Accounts of the birth, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ (c. 5 BC - AD 33), described in biblical prophesy (written between 1450-430 BC), the synoptic gospels (Luke, Matthew and Mark, written between AD 50 - 90 ), the Gospel of John (written c. post AD-90), Epistles of Paul of Tarsus (AD 5-67) (written between AD 50-60), and the Dead Sea Scrolls (written C. 335-100 BC) , to name a few, have been the subject of historical and scientific intrigue for centuries. Since the so-called "Age of Enlightenment" (18 th century) when skeptics began to question if Jesus had in fact ever exhausted, historicity (based on archeology The "Historical" Jesus, the history of science (based on biology, chemistry, and physics) have become more essential than ever to substantiate textual sources (eg sacred scripts, Gnostic writings). virgin birth, the crucifixion, and the resurrection.
The "Historical" Jesus:
Per Discovery Channel & # 39; s David Balsiger (Senior Producer of the "Fabric of Time" (eg Roman, Greek, and Jewish)) Proving that Jesus had in fact exist is probably the easiest part due to the existence of accounts. "documentary)" more than 20 non-Christian sources "referred to" Jesus of Nazareth as a historical figure "between AD 30-130," twelve mention (ed) His death provid (ing) details (and) ten refer (red) to his resurrection. "
A sample of these historical, non-Christian sources, is listed below:
1. Talmud (c. AD 70-200 ): Sanhedrin 43a: "On the eve of Passover they hanged [crucified] Yeshu [Jesus]. "- Jewish Source
2. Mara Bar-Serapion: Mentioned the "execution of Jesus [who was called a 'King']"When discussing the destruction of the Temple in AD 70. - Syrian Source
3. Cornelius Tacitus (c. AD 56-117), Historian: Annals, xv. 44: "Christus ... was executed at the hands of the procurator Pontius Pilate." - Roman Source
Four. Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. AD 69-140), Chief Secretary to Emperor Hadrian: The Lives of the Caesars (Claudius 5.25.4): "... the Jews constantly made disorders at the instigation of Christus, he (Claudius) expelled them from Rome [in AD 49] - Roman Source
Five. Thallus: Third Book of History: Made mention of Jesus & # 39; death in approximately AD 52 when discussing "the darkness over the land [and earthquake] after His death "referenced to by Sextus Julius Africanus in c. AD 221. - Samaritan Source
6. Flavius Josephus (c. AD 37-97), Court Historian for Emperor Vespasian: Antiquities of the Jews: Described Jesus & # 39; crucifixion under Pontius Pilate in about AD 93/94. - Jewish Source
7. Pliny the Younger, Governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor (c. AD 61-112): Written a letter to Emperor Trajan in AD 112 for instructions how to deal with Christians, who ... worshiped Christus. - Roman Source
8. Lucian of Samosata (AD 120-180), Writer and Rhetorician: The Death of Peregrine, 1113: "The Christians ... worship a man to this day the distinguished parsonage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account ..." - Greek Source
Consequently, EP Sanders, in The Historical Figure of Jesus (Penguin, 1996) when using Alexander The Great (356-323 BC) as a paradigm concluded, "The sources for Jesus are better ... than those deal with Alexander" and "The superiority of evidence for Jesus is seen when we ask what he thought "such that" the quest for the Historical Jesus "can be better than a" search for historical detail on Alexander.
The Virgin Birth:
"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel" [Isaiah 7:14]
Though it appear extremely improbable that a human virgin could be a child, it is not scientifically impossible. Per Rich Deem, Is the Virgin Birth Scientifically Impossible? (15 December 2005), "It could be possible in humans for a [virgin] woman to give birth to a male ... if the woman had both an X and Y chromosome, which occurs in 1 in 5 million women. "Such a male would probably be an XX male since the child & # 39; s DNA would come exclusively from his mother. Currently, 1 in 20,000 males are considered XX even though they have been understood through male-female sexual intercourse.
When mathematics is used to determine the odds of a virgin female with a Y chromosome conceiving an XX male divided by 1, the probability of such a virgin birth is a minuscule but not impossible - 1 in 100.6711747 trillion. Contain, if such a virgin birth occurred, which is not scientific impossible and in fact plausible when considering the laws of physics, it is will remain remain in in human history based on probability.
Based on DNA analysis performed on the only known historical artifacts specifically tied to Jesus - the Shroud of Turin (the cloth in which Jesus) and the Oviedo Cloth (the napkin that covered Hes genetic composition was consistent with that of an XX male lending greater credence to His possible virgin origin.
