Roads and traffic accidents are the most common personal injury incidents in Queens, New York. The most common types of accidents include frontal collisions, side impacts, rear impacts, and falls. Other major accidents that require extensive litigation include drunk injuries and deaths, bus accidents, motorcycle accidents, boat accidents, pedestrian accidents, knockdown accidents, and truck accidents.
Limb injuries consist of a complete cut of limbs that can result in sprains, tears, fractures, and negative lifelong results. If you suffer from this type of injury from a car accident in Queens, please consult a Queens victim's lawyer immediately and settle the case.
Soft tissue is internal organs such as lung, kidney, liver, heart. Life-threatening complications may occur if these organisms are punctured in an accident.
In Queens, no matter what type of injured person suffered from a car accident, it is always a painful and cruel experience. However, due to the nature of the construction and operation of the car, certain physical damage is more likely to occur than others. From these accidents, the most common injuries are whiplash, brain and head trauma, soft tissue damage, limb injury, and spinal cord and back injuries.
Whipping is often the result of hits from the back of your vehicle, probably the most frequently dealt with Queens car accidents. Symptoms of whiplash, whether transient or permanent, are painful and may limit everyday functions.
Brain and head injuries are the most devastating injuries due to car accidents. Because it suffered brain and head trauma due to a car accident, it takes only a few minutes for a fully functioning individual to become a dependent and disabled state.