Smooth and soft skin, tone, rosy glow, unseen pores ... perfect complexion. Is not it what we want to see when coming to the mirror?
But the reality is tough, the mirror is not a lie. The pores are there, they are completely visible and are likely to become larger.
Why do you put what looks most natural where you can not hide them? Life can be much easier. I think Nature did not believe that people thought pores as a problem, of course, with the best reason in mind.
The pores are small (ah, relatively small) passage, due to the oil produced in the sebaceous glands to reach the surface of the skin. There are about 300,000 oil glands on the human skin, the highest concentrations being on the face, chest and back. This gland produces up to 1 ounce of oil every day!
Oil forms a protective layer on the skin that causes loss of moisture, keeps the skin soft and elastic, and helps prevent injury and environmental damage. Unfortunately this protection is necessary given that the facial skin is thinner than other body areas and is constantly exposed to the sun, the wind, the cold, the heat.
The challenge is to maintain an appropriate balance between sebaceous gland activity and your skin's actual needs. The problem begins when you have to process more oil than the pores can handle. The pores will expand under excessive oil flow and become invisible. Once expanded it will never return. Since there is no muscle around the pores, it can contract and close the opening.
With age, more and more pores will be visible. This is due to reduced elasticity and sagging of the skin. As the skin is stretched by gravity, the pores become clearer.
Keeping pores clean is necessary if you do not want to make them bigger and less obtrusive.
When oil binds to dirty or dead skin cells, the pores become clogged and extend again. To prevent this, periodically peel off with oil, using a gentle and effective cleanser.
After cleaning, use convergent toner. Astringents cause a slight swelling of the epithelial layer which temporarily closes the pores. There are two cautious things. First of all, do not overflow your skin, do not produce more oil and react. Second, when your skin is sensitive, it should not tolerate some of the ingredients used for astringents, so be extra careful.
Mature skin will benefit from thorough cleansing, gentle exfoliation and face lift mask. Once a week or three times this regiment will produce visible improvements in just a few weeks.
Pores do not shrink forever. We must accept that fair eyelashes are dark and accept straight hair not to curl. But we have learned to live with it and have the appearance we want. The same thing is in pores. You can improve your appearance anytime, anytime.
(C) Natalie Katzmann, 2004