Once, when virgin birth or parthenogenesis (which per & # 39; Virgin Birth & # 39; By Shark Confirmed: Second Case Ever (Science Daily, 11 October 2008) occurs when "the mother" # chromosomes split during egg development [and] pair with another copy of itself [instead of with chromosomes from sperm] to date, scientists have demonstrated that parthenogenesis has occurred in some bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and single hammerhead and blacktip (female) shark species.
"Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him? [Matthew 2: 2]
Per FJ Tipler, The Star of Bethlehem: a Type Ia / Ic Supernova in the Andromeda Galaxy (SNS) 1885A in the Andromeda Galaxy which center, based on calculations from the Babylon Observatory, was extremely close to Bethlehem, such that its "galactic halo" would have been invisibly in the town "by Chinese and Korean astronomers per Colin Humphreys, The Star of Bethlehem (Science and Christian Belief, October 1995), both of which have been seen in and around Bethlehem in 5 BC.
Based on contemporary descriptions, history and science that indicate Jesus was born on a cold night when "shepherds [were] living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night " [Luke 2: 8], "sheep [in the area] ]"climactic data indicating that Bethlehem is usually" cold and very wet [from] December [though] February "and" the earliest date [the comet appeared based on] Chinese records "per Colin Humphreys, the birth date of Jesus can be calculated as March 9, 5 BC to further substantiate His historical existence.
The Crucifixion:
"Per colin J. Humphreys and WG", "Plunged into prolonged darkness followed by an earthquake during the crucifixion," "Archeological evidence in conjunction with astronomical calculations (that included a lunar eclipse) from non-biblical sources" Waddington, Dating the Crucifixion (Nature, 22 December 1983) place the crucifixion date as April 1, AD 33 (based on the Gregorian calendar).
"Now it was was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the tenth hour." Then the sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was torn in two " Luke wrote of the events [23: 44-45] that fulfilled a prophesy made by Amos in c. 750 BC:
"Shall not the land tremble on this account and everyone mourn who lives in it, and all of it rise like the Nile, and be tossed about and sink again, like the Nile of Egypt? Will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight. " [Amos 8: 8-9]
Based on "a 2000 year paleoseismic record recovered from the lacustrine sedimentary section of the Dead Sea" a magnitude> 5.5 earthquake "occurred (likely across the the Jericho fault line) in the Jerusalem / Dead Sea area in AD 33 that based on limited report from The Judea region, caused damage to the Temple in Jerusalem as reported by Revital Ken-Tor, Amotz Agnon, Yehouda Enzel, Mordechai Stein, Shmuel Marco and Jorg FW Negendank, High-resolution geological record of historic earthquakes in the Dead Sea Basin Geophysical Union, 2001).
During the 18th year of the reign of Tiberius (42 BC-AD 37) "and" fourth year of the 202 nd Olympiad "Both in the summer of AD 32 to spring period of AD 33, in which" such a darkness of night that the stars could be seen in heaven, and the earth moved in Bithynia, toppling many buildings in the city of Nicea "per Crucifixion darkness and eclipse (Wikipedia, 14 May 2010).
Based on reconstruction of the Hebrew calendar, a lunar eclipse (consistent with Peter & # 39; s account: "The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood ..." [Acts 2:20]) occurred on April 1, AD 33 that per Colin J. Humphreys et al "was visible from Jerusalem at moonrise [at about 6:20 PM] The about 20% of the disc in the umbra of the earth & # 39; s shadow and reminder in the penumbra. The eclipse finished ... at 6: 50 PM.
However, since the occurrence of such a lunar eclipse may not be able to be able to explain the complete darkness, the approach of a severe storm (based on the darkness an approaching thunderstorm cast over Beijing, China at 11:30 AM on June 16, 2009 ) providing another probable cause since since Verse 17, Lection 82 of the Gospel of the Holy Twelve (believed to have written by John in AD 70) states, "And behold there was was great thunder and lightning, and the partition wall from the Holy place, from which hung the veil, fell down ... and the earth did quake .. . "
From a medical standpoint, it is statistically improbable and historically impossible that corruption of corroborating sources and Roman execution methodology, in which no fewer than 4 more executioners participated under threat of death if they failed, and a body wash released for burial after confirmation of death through piercing of the side with a spear (especially if the legs were not broken as was the case with regard to Jesus).
"And being in anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was like drops of blood ..." [Luke 22:44]Medically, hemohidrosis or hematidrosis, sweating of blood, rarely occurs and when it does, it is the result of a person experiencing severe stress or shock.
