This article is going to look at some important homeowners insurance statistics.
That means that you are not insulted by an average of 23 percent? That means that you are something. You are looking at your home, you would be looking at paying a quarter of the cost out of your own pocket. Yet it would cost most homeowners less than $ 10 a month to get the full coverage they need.
And, how much are these costs?
Well, the average payout for fire damage is $ 24153. Wind and hail payouts are $ 7163. Water damage pays out at an average of $ 5531. If a burglary was to occur, the insurance company has a typical reimbursement of $ 2493.
The insurance companies pay out $ 15854 The insurance companies pay out on a typical bodily injury claim and another $ 3055 in medical payments.
The average insurance premium in 2006 was $ 809 per year. Texas had the highest price at $ 1408 (wind and tornado damage is to blame) and South Dakota has the lowest rates at $ 628.
The final 5 percent goes to policy payouts, 28 percent to expenses and 9 percent to profits.
If you own a home, you probably wonder where your policy promotions go. So, there are some homeowners insurance statistics for you.