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 Ear and hearing - revealed 7 myths! -2

Myth: To clean my ears, only the cotton swabs, keys, or my fingers move

Truth: Please do not put something smaller than the elbow in your ear

Many people believe that the ears must be cleaned like the body to maintain health. Ears need to be kept clean, but the ears are actually beautiful. how? The skin of the ear canal (earwax) moves outward and works as a guardian of delicate eardrums. In many cases, puncturing, puncturing or plucking with this substance it is pushed back causing occlusion of the tympanic membrane and potential temporary deafness, or accidental tympanic puncture. In that case, severe damage of the auditory bone may result in the need for emergency surgery.

Repetitive scratching can cause thickening of the ear canal, and if the itch ear is often mitigated using a cotton swab. This will push the wax further into the ear canal.

But some ear canals do not remove the wax as they are supposed - they are so narrow that the natural cleaning process can not do that work. In this case, the earlobe gathers. So how can you tell if your ear is cleaning properly?

If your ears are not clean, they may feel rubber and you may be tempted to grab that cotton swab or key. If the wax is completely blocking the auditory canal, you may experience hearing impairment. But do not take things in your own hands! Please drop by your doctors in your ENT (ear, nose and throat). The doctor can safely remove the wax puddle.

But if you try to ease wax at home, please gently clean the outer part of the ear canal with a wet cloth. If you feel that your ears are still blocked, please contact your doctor and remove the earwax.

The next best thing is to gently irrigate the ear canal with 3% hydrogen peroxide using a small rubber ear syringe. Next, the ear canal is dried with a hair dryer set at medium temperature. Hot temperatures can cause temporary dizziness due to irritation of the balance.

Myth: If my ears hurt, I should be infected

Truth: Pain is not usually so serious

One of the main causes of ear pain is inflammation of the TMJ. The TMJ joint is adjacent to the ear canal. For this surrogate, much of the same pain nerve is shared.

Swimmer's ear (otitis externa) is another common cause of ear pain. It is the result of the state of the ear canal getting wet. This warm, damp and dark environment is the perfect place for bacteria and fungi to live, proliferate and cause infection.

Another cause of ear pain is otitis media and infects the middle ear. This infection occurs via the Eustachian tube after the upper respiratory infection has reached the middle ear.

Neuralgia, which is an inflammation of the nerves around the ears, can cause a severe pain of stinging in the ear.

So how do you know the cause of pain in your ear?

TMJ is displayed when pressing the temporomandibular joint while opening and closing the mouth and pain, or soft. If you quietly hurt the outer ear, swimming ear infections may be a problem.

Otitis media and neuralgia are commonly accompanied by sharper pain arising from the deep part of the ear. Otitis media usually accompanies pus discharged into the ear canal through the perforation of the tympanic membrane.

Now, can I handle these problems myself?

TMJ infection needs to be managed by a dentist but you can relieve discomfort by temporarily eating a soft eating habit. Placing a warm heating pad twice a day on the affected temporomandibular joint; or by taking anti-inflammatory drugs. However, if pain continues after a few days of home treatment, you should consult a dentist specializing in pain in TMJ.

Swimmers' ears can be made by rubbing alcohol on the ear canal with each swim. Leave it for 2 to 3 minutes, then let the alcohol flow, dry the ear with a hair dryer set at medium temperature. When a swimmer's ear infection occurs, it tends to recur if the ear is wet. Then it is even more important to treat the ear with alcohol every swim.

If your pain comes from a serious and deaf ear, you should receive treatment from an ENT physician immediately. Using special equipment, your doctor cleans the ear canal and prescribes antibiotics (drops or oral medicine) to eliminate the infection.

Myth: ringing my ears is dangerous

Truth: Poping your ears is very dangerous

There may be problems with the Eustachian tube, but the "popping" part of your ear rarely causes problems.

So what are some of the problems you may encounter in your Utakia tube?

One is blocking Eustachian tubes. The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the cavity and blows air into the middle ear when swallowing and expelling mucus and secretions from the middle ear to the throat. Cold or sinus infections can often inflate the Ustaxis tubule. When this happens, the Eustachian tube does not function, causing a sense of oppression and discomfort in the head. your
Hearing loss may decrease, body fluid may accumulate in the middle ear.

Another potential problem is the abnormally open Eustachian tube (concha). This is an unusual cause of bluntness of ears and usually occurs when you lose weight. If the Eustachian tube is open, it may cause a feeling that your voice is big or there is an echo (automatic voice) as it is in the drum. Also, when you breathe through your nose it may cause an earlobe sensation.

So, how do you know if you are blocking or opening the Yuashan pipe?

Pinch and close your nostrils and blow hard against them. If you can not "pop" your ear, the eucalyptus tube may be blocked by the swelling of the mucous membrane. However, if you suddenly feel pressure relief, you probably just opened the Eustachian tube and made the pressure of the middle ear equal to the surrounding air pressure.

This operation can be run many times to tie the blocked Eustachian tube. There is no danger of harming this technology to your ear, but if you feel dizzy, please consult a doctor of ENT (Ear and nose throat).

To diagnose an open eucalyptus tube, sit down and bend forward to the waist completely,
Your head between your legs. If your ears pressure and waste go away, you are opening the Justus tube. Lying flat on the bed will ease the symptoms of an open Eustachian tube.