Per Nymph Kellerman, The medical aspects of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (16 April 2006), "the skin was stripped from the back during a flogging, which exposed a bloody mass of muscle and bone [and at times caused arterial bleeding], "which per William D. Edwards, MD, Wesley J. Gabel, and Floyd E. Hosmer, On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ (JAMA Vol. 255, No. 11, 21 March 1986) rendered in "pain, blood loss (and dehydration that) set the stage for circulatory shock."
Subsequent to the scourging, Jesus was forced to carry a [75-125] Afterwards, 7-inch nails were driven into Jesus' wrists (through the median nerve that resulted in excessive pain running through his arms) and feet (Yes through the heel based on the excavated remains of "Yehohanan Ben Hagkol" (John, son of Hagkol) a 24-28 year old male who has been in excellent health at the time of his crucifixion between AD 50-70 per Ancient Jewish Man & # 39; s Remains Give Clues on Crucifixion (Reuters, 7 April 2004), that was discovered at Giv & # 39; at ha-Mivtar, just north of Jerusalem in 1968. Then, when the cross was placed into an upright position, per Nymph Kellerman, "it generated massive strain with the wrists, arms, and shoulders result in a dislocation of the shoulder and elbow joints. the arms up and out, the ribcage held in a fixed position, the victim [found] it extremely difficult to breathe and [could probably only take shallow breaths. contracts, the lungs [began] to collapse in small areas [causing] Respiratory acidosis (excessive acid in in the case of hypoxia in a condition in which the body as a whole or a region of the body sufferers from hypercarbia (a condition in which there is carbon dioxide content in the blood is dangerously excessive) bodily fluids) [resolved] in increased strain on the heart that beat faster to compensate. Fluid [accumulated] in the lungs [until] under the strain of hypoxia and acidosis, the heart finally fail [ed] "if the victim had not suffocated first.]generally ranged from three or four hours to three or four days [depending on] the severity of the scourging. "
"... one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out." [John 19:34]
Per William D. Edwards, MD, "The cause of death for Jesus was probably a combination of acute heart failure and hypovolemia, with asphyxia playing a secondary role, based on the outpouring of blood and water that water probably represented serous pleural (lung cavity) and pericardial (heart-sac) fluid [since] "Consequently" the weight of historical and medical evidence indicating Jesus was dead before the wound to His side was inflicted. [However] had Jesus not been dead, "the spur between his right ribs, [that] probably perforated not only the right lung but also the pericardium and heart [would have] ensured His death. "Correspondingly, [assumptions to the contrary] appear to be at odds with modern medical knowledge.
The Resurrection:
When the visual textual evidence (eg, Jesus was seen by more than 500 people after His death (that, per Jeff Lasko, there is evidence to support Christ & # 39; s resurrection (The Pittsburgh Standard, March 2002) led "endless communities of at least ten thousand Jews [to willingly] based on 1 Corinthians 15: 6, in which mass hallucination was psychologically improbable per William Craig, Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (14 July 2002) since "no one had anticipated seeing Jesus alive again" is combined with historical evidence (eg Shroud of Turin) and theories and laws of physics, compelling evidence in support of Jesus "bodily resurrection and ascension exists.
"... the angel answered and said to the women," Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek see Jesus who was crucified. " [Matthew 28: 5-6 ]
Based on the social order of the day) discovered Jesus' tomb was empty (corroborated by Jewish claims His body had been stolen, which It was was over "and would not be" and would not be "and would not have to die to a lie created by such a theft (which in all likelihood they did not Jesus remained intact - only I have not had the intellectual ability to concorct based on their social, economic, and educational background), the Roman guard would have been executed for forting places, and most importantly due to the linen. deflated; thieves would not have had time the 100 pounds of spices that embalmed Jesus' body nor meticulously wrap the burial cloth back in place with such perfection in absence of a body) on the morning o f April 3, A D 33.
When it comes to historical evidence, the Shroud of Turin is perhaps the most important artifact since it is directly linked to the crucifixion (textual scripts indicate it was was Jesus') burial cloth, which was taken to Edessa by Thomas and Thaddeus Jude shortly after the resurrection in AD 33, historical writings confirm its presence in Edessa in AD 544 and transfer to Constantinople in AD 944, a 10 th century drawing depicting Abgarus of Edessa and the shroud is its distinct weave. fabric dating back to between 40 BC and AD 73 Only in the certain area around Jerusalem, while bloodstains of type AB blood (common in the Middle East) confirmed by the presence of serum albumin (a plasma protein), an abundance of bilirubin (a bile pigment produced when the body is under severe trauma as would have the case with a scouring and crucifixion) and fault writing (in Greek, Latin, an d Aramaic) that reads, "(J) esu (s) Nazarene" per Ariel David, Vatican Expert: Turin Shroud Jesus Relic (Discovery News, 22 November 2009) links it directly to the 1st Century and specifically to Jesus) and provided tangible, visible evidence of the resurrection.
