Here are some of injuries, you may need to take one or more diagnostic tests to determine your exact condition. to diagnose your condition.
They have the skeletal structure and bones in your body. So if you have suffered broken or cracked bones or suffered soft tissue injuries, x-rays may help diagnose those injuries.
A CT scan, sometimes called a CAT scan, is short for Computed Tomography. A CT scan uses multiple x-rays taken around the same point to build a better picture than one x-ray can offer alone, using a computer to combine them. A CT scan is likely to be be ordered if the doctors believe you have an injury to your internal organs of your torso or abdomen, or multiple fractures to a hand or foot.
If you get an MRI, the doctors will ask you to lie down in a large tube that uses harmless magnetic radiation to look at soft tissues of the body. Sometimes, they will also ask you to drink or If you do not have it tissues easier to see. If you do have an answer to it. a facemaker or other metal implanted in your body.
Unlike CT scans, PET scans can show your body & # 39; s metabolic activity rather than just the structure of the body. The images they produce are also three-dimensional.
An ultrasound test uses high-frequency sound waves that bounce off internal structures of the body to build an image. It is not as detailed as images from other methods, but because it does not use radiation, it may be the best choice for people less certain condition. It is also less expensive than an MRI. Doctors use it to look at internal organs, connective tissue, bones, blood vessels and eyes.
If your doctor believe you have a nerve injury, you may a nerve conduction study, an electrical test that this test, one electrode is placed over the nerve being tested, while another is placed in a " The speed it takes for the electricity to travel between them determinates or there is nerve damage.
An electromyography (EMG) shows muscles & # 39; Activity by them EMI, doctors in EMG, doctors either, insert a thin needle into the muscle being tested or place an electrode over the area, then measure the electrical impulse of the muscle.
This is most commonly associated with tests on the stomach or colon, but can be used in a with a throat.