お金はモチベーターではありません。 3Mは50日にそれを示し、研究はデータを引き続きサポートしています。私たちの生活の中でお金が必要です。私たちはそれを必要とし、それを求めます。お金は避難所、食べ物、喜び、威信、独立性などを提供するツールです。お金は本当の必要を得る方法なので、お金は人をインセンティブにする最も簡単で効果的な方法です。お金を使う最善の方法は、それを無関係にすることです。人々がお金を稼ぐために十分に報酬を支払ったり補償したりすると(人々は法案を納めることができ、家にいて休暇を楽しんだり、子供たちを世話するなど)、仕事でもっと生産的で幸せになる。もう一度、お金は終わりの手段に過ぎません。人々が終わりを務めるように手助けをすれば、彼らは本当に生産的になるのを助けます。私は非常に特殊な状況を覚えています。ある時点で、契約義務が確実に履行されるためには、企業はより多くの顧客の電話をする必要がありました。経営陣は素晴らしい小さな競争を思いついた。追加の "x"回の呼び出しごとに、人々は "y"の金額を得るでしょう。十分に簡単で、金銭的報酬(賞)に基づいています。セールスマンの一人が私たちに来て、およそ次のように言った。「私は、私の仕事をもっと頑張らせるために、このスキルに疲れている。状況と、質と量のバランスをどうやってできるかを話し合い、 "多くの人が反応して、この人物は明らかに競争嫌悪者であり、おそらく適切な職場にはないと言うかもしれません。それは事実かもしれませんが、ここではありません。これはチーム内で最も効果的な販売員の1人であり、さらに、競技には問題がないことを証明するために、数多くの国際賞の隣に座って、自宅でオリンピック金メダルを獲得しました。その人は単にコミュニケーションし、理解し、聴きたいと思っていました。

インセンティブ・プログラムは、個人、ニーズ、動機にさらに適応する必要があります。 Incentivizingはまた、人々が仕事の目的を見つけるのを助ける必要があることを意味します。


Philippe Glaude、M.Sc.



 Rolling back at work -2

 Rolling back at work -2

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