With establishment that the Shroud of Turin is directly and physically linked to Jesus, it is plausible to conclude the 3D negative image (consistent with neutrino (weak, invisible particles that can pass through other forms of matter) properties in which it was created within an instant and a short time after Jesus' death based on the AD 33 transfer date to Edessa) of his crucified body provided tangible evidence of His resurrection. Per Jesus Christ & # 39; s Resurrection real, according to some scientists (Word Press, 5 April 2010), based on "modern particle physics," such a resurrection could conceivably have occurred when Jesus' body 'dematerialized' from underneath the burial shroud in which its physical matter was converted into neutrinos and then " rematerialized "when outside the shroud [directly initiated through interaction with anti-neutrinos that caused] the neutrinos [to revert] It is relatively the process emitted, abundance of light (photonic energy), which further corroborated bibliographic accounts of His "glorified" body.
Creation of the 3D negative image is also consistent with Albert Einstein "The Theory of Relativity (E = mc 2) in which" matter and energy are interchangeable under [certain] conditions "that that if Jesus had" awesome levels of energy ... the matter of [His] dead body could be transformed into the matter of a living body "per Henry Pang, How the resurrection actually happened (17 May 2010)., "If E were applied to [a] "To expand further, spontaneous emission (the process by which an atom or molecule in an excited state (E 2) may spontaneously retire into a ground state, with the remaining energy (E 1 ) between the excited and ground states being released as photons) plausibly occurred during the rematerialization process.
For brevity, a few additional physics laws and theories that render Jesus & # 39; resurrection potential are listed below:
1. The "Omninatural" concept in which per RC Metcalf, Colliding with Christ (Xulon Press, 2008), "nature is not limited to what we perceive empirically, but may include includeence beyond the boundaries of Minkowski spacetime (one temporal and four spatial dimensions); [it] exists beyond the material universe we inhabit [and is composed of] But I do not doubt that the lion belongs to it even though he can not at once reveal "- consistent with Einstein" - statement, "Nature shows us only the tail of the lion. himself because of his massive size. "
2. The EPR Paradox / Quantum Entanglement, in which all quantum (energy) and classical (theory, physical) worlds as well as time and space are non-existent so that movement of particles between dimensions dimensions plausible.
3. The Law of Conservation of Matter That states mass / energy can not be destroyed or lost.
4. Superstring or String Theory, in which the universe is comprised of subatomic particles that form a one-dimensional vibrating string that can either be closed or open and appear as point particles in a 10-dimensional universe (one temporal and three spatial dimensions we perceive + six compact space dimensions we do not perceive in which particles in extra dimensions are curled up to a size less than 10 to the negative 33 rd power (known as the planck length).
5. M-Theory, in which the universe consists of 11 dimensions composed of two-dimensional flat planes known as "branes" that lie infinitesimally close to each other, from which energy (such as gravitons, weak particles of gravity first described by Isaac Newton between AD 1665-1667, and possibly neutrinos) may leak from one brane to another, then travel between dimensions.
6. The Existence of Dark (or invisible) Matter which gravitational pull originating from an unseen, higher dimension (called a "tesseract"), counterbalances the inward gravity of pull of our universe to prevent it from collapsing corroborated by recent findings based on studies of the Milky Way, Willman 1 and Seague 1 galaxies that disclosed "most ordinary matter is hidden as well" per Matter Gone Missing (Discover, June 2010).
With the existence of higher dimensions well established since the mid 1970s, mathematics (eg higher dimensional algebra, which per Ronald Brown, Higher Dimensional Group Theory (19 October 2006) is a "contrast between the [one] demographic perspective and the higher dimensional perspective ") has also evolved to reflect this reality.
Based on the other dimension (referred to as the 5th dimension), RC Metcalf explained the resurrection and ascension relying on analogies from Charles Schultz & # 39; s Peanuts comic-strip and Edwin Abbott & # 39; s 1888 book, Flatland, and interpretations of Salvador Dali & 1954 "Crucifixion" painting (that depicted removal of a dimension, retained a three-dimensional cross and added four cubes to symbolize the presence of a higher dimension, possibly because of "an intuitive understanding of the higher dimensional nature of Christ & # 39; s resurrection ").
Per RC Metcalf, "if & # 39; was a & # 39; was a & # 39; Flatland & # 39; (a two - dimensional world) comic and we lifted Linus off the page into our three - dimensional world, it would appear he disappeared to Charlie Brown [and company]"That was then sealed (making it a closed" O ") the body could not escape unless the a flatlander (who appeared as a dot) was placed into an open tomb had been a spacelander (with three dimensional in form) "with the majority of his body in Spaceland [such that] even if his Flatland body had died, [he] would remain alive ... [and] could remove himself from Flatland entirely by moving back into Spaceland from where he came!
