Body perforation (defined as any perforation beyond the standard earlobe puncture), 5 to 10 percent of the US population is indulging in at least one form at some point in their lives. In most cases, once you pierce your body, you will follow the first body. There are many considerations. But do not puncture that you can not leave infectious diseases or unsightly scars to make sure your body punctures are done very safely.
It is not ear piercing, honey ...
A good body puncture procedure is not the same as piercing your earlobe. Most earlobe earrings done at malls and jewelry stores use piercing guns to quickly shoot the actual earring post through the earlobe. It may have a soft tissue and work well for areas of the body that are easily punctured, but it is not a good idea for the rest of the body for several reasons.
First of all, since it is not as precise as a needle, lining it does not necessarily work. Like any gun, there is a rebound to make the goal inaccurate. Second, the force of the gun causes scratches and damage to unnecessary skin and retards the healing process. Third, the risk of infection is higher because the puncture gun can not be sterilized completely. The message is clear. You will never pierce with a pierced gun. Always follow the procedures approved by the professional Pearce Association (APP) to the experts.
When you get to the piercing parlor, there are several steps in the body piercing process that is done to ensure both the success of piercing and health and safety. According to each of these steps, you do not need to skip.
Put the qualifiers outside
You must be accustomed to the environment and you must be used to your puncture before proceeding. Please do not proceed if you do not reply to your question or try to advance the procedure without reassuring you. This is a long-term commitment you are making, so if you want to pass it is up to you.
There are documents to be filled in and I will not let you know that the stabbing parlor is not. Excellent piercing studio always keeps accurate record to ensure client's health and safety. In case of pollution or other health problems you need to contact the customer. In the case of a minor, a parent or guardian's signature is required. The parent or guardian's signature must exist at the time of piercing.
Sterilization - the only route to a safe body piercing
The puncture site must be sterile, the piercer's hand must be sterile, the equipment used must be sterile and the puncture needle must be sterile.
In a piercing parlor where a steam thermal autoclave is running, another sterilization area must be available. The autoclave is the only approved sterilization device that can be brought to a temperature sufficient to heat appliances such as forceps sufficiently to kill all bacteria. Before starting drilling, autoclave all the tools and carefully place them in a clean tray. After that, you can not touch it until the beginning of your puncture, only when the piercer touches safely when you wear gloves as safely as a surgeon.
You are not too beautiful
Chairs and tables to be drilled are also usually