If you spend an excessive amount of time with the sun or other kinds of ultraviolet radiation, your skin can not make enough protective pigment to protect your skin and the skin expands due to excessive exposure. For those with clean skin or light sensitive skin, it is enough to burn in the sun for only 15 minutes.
The result of sunburn does not necessarily occur immediately, it may feel symptoms in a few minutes, it can take several hours, and may cause vomiting, headache, fever, or collapse. Excessive exposure to the sun regularly may cause the skin to become rough, cause wrinkles, and leather becomes leather.
In some cases, excessive exposure to the sun may damage the epidermis (outer layer), damage the blood vessels below this layer, hinder the formation of skin proteins and cause DNA damage leading to skin cancer There is.
So, should you avoid the sun at all? Well, no, as already mentioned, the sun provides essential vitamin D. Of course, the answer is to balance the balance, treat the skin properly with an additional moisturizer, drink enough water and put sunscreen on.
To overcome all of the physical obstacles between the internal organs and the external environment, in order to prevent sunburn and skin damage, remember the following points.
Especially using natural skin care products, always keep your skin moist. This is especially the sea salt wind, which helps to prevent skin for tightening and drying.
When you are out for the first time in the sun (either during summer vacation or vacation), limit the time exposed to the sun to 15 minutes and increase the time every day.
Please take sunscreen for about 15 to 30 minutes and reapply sunscreen every 2 hours after going out during the day. Remember that if you are sweating or swimming, apply more frequently and apply waterproof sunscreen before you enter the pool or the sea, so you can burn water. Also note that the sun's rays become stronger and you may need to wear a shirt in the water.
Avoid places exposed to direct sunlight. 3p.m. Whenever possible.
Trying paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen for pain, antibacterial soap or disinfectant may help prevent infection and help the sun's products, including aloe, cool overheated painful skin.
Good skin care is becoming a natural and essential part today, to maintain health, due to health threats to the biggest organ of the body like sunburn. Taking care of the skin helps to prevent the onset of skin diseases such as psoriasis and skin cancer. The type of skin you have, the best skin care products to use, the amount of sunlight suitable for you is an essential element in maintaining healthy and young skin.