Keith Ward, a Regius professor of divinity at Oxford University concurs when discussing the resurrection. Per his article, New physics shows resurrection to be possible (The Tablet, 30 November 2006), Ward wrote, "[Jesus'] body always was, like all physical bodies, an appearance to human minds of a defect unimaginable reality (since based on a & # 39;[thatineffectexplainsthe'HolyTrinity'-theunityof'threepersonsinoneGodhead'referredtoinMatthew28:19-[thatineffectexplainsthe'HolyTrinity'-theunityof'threepersonsinoneGodhead'asreferredtoinMatthew28:19-... Make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit " ]It could be instantaneously transformed into another form (a & # 39; spiritual body, & # 39; Paul calls it) in another space - time.
"What you sow does not come to life without it dies ... What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. [1 Corinthians 36,43-44]
Jesus & # 39; virgin birth occurred when His particles were inserted ( Once in Mary 's womb, these particles evolved into human corporeal form., since since Jesus' # 39; birth such that he was crucified, we only saw a tiny picture - the portion that physically died (and as it died, particles It collided between the two dimensions generated in observable natural phenomena such as lightning and thunder, darkness, and an earthquake, to name a few) since the majority of Jesus' dimension that we I can not see or perceive, passing through in the tomb, passing through in the form of neutrinos. In doing so, the visible part of Jesus' # 3 left negative 3D image on the Shroud of Turin.
"Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into my side." [John 20:27]
Jesus then walked the earth for 40 days with the crucified, afterwards, the particles and matter that composed that Jesus' crucified body crossed into the 5th dimension to rejoin the rest of His body that had not been harmed.
In addition, since M-Theory permits particles to pass between dimensions, it is likely the particles contracting Jesus & # 39; body will again cross over (validating prophecies of His second coming)., Based on science it appearance that the biblical account offered by John when viewed from an omninatural or multiverse perspective was literal can have imagined since prior to to to to Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension that made an eschatological or relating to the ultimate destiny of humanity resurrection possible, no one could pass to the 5th dimension:
"Then Jesus said to them, & # 39; I shall be with you a little while longer, and then I go to Him who sent. Simon Peter said to Him, & # 39; Lord, where are You going? & # 39; Jesus answered him, & # 39; Where I am going you can not follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward. [John 7:33, 13:36]
In addition, Jesus & # 39; words, it is also explaining the assumption of Mary - in willingly carrying Jesus in her womb, she gained the necessary matter from the 5th dimension to physically draw her body to it. "I am the resurrection and life." He who believes in Me, though he may die, shall live " [John 11:25] and This bread is my flesh ... Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. " [John 6: 48,51,54] in what physics corroborates the process of transubstantiation - the conversion of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus through attraction of particles from His body (that likely consistently replicate in the same way our for propagate (that cross over into the dimension to coalesce with and brain and wine) is prerequisite to convert us into a Spacelander (known as "born again" in scripture) for entry into the higher dimension (where Jesus resides) per the Flatland analogy.
Based on historical and scientific evidence (in which, per RC Metcalf, "the physical events of the resurrection conform to the laws of nature"), Jewish scholar Pinchas Lapid believes, "a bodily resurrection could possibly have [taken place]"since" Jewish tradition includes six accounts of God reawakening the dead (eg 1 Kings 17: 22, 2 Kings 4: 35 and 2 Kings 13: 21 in the Old Testament) "per Religion: Resurrection? (Time, 7 May 1979) which is supported by a Dead Sea scroll called "Gabriel" dating from c. 100 BC - AD 1 that describes a Messiah who suffered and died, and an "archangel (Gabriel) order [ing Him] to arise from the dead in three days "per Israeli scholar Ada Yardeni as reported in A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone? (Biblical Archeology Review, 8 July 2008).
Finally, when based on the laws of science that dictate "There was always a time when something exhausted," scientific fact that the universe has existed for approximately 13.7 billion years indicative of a finite beginning per Ken Than, Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe? (National Geographic, 9 April 2010), RC Metcalf concludes it "leaves only one [viable] option, an eternally self-sustaining, self-sustaining God that exist separately from the material universe, "which substantiates Jesus" "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End" [Revelation 21: 6]., Based on M - Theory while utilizing the Flatland analogy, Jesus' "I and My Father are one" [John 10:30] offer a plausible description of the multi-dimensional existence that enabled Him to step out of the tomb and ascend from this dimension forty days later.