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 A Comprehensive Analysis of Pitfalls Prevalent in Our Current Culture, Egypt, The Party Kid Inadequacy <br/>-2

They are social pariahs and near ostracized.. Over are years, these are lessons that I have learned in my constant effort to self-improvement. There have been trials and hardships, and I can attribute all of them to my own decisions. Effects of a culture such as ours, effects which contribute to the afflictions of our people. I intend to provide sufficient evidence to encourage a culture change What dissociation of the typical and fruitless, with focusses on the flaws and consequences of the continued proliferation of this culture.

I drinking / party / hook-up culture and the degradation of physiological, psychological, and moral AF culture and, as a result, a better society. We are pushing to change the af.

The air force, portraits a certain image which exemplifies unparallel prestige and excellence. This is reflected in the core values I believe I have identified a cause of this. I believe I have been happy to be a member of our personnel.

Many people join the military as a last-ditch effort to make a drastic change in their lives. There are many reasons to join: a steady career in an unstable economy, family, tradition, travel, etc. But then there are the reasons that I have actually heard from among my peers: needed to get away from drugs, needed to change lifestyle before ending up dead, needing any feeling of stability that they could, trying to make something of themselves.

Because it is the most prestigious, because of a civil, because it is the most prestigious, because of the greatest opportunity to go to college, Because it is the easiest, because it has been easiest, because it had the easiest jobs and the least military discipline, because the recruiter made promises that they could not ((and did not fulfill.

We are not end up getting the highly respectable, professional, military members that we claim. We right not being different from each other. I 'm looking for the most prestigious from the outside. I've been in almost five years, and I & I joined the pay for college, I joined the pay for college, # 39; ve not even completed an associative degree. I feel not feel like part of a remarkable and honorable tradition. I feel like a cube in a bag of marbles; a specialized entity that does not belong and. To embellish this point further, I & # 39; ve heard a similar story from several others, who have gotten down the road only to realize that it is not the journey that they had had envisioned.

So, a 20 year old Airman who is actually not a military Training was laughably easy and it did not have an adult, as you expected it would. a respectable, mature adult gets treated like a teenage idiot. Why is it that our members loathe the lifestyle, complain about every base regardless of the actual quality of life , and once they are separated / retire, act as if they & # 39; ve been freed from some horrible fate? motivated, dedicated, military professionals who serve with pride and honor.

That is this culture, and the adherence to unworthy traditions which perpetuates this experienced members see reflections of themselves in these new members, they see the mistakes being made by the airmen, as mistakes which they themselves made The emphasis should be on the continuous improvement of our force, not to repeat history and keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

I have done extensive research on these subjects out of interest for my own personal well-being, having experienced this lifestyle myself. I will bolster this point with scientific facts and findings which aggrandize the issue with our culture.
Beginning with the consequential factors, the DPH culture is a massive thorn in the side of our efforts toward zero tolerance DUIs, ARIs, and Sexual Assault. Consider that many disciplinary and judicial actions taken against members have alcohol as a factor; 5,300 alcohol-related incidents per year (from 2011); a factor in 33% of all suicides, 57% of sexual assaults, 29% of domestic violence cases, and 44% of fatal motor vehicle accidents. Alcohol abuse costs the Department of Defense more than $ 600 million each year. The reasons for these high costs bear weight in education, treatment, and prevention. staggering is the sheer magnitude of physiological and psychological risk that our personnel are putting up themselves through a simple lifestyle choice.

Studies have shown that 1-2 drinks per 48 hours can have a positive effect on anxiety, and slightly decrease cardiopulmonary This fact is in glaring contrast to the abundance of negative effects, especially considering that some (people not living this lifestyle drink only that much.

Alcohol contributes to the perpetuation of cancers such as oropharyngeal, esophageal, respiratory, digestive, liver, breast (Starting with the physiological effects, alcohol abuse is the leading cause of pancreatitis, liver disease, and cirrhosis) , ovarian, and prostate. Which is tripled or quadrupled when paired with smoking and promiscuity, two of the associated activities of drinkers. Alcohol also diminishes the body & # 39; s use of amino acids and glucose , resulting in the loss of muscle mass and an increase of lipids and fasting insulin from heavy drinking, other known as metabolic syndrome, resulting in an increase in waist circumference.

This adds onto the fact that it causes sexual dysfunction, loss of sexual desire, reduction of testosterone result in the feminization of males, hormonal imbalance that can result in hypestrogenesis, which can cause gynecomastia in males (man-boobs) and increase risk of breast cancer in females.

Pressing beyond the physical, to the psychological and neurological, alcohol causes widespread central nervous system damage, resulting in brain shrinkage, dementia, physical dependence, distortion of brain chemistry, increased plasma levels of the toxic amino acid homocysteine, disruptions of memory and learning, and significant brain lesions. These effects result in a decreased capacity to deal with stress, such as feeling that they "need" a drink to relax or deal with issues.

