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 How Vitamin D affects thyroid disease -2

Vitamin D is well known for its importance in the management of calcium in gut, bone, and blood and disease resistance. However, in many studies it has been shown that the effects of vitamin D levels may contribute to many other health problems.

Researchers now believe that they play an important role in how cells communicate. In clinical studies, abnormal vitamin D concentrations are associated with colon, prostate, breast cancer, heart disease, weight gain, thyroid disease.

Production of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is unique compared to other vitamins. It is almost impossible to get what you need from food. Your body naturally occurs naturally in the skin when you are exposed to natural or artificial UVB light.

If your body produces vitamin D or supplements it it is sent to the liver. The liver converts Vitamin D to 25 (OH) D and sends it to various areas of the body to activate it. Once activated, it is ready to perform its duties.

Autoimmune state

Autoimmunity occurs when the immune system moves human healthy tissues and cells as a threat. When this occurs, their bodies will cause an immune reaction to attack. This reaction can cause injury, inflammation, chronic pain in many parts of the body.

Vitamin D deficiency may reduce the ability to fight infections in the body and may be associated with autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Grave's disease, and may cause autoimmune diseases.

Clinical study

Several 2014 studies published at the Annual Meeting of the Thyroid Histology Society are special concerns. Researchers in China Nanjing evaluated 34 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 32 patients with Grave's disease for 52 healthy patients. Researchers measured a number of thyroid-related factors, including vitamin D3.

Vitamin D is a group of compounds actually labeled as vitamin D 1, D 2, and D 3. Vitamin D3 is a form of naturally occurring vitamin and is most biologically active.

Researchers found that patients with autoimmune thyroid disease had significantly lower levels of vitamin D3 than healthy controls. Patients with hyperthyroid peroxidase antibodies that the body produces with thyroid autoimmune disease also had lower levels of vitamin D. This suggests that vitamin D deficiency is associated with autoimmune thyroid disease or may cause autoimmune thyroid disease

Brazilian researchers examined 54 Hashimoto patients compared to 54 healthy controls. They also found vitamin D deficiency in 63.2% of patients. People with low vitamin D levels have high thyroid stimulating hormone levels and large thyroid glands.

Vitamin D shortage

Usually the skin produces enough vitamin D when exposed to sufficient UV light. However, the risk of skin cancer and melanoma now means that many people use sunscreen to cover the body. We also spend a lot of time indoors for work and entertainment.

As more clinical trials show a relationship between vitamin D and thyroid function, many doctors recommend vitamin D testing as part of thyroid assessment and care. Nevertheless, health professionals and doctors may treat you based on your results.

Medical model and function model

In the medical model, we recommend 400 International Units of Vitamin D per day. It also defines a sufficient serum 25 (OH) D level of> 50 nmol / L "that covers the needs of 97.5% of the population." This test was used to measure vitamin D levels in the 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood test.

Medical models usually recommend supplementation to increase low vitamin D levels. However, functional approaches to care recognize that vitamin D levels are lowered for several reasons. As a result, recommending supplements before considering overall health condition and other potential problems will be ineffective and counterproductive.

Since supplements do not address fundamental problems, we do not always modify low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D receptors in some autoimmune patients can not be activated by changes in the DNA sequence. Therefore, they need to be higher than normal blood levels of vitamin D to avoid vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is lipid soluble, and some patients with thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis have few stomach acid and some fat absorption. Autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Grave's disease also overdose the immune system and deplete the body's vitamin D storage. After that, it is important first to address the issue of gastrointestinal tract and digestive system and to consider vitamin D supplementation to regulate the immune system.

Practitioners with highly qualified functions can observe the health of your intestines and digestive organs and if you are satisfied you can order vitamin D level 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test.

Your practitioner may recommend refilling to reach 60-80 nmol / L. This is considerably lower than the 125 nmol / L threshold the patient may experience side effects. It will be retested in a few months. If the serum level rises to an acceptable level, the doctor adjusts vitamin D so that the serum level is 50-60 nmol / L.


Since the shortage of vitamin D is only one of the factors contributing to the problem of the thyroid gland, if fundamental problems remain, it is ineffective, so we do not recommend self replacement. Discuss your thyroid problem with a functional practitioner to develop an effective treatment protocol.

 How Vitamin D affects thyroid disease -2

 How Vitamin D affects thyroid disease -2

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