Common Characteristics of Genital Herpes
The most common strain, herpes simplex, has two variations: Type 1 , two commonly with cold sores or mouth; and Type 2, which are generally focused on the genitalia, buttocks and thighs with painful sores and blisters. 1 herpes virus in genital sores and type 2 viruses in mouth and throat infections. Other parts of the body also may affect affect, including the hands, eyes, brain and spinal cord.
Once they invaded the body, herpes viruses remain for the last few few decades, they remain a medical enigma. as the varicella-zoster strain, may have different manifestations. This variety causes the virus remains dormant in the nervous system. In most people, the virus never again become active, but for unknown reasons, in others it Similarly, herpes simplex also goes through repeating cycles of infectious activity and dormancy.
The new "Scourge"
Spread primarily through sexual contact, the disease has become most common venereal disease in this country, afflicting an estimated 20 million Americans, despite an ancient disease, was relatively uncommon in the late 1960 & with 500,000 new cases occurring each year.
Oral sex is believed to explain the presence of Type 1 herpes sores in the genital areas or Type 2 infections of It is highly contagious. It is highly consagious. It is highly consagious. through direct contact, but in order to pass herpes to another person, there is active herpes sore or blister, may there be shedding of the virus without suffering symptoms of an attack. Also, herpes sores may be hidden in the internal parts of the female genitalia or may not be painful, one may unwittingly infect others.
Typically, the herpes virus multiplies rapidly once it is penetrated the skin. Followed by the tinting sensation, followed by the eruption of sores or blisters that are unusually painful. In fact, the pain alone exceeds the actual medical seriousness of Fever, general, Fever, general, Fever, general. Fever, general These symptoms as well as the pain of the sores are usually milder in recurring attacks.
More commonly than it infects I am afraid that it is a serious problem in the future. About 500,000 such eye infections occur each year in the United States. Type 2 virus or invariable the spinal cord, causing a type of meningitis. None of these complications, however, is as common as recurrences at the original site of infection.
Other Complications of Genital Herpes
About 50 to 60 percent of newborns who contract issued heres infections die and half of those who survives may suffer brain damage or blindness. Many doctors recommend that the baby be delivered by cesarean if the mother has an active infection near the time of delivery. ruptured. Women who have had had genital herpes also are advised to have frequent examinations for active infection during the last three months of pregnancy.
There have been reports of an increased incidence of cervical cancer among women with genital herpes, but the evidence is not conclusive.
Treatment of Genital Herpes
A new drug, acyclovir, has developed and recently approved for use in the US, that will shorten the length of symptoms with the first attack, thus speeding the healing process in the first episode, but it does not prevent recurrence. Tests are now included contained on an oral form of the drug. An intravenous form, recently approved for use in the US, appears to be the most effective in several cases.
Other types of treatment include the use of lasers to "vaporize" the herpes sores.
Prevention of Genital Herpes
The surest way of breaking herpes is avoiding all sexual contact with an infected person. There is absolutely foolproof, especially when the lesions are on the skin of the perineum and not on the penis or in the vagina.
Psychological Factors
But genital herpes itself is medically serious disease, it can lead to depression and other emotional problems. Many victims tend to resent the sex partner from what they contracted the disease, leading to divorce or the breaking up of a relationship. themselves "unclean" or damaged for life, fearing that they are unfit for marriage or a lasting relationship. A number of herpes counseling centers and groups have formed formed through the country to lend support and help to victims of the disease.
Summing Up
Genital herpes has become the most widespread sexually transmitted disease in this country. It is very uncomfortable and can not be medically serious as syphilis or gonorrhea, it is very uncomfortable and can recur at any time. It also can be a life-threatening to infants who are exposed to the herpes but other treatments are in the experimental stage, no cure exists as yet yet.