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 Gender Talk -2

African-American study book Gender Talk , Dr. Johnnetta Cole and Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall argue that in the 21st century, in order for society to be fully successful, we must address racial discrimination and gender discrimination issues in the African American community There.

Dr. Cole is President of Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina. She is an emeritus professor at the University of Emmerry at Spellman University, emeritus professor of Anthropology at Emory University, female research, African American studies. African American feminist nationally known - intellectual, she is the author of several books, Conversation: Straight talk with American sister president .

Beverly · Guy · Chefteris, Ms. Anna · Julia · Cooper and Professor of the UK, Spirman · College · Director of the Women Research Resource Center. she is Words of Fire: Anthology of Feminist Thought of African American And co-editor (with Rudolf Bird) Trap: African American men on gender and sexuality Among many other publications.

They are studying historical conflicts of popular culture such as race and gender issues in black society, influence of feminism, role of black church, attitudes about sexuality, hip hop and so on. The authors boldly argue that we can not resolve many of the local competition problems in the long term without paying attention to these problems. They point out the influence of sexualism on the suppression of black women, including male control of black society.

Based on the huge number of personal testimonies from both autobiographies published in the past and interviews specially invited as part of research on books, Gender Talk Until now we have provided a history of black feminist fighting and debate. Men and women black audiences are not convinced of the feminist's assertion because our experience as a victim of racial discrimination eliminated Blacks from active participation in patriarchal sins It is from.

Mr. Cole and Guy-Sheftall have deviated from this problem and effectively dragged black men and women to an honest discussion about how gender inequality affects the entire African-American community. Gender Talk About 54% of blacks live in one parent, mostly female households, household with low prosperity, discussing the process of black society's arrival in the current situation, 68% of African-American children are unmarried mothers, prisons 47% of the population, 29% of people being caught in psychiatric hospitals are black people. Several black males emerged from HIV-infected prisons, handed them to black women who were not suspected of sickness and black gay men and "low low" (having secret sex with other men) It appears in.

This book explains how some of the commercial forms of hip hop culture participate in the brain washing of young lazyists and about the difficulty of living as gays or lesbians in a black society that is largely unacceptable, It consists of chapters that were discussed nicely. It also describes the long-standing problem of violence against women in the black community, the role of back church to support homosexual aversion, and the opposition to the black feminist movement of black rights movement.

A chapter with titles No respect: gender politics and hip-hop Discussing how mental disturbances are occurring to young African-American men and women due to the devil lyrics of rap music. There is a war between black men and women who started in the 1960s, and it is still happening in the New Millennium. The metamorphic atmosphere of hip hop does not help the tension that exists between black men and women, especially young people.

In the past 15 years, hip hop embraced and disgusted black people 's girls and girls than other popular music genres. Hip hop is sad because it is an African American work. Casual words such as sex and other violence and soft pornographic visuals and messages listen to young black boys and girls' consciousness. Therefore, boys, up to the age of 10, prostitutes who do not mention girls and women and young girls are called bitch.

A chapter with titles Negro, lesbian, gay: words you can not speak It works, along with testimony from important cultural figures such as poet Audre Lorde, Joseph Beam, and novelist Samuel Delany. Cole and Guy-Sheftall started with the study of Anthropologist Ife Amadiume, explored the history of homosexuality between Africa and African Americans, Male and female, female husband: gender and sex in African society (1987).

Amadiume showed that homosexual relationship exists in Africa before colonization. Marriage between women and women was not uncommon among colonial African relatives. Cole and Guy-Sheftall discuss how homosexual compassion was the same as heterosexuality in many African cultures. In the United States, the sexual relationship of slaves in New York in the 17th century was more complicated than it was imagined before. According to new evidence, agreement and mandatory sex between male slaves were taken, as well as black men's rape with white slaves were seen.

They are also homosexual but heterosexual black men and black women who keep secret from marrying a black man from the world that these men and the children are still at risk of HIV Even if exposed. Professors Cole and Guy - Sheftall remained negative for blacks as long as the church, which historically forms the basis of the African - American community, does not tolerate sexuality other than heterosexuals, AIDS continues to be rough Families who feel they are getting worse.

