Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that removes one or more wisdom teeth teeth. But before you understand the procedure, it is important to know about them.
They are four permanent adult teeth located at the back of your mouth. They exist at the top and the bottom. It is important to gain room for these teeth to grow. This is because we have to undergo a tooth extraction procedure done by an oral surgeon without a dentist. To avoid problems in the future, most dentists suggest that this procedure should be performed even in the absence of problems.
Aichi's teeth appear between the ages of 17 and 25, but some people do not take it at all. The reason why extraction is important is for the following reasons.
• When growing at an angle toward the next tooth
• When they grow at an angle towards the back of the mouth
• When growing at right angles to other teeth
• When they grow straight
Affected Aichi's teeth can lead to pain, trapping of food during a rip, gum disease, tooth decay, tooth near damage, orthodontic treatment complications. These reasons are enough for you to go to Aichi's tooth extraction.
Sometimes the patient is skeptical about the extraction procedure of this tooth. Patients are considered to have many risks to this procedure, but that is not true. In this procedure, long-term complications do not occur. This procedure is performed at a dental office, and only a skilled and skilled dental expert carries it. During surgery your dentist may use one of the following anesthesia:
• Local anesthesia: Your dentist will use this with the help of injection near the affected area. But before that, it is paralyzed with the help of gel. You need to know here that you will be awakened during the entire extraction procedure of wisdom teeth.
• Sedation Anesthesia: This anesthesia is applied through your nerve venous line. It makes you unconscious through the wisdom teeth extraction procedure.
•General anesthesia: This is used for special occasions. You need to inhale or anesthetize in your artery intravenously. You lose consciousness and the surgical team monitors your entire body. You will not feel pain and will not have memory during the procedure to remove a wisdom teeth under the influence of this anesthesia.
When the wisdom tea collection procedure is completed, you take you to a room called a recovery room. Please consult your dentist Instructions during healing time. You will experience some blood coming out of the treated area, but not much spit. There is a possibility that thrombus does not come out when spitting excessively. In case of pain, take analgesics from a counter such as acetaminophen or other analgesics suggested by dentists. Extraction of a wisdom teeth tooth leads to gingival swelling. This is to suppress the use of ice packs as instructed by the dentist. Do not indulge in activities that may increase your gum's pain and stress. In the first 24 hours, drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks and hot drinks. After you receive the extraction of Aichi's teeth, regarding food, please make sure you eat soft food and yoghurt. Every day I will clean your mouth, but please do not rinse, wash, oral cleansing for the first 24 hours.
If you feel something wrong or the pain increases, please ask the dentist for help. Extraction of wisdom teeth is a complex procedure and any kind of satisfaction from your end can cause further damage.