If you open your ears, bend it forward from the sitting position, or lie down and do not mention the ear pressure, it may be due to compression of the inner ear, and an ear specialist needs to evaluate it Yes.

Commercial drugs such as a nasal spray of decongestant if you stop Eustachian tube help to relax the ear pressure and cause the membrane to contract. Flight on airplane, skin diving, or
Scuba diving should be avoided if there is clogging in Eustachian tubing as landing or descent underwater will cause severe pain in the ear. If you have to take Afrin® nasal spray (spray twice in each nostril) and 30 mg Sudafed® tablet before you get down you have to fly. This will help to open up your Eustachian tube which will help prevent ear pain. If symptoms persist, you need to contact your doctor.

Depending on the cause of your open eucalyptus, ENT physicians may recommend several different treatments. Treatment of increased inner ear pressures involves prescribing diuretics or surgery to deliver steroids to the inner ear.

Myth: Since I am young, loud noises never hurt me

Truth: Noisy noises can damage anyone's hearing regardless of age

Damage to the ear is too loud for large noise such as gun fire near an ear, industrial sound, lawn and construction machinery, and music playback, especially through headphones.

But how do you know if you have hearing impairment? If it sounds after being exposed to noise, when a voice, slimy, or hearing impairment occurs, probably the delicate cells of the cochlea may be damaged.

Unfortunately, most hearing impairments are permanent, so the best treatment is prevention. Ear protection should be worn in noisy circumstances:

o Large work environment

o When using power tools and noisy garden equipment

Using firearms o

When riding a motorcycle

o When exposed to loud music at a concert

However, hearing protection is not bulky or ugly. Today's earplugs are virtually invisible, and if you wear it in winter, the ear muff mixes. Can be used even with customized earplugs
Fits best for the ear canal. In addition, some personal listening devices are volume limited and prevent exposure of excessive noise.

The good news is that the short course of steroids may reverse acute hearing impairment.

Myth: There is no treatment of tinnitus. I just have to live with it

Truth: Many treatments can help tinnitus

Tinnitus is a very common hearing-related complaint, with more than 50 million American adults having some degree of hearing loss. Tinnitus, small hair cells of the cochlear die appear, causing noise and sounding in the ears.

This is not a serious problem, but experienced people should be evaluated by ENT doctors. Because it may indicate a more serious medical problem. When receiving an evaluation of tinnitus, the doctor will identify the cause and perform special examination to recommend treatment as necessary.

So, what kind of treatment is available for people with tinnitus? Currently, there are several treatment options,

o Tinnitus mask due to external noise such as music or television. If tinnitus is accompanied by hearing loss, the hearing aid may increase external ear noises and reduce the intensity of tinnitus.

o Low salt diet.

Electrical stimulation.

o Stress relief.

o Biofeedback.

o Supplements containing zinc, ginkgo biloba, garlic pills, high levels of antioxidants.

Retraining the brain makes sure that the therapist works with you to train your brain and hear no tinnitus.

Also, knowing that tinnitus is not a life threatening problem will help you deal with it.

Myth: My parents have become deaf people, so I will become a Deaf

Truth: Heredity is a factor of hearing loss, but there is no certainty

Hearing loss is a combination of many factors such as exposure to loud sound, general health, heredity, and age. We are a family genetic product, hearing loss is no exception. As we get older, small hair cells in the cochlea closest to the middle ear begin to die and cause treble hearing loss. However, there are no factors that play an important role over other factors, so no one "has no hearing loss."

Hearing impairment may occur very suddenly, usually in the process of progressing gradually. If you suddenly notice that you can not hear from one ear, it is a medical emergency. I will make a phone call to your ears. If you do not hear the dial tone, please contact the ENT expert as soon as possible. Hopefully it is only an earlobe to close the ear canal, but you need to visit the ENT to make sure.

For more periodic signs of hearing loss,

o It is necessary to make television and radio larger than other family members

o Ask people to repeat them all the time

Your spouse says you have not asked him or her

o Noisy or distant

o Hard to hear from mobile phones

Hearing loss is certainly disappointing and inconvenient, but you can treat it. Inspection by ENT physician is necessary for accurate diagnosis. This usually includes hearing tests and other special ear inspections.

Once the diagnosis is done, you can start treatment. Treatment of sudden deafness is done either by taking steroids orally or by placing them directly in your ears. In addition, a hearing device may be necessary.

Treatment of more common and progressive hearing loss, which can alleviate symptoms and effects, includes a four-part healthy lifestyle change program.

o Daily exercise for at least 30 minutes,

Vitamins and mineral supplements,

o Healthy meals of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish meat, lean meat

o Protection from excessive noise.

Myth: There is no cure for hearing loss in one ear

Truth: There are two successful treatments for hearing loss with only one ear

There are two hearing devices that allow people to hear from earCROS and BAHA who can not hear.

CROS (Contra Lateral Routing of Signals) or Bi-CROS is a hearing aid that picks up sound from the ears of the ear using a microphone and tells it to the ear. As a result, CROS assistance allows sound to be heard from all directions, even allowing deaf ears to use the phone.

BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid), or the bone stimulator picks up sound from the ear without ears and transmits it to the auditory ear through the skull. Minor surgical procedures are necessary to implant the titanium screw behind the ear and serve as an anchor for the external processor holding the device. The result is excellent.

 Ear and hearing - revealed 7 myths! -2

 Ear and hearing - revealed 7 myths! -2

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