Major and chronic depression result in neuropsychiatric impairment. Results from the influx in simulated brain chemicals due to alcohol & # 39; s depressant nature. Prolongated use can result in panic disorder , generalized anxiety disorder, and increasing the risk of psychotic disorders 800% in men and 300% in women. These neuropsychiatric disruptions culminate into 5-20 times increased risk of suicide.

This further results in antisocial behaviors, which are magnified by prefrontal cortex neurotoxicity, contributing to social impairment, impairment of humor conceptualization, and diminished capacity to correctly Strictching even further, alcohol dampens activity in the amygdala and hippocampus, which are brain networks responsible for emotional processing.

It is physical as a coping mechanism and a catalyst for feigned happiness, when in the fact that it is not coping with happiness, when in stressing and happening, it's one less ability to experiencing true joy. It deals physical damage to the brain and body, and that causes neurological dysfunction in thought, feeling, and social competence.

It is well known that alcohol results in impulsive, risky behavior, a poor attention span, A mood swings, and impaired reasoning and verbal skills. The outcome of this impaired judgment is a major contributing factor within our culture: promiscuity and general immorality.

How many times has the scene been depicted, where a group of guys go to the bar to "pick up drunk chicks and get laid"? This is the social norm within our culture and this is the reason why we have such an issue with sexual Whether a female behaves in a promiscuous manner or not, any implications of those facts , no matter how extemporaneous or fallacious, elicit the misconception that all women are "easy" or "sluts". After a time, many women fall into these roles due to social pressures. On the opposite end, a male is not a man without he takes advantage of these women and fills the role of the "player".

So, many times I have heard people trying to justify these behaviors on a moral level, claiming that morality is subjective, and that is right for one person, may not be right for the next. It is well established that immoral actions affect the transgressor .

Breaking conventionally defined moral rules results in self-depreciation, feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and loss of self-esteem. The most obvious indicator of just such digression is in Counter-Attitudinal Advocacy: behaving in a way that contrasts with a person & # 39; s present outlook. Expressed as a psychological defense mechanism. To alleviate their guilt, they over-react with impulsivity, project undue hostility toward others, sabotage relationships to subconsciously avoid further transgressions, and behaving dishonestly which results in further mental and emotional damage.

Many will succumb to Equity Restoration, which is self-destructive behavior as a means of retribution. Finally, these results in Negative-state Relief: pursuing any means of pleasure thought, in order to avoid stress, anxiety, and negative moods. This comments full-circle back to people turning to drinking, which further diminishes their mental / It is a vicious cycle and brings me back to my point on promiscuity.

Promiscuity is defined as indiscriminate, frequent sexual behavior with multiple individuals. This behavior has been linked to the same mental / emotional inadequacies which lead to drug and alcohol abuse. Promiscuity is a It provides false feelings of accomplishment which are temporary and further lead to depression, low self-esteem, and low self-worth , feeding into the self-perpetuating cycle.

Sexually discrimination individuals have an an 81% greater risk of sexually transmitted diseases, the rate of which increase exponentially when stacked with other involved with other participations. The risk of cancers is greatly increased; prostate, cervical, oral., there is an increased risk of heart disease due to extreme hormone fluctuations from partner to partner, the risks of which are multiplied when combined with behaviors such as smoking and drinking.

One person is promiscuous in their youth is more likely to pursue extra-marital affairs. Therefore, this explains the military spouse & # 39; s propensity for adultery and infidelity while this is deployed or TDY. This contributions to the troubling statistics of heightened divorce rates and depression in our Air Force.

One of the fascinating is that emotional effects of promiscuity are the same symptoms which people are looking to escape through sexual activity. Again, it is that self-perpetuating cycle. experiences sex without commitment, they soon learn that sex means little to nothing. They associate sex and commitment to being completely separate, playing further issues in relationships and marriage.

Additionally, during sex the neuro-peptide oxytocin is released into the lover (and later with her lover). When a woman has multiple sexual partners, the production of oxytocin decreases through her life due to hormonal Therefore, we have a partner being different from the partner being different. We are examine our female population and find increased depression, frequent crying for the sake of crying (feeling like they need a good cry), and generally low satisfaction with their lives.

Finally, promiscuity is directly linked to poor physical, emotional, and sexual health, as well as decreed longevity. Overwhelming evidence supports that sexually indiscriminate people bear mental characteristics like those of psychotics, manic depressants, and narcissists. compulsive and pathological behaviors. Substance abuse and dependence, dissociative identity disorder, and antisocial personalities share these characteristics, and are KEY diagnostic behaviors of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. After all the efforts that they make to fit with them social norms, they end up having low extrinsic motivation for social acceptance.

The most astonishing fact is that these issues are all avoidable based on mentally, emotionally, and socially hindered and ill-equipped airmen with issues relating substance abuse, morality, and subconscious instability. lifestyle choices, and that there are any inadequacies of a natural capacity, such as the chaplain, mental health, life and family advocacy, First Sergeants, and a wealth of medical services. members to become better balanced, more functional members of society, yet we turn to temporary fixes which do FAR greater harm than good.