The most personal disturbing material in this book is that Black America is insensitive to the issue of violence against black women. The African - American community gathered around Mike Tyson and R. Kelly, both of whom were charged with sexual crimes. The victims of both were condemned by being trying to defeat the black people and they were dirty. Professors said, "Why do blacks think that they seriously oppose all women, are black women at the bottom and are born and raised in a culture that can escape without being affected? • Too often, black men are tired of white patriarchal behavior that destroys the entire community, they can not rape, beat, humiliated people, sooner or later they Will retreat.

For the study of this book, in the summer and autumn of 1999, Cole and Sheftall conducted an interview with prominent black intellectuals and activists for 4 to 6 hours as a most urgent issue of gender in black society ,. Among the participants were African-American Research Institute at Columbia University, Calvin Bats, Minister of Abyssinian and Baptist Churches in New York, Director of African American Studies at Edmonton University, Rudolf Bird, Brown, Former Black Panther Party Chairperson.

They took a weekend talk session on the 19th November 1999 at the Ford Foundation, and Dazon Dixon Diallo of Sister Love Company, a female AIDS association in the southeast, James Early, writer, Director of Cultural Heritage Policy of Smithsonian , Calvin Harton, emeritus professor of Oberlin College, sociologist Bell Hook, founder and publisher of Third World Press Haki Madhubuti.

Especially, What they say: A conversation between sisters and brothers With an emphasis on this material gathered directly from interviews and multi-gulu participants, he creates various stories depicting something that grew up among black families ruled by patriarchal rule. Many people pay tribute to the way their parents investigated children and taught that men and women were equal.

For example, a citizenship movement campaigner Ruby Sales grew up in the south, expressing his father as "atypical" in the sense that his father is "to wash in clothes and cook with iron", and on Saturday I will tell my mother. Mrs. Sales today, you eat breakfast and do everything. My mother did not cook dinner for us. All my brothers do the same.

However, some of the highest honors were from "ordinary" African-American women. A black woman who is watching every day on the train where you go to work or college. Audree Irons, administrative assistant of Spelman College, talks about a strong woman in her house. They have always been going despite any adversity. We basically played both male and female roles as necessary, basically the attitude that my mother and grandmother had. "

I can really relate to that section in the book. Many of my friends are in an emotional, physically abusive relationship and we can not find the courage in ourselves. I believe that they should really be abused rather than loneliness. It's totally crazy. These women are not aware that women need to take care of themselves independently to become stronger, sometimes.

Elaine Brown, a member of Black Panther, explains how a man in Black Panther needs to silence female participants as "smart bitch". "A woman in the black power movement was thought irrelevant, a woman who insisted on herself was Parisia Angela Davis resigned from the black panther party: a male revolution, a lesbian, a feminist white I was surprised that it was an alliance with a female dog, "It was in violation of the principle of black power and was undefined". Why is the Black Panther Party so so stupid as to throw away one of the most intelligent and clear individuals just because he is in his position?

The same way of thinking remains among some black people today. If a black woman is strong and assertive, she is classified as an "angry bitch" who does not know her place. She is not important anyway, so she does not assume to clarify her idea anyway. As long as that type of spirit exists in the African American community, we can never unite. There are villages to raise children, what happens to the children if the villages are fighting each other?

One review I found for this book is Dennis Simon Black problem , Magazines for African Americans. She felt gender talk was more gender-based than analysis. I did not agree with this review. Because it is clear and concise insight into why the conversation on gender is important to African Americans. This book is an excellent analysis of black sex acts, sometimes because the truth sometimes hurts, she was negative.

If this book is wrong, there is little debate about black women who live sexism alive. I know many sisters who can not afford to women or prostitutes to another woman to make herself look better in the eyes of some men. African-American women must be together because each of us is going to raise our children. We can not allow weakness and competition against men to destroy our society.

Even with this defect, Gender Talk It's a wonderful book. It has been completely successful in the goal aimed at facilitating understanding of the urgency of gender issues, even true fool. The issue of gender has great influence on the African American community, and this book is exploring every aspect.

 Gender Talk -2

 Gender Talk -2

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