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 Hair Rebonding Cruelty <br/>-2

It gives permanent results and uses highly strong chemicals that are extremely harmful for delicate hair strands.

How it works

After the treatment of re-bonding, a lotion is applied soft hair them a breaks down their bonds. After that, hair is rinsed off thoroughly. An electrically powered styling device is used to straighten hair with a rod. Finally, a neutralizer is applied which helps stabilize hair and reset broken bonds again.

The drawbacks of this process are:

Hair loss

They are chemically treated. They are chemically treated. They are themselves and flexibility. So, the final consequence is nothing but hair loss. It can not be undone since re-bonding is irreversible.


The tenacity of hair is totally lost. But it gives softer hair but it uses highly toxic substances that are too harmful to be used.


This products another treatment; more products; extra applications of lotions, styling gels, spray As the saying goes, "excess of everything is bad". This is especially true of hair treatments.

The more it is blow dried. The more it is blow dried; the higher is the level of damage. Those who do not want their There is no alternate. You have to get hair managed and styled the risky way.

Another problem for such hair is related to conditioning.

Newly grown hair

A dilemma of re-bonding is when new hairs are grown, these are not straight. You have to get the treat for those hairs again. So, the cycle goes on and the damage increase after every session.

Diseased hair

It will trigger the illness to a greater extent.

A solution

It is on temporary basis and does not pose as many threats to the health of hair as permanent re-bonding. It , only hatsh chemicals.,, doing it regularly must be avoided.

How long will you fight with nature?

 Hair Rebonding Cruelty <br/>-2

 Hair Rebonding Cruelty <br/>-2

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