How do we feel which we have encourages and supports for constructive and fulfilling activities in our down time? How do we move away from our established DPH Culture and bring down the expectations of members to drink heavy after This department of Defense has been done policies in the past that regulated alcohol availability and pricing, deglamorize alcohol use, and promote personal responsibility and good health. We must introduce and enforce another factor.

I know people who are guilty of each (and one person who is guilty of.) I have people who are guilty of I am still surrounded by people who have blatantly pursued immoral and unprofessional activities, and leadership has looked the other way, or played ignorance, and in some cases, I should & # 39; ve been raised the issue through the appropriate channels from the beginning. But an Airman only has so much I am not concerned with the concerned social concepts. So if I knew about the wrong doings of my peers, supervisors, and leadership , then many more must have known as well, contributing to the pr oliferation of this negative culture.

This is my personal perspective. This is my personal perspective. I have seen and experienced that I have seen and lived, and based on the feedback that I have received from peers and subordinates over the years.

First, implement and enforce policies to further discourage appropriate behaviors and activities occurring in the diminishing of the air Force 's greatest asset: its people. Extend a mentality of professionalism, propriety, and unity to every branch, every wing, every group , every unit, and every flight. Encourage personal and professional growth, and moral perspectives. ___ ___ ___ ___ 0 It means nothing..., if personnel have to get additional hours or duties, get docked pay, or get mandatory counseling Obviously we can not whip them through the streets, belittle them, or berate them, because that is counter-produ ctive to our goals. But we can make things difficult enough for them that they decide their own volition to improve themselves and their way of life.

It may sound juvenile, but encourage the development of independent groups, or "clubs". I & # 39; ve been abandoned of alternative activities. Start a Rock Club, or a Jazz Club, or just a generalized music club. Give them a place and time to Get involved with personnel to determine what activities they enjoy, and compose groups to that end.

When I was stationed at Incirlik, one Airman in particular, who is truly one of the best airmen I 've seen, established groups and activities out of his own motivation. He established a "Tabletop Warriors" group for people who enjoyed He assisted organize the "Raconteurs" group, which essentially began as a no-cost, no-obligation version of Toastmasters , ever put on a Saturday Night Live style show which was a huge hit, literally packing the house. It was these kind of groups that made a location such as Incirlik under conditions such as being Restricted to Base, not only tolerable, but thoroughly enjoyable.

Establish groups for fitness, Martial Arts, music, dance, stage performance, sports, outdoor, travel, automobiles, etc. I understand that groups are already in place, Outdoor Recreation, ITT, Green Knights, etc. But these activities many require investing I would like to see more actively advertising, informing, and gathering people. I would like to see more proactive functions or at least a means of personnel to network to find people of similar interests to spend time with and do activities with, instead of drinking.

Task employees and personnel with limiting the alcohol available per person per night (sometimes by having them show ID), and have them Nobody should ever be seen falling down, or leaving with a consciously individual person, or even leaving with someone different every weekend. Having been overseas for my entire career, I can assurely say that other nations see our forces as a joke, having witnessed these two behaviors from our personnel who Is this the perspective that we want foreign foreign nationals to have of the US, or of the AF? Is this the we we American public to see?

Finally, make leadership aware of the problems. Tradition is vitally important in some aspects. When it comes to it influential, there are some traditions that are best undone. Drinking impairs memory and is a depressant, which results in one becoming less capable of enjoying things without the influence of alcohol. So then what what makes an event enjoyable? They can have the same spirit and enthusiasm as a "party", while still maintaining rationality, professionalism, and intelligent, Good company, good music, good food, good humor, and genuine fun. Events do not need to be droll and serious. practical decisions.

I conquer, the nature of our Air Force culture as it currently stand. Leadership and veterans can not deny that the force just is not. in our personnel, while still maintaining the same positive spirit and light-hearted happiness that our personnel enjoy. Some may fault me ​​for my perceived cynicism, but none can deny the pragmatism of these presented facts. I live everyday with a positive attitude and a smile on my face that I that live my life. I like to see the same in my brothers and sisters in arms.

Would you keep keep smoking, knowing that you have a feeling rotten meat, knowing that its putrescence would make you sick? Would you continue the traditions and patterns of an outdated force, knowing that these traditions were making us weak? Disasterpline does not mean punishment. An evolution of our personnel into a force of happy, healthy, well-balanced individuals is a goal People who defy the common social conventions and avoid the path of least resistance will be met with irrational animosity. But when this results in a larger quality of personnel and a more effective Air Force, then surely we we really aim high can end the opposition.

The time for social change has come.

 A Comprehensive Analysis of Pitfalls Prevalent in Our Current Culture, Egypt, The Party Kid Inadequacy <br/>-2

 A Comprehensive Analysis of Pitfalls Prevalent in Our Current Culture, Egypt, The Party Kid Inadequacy <br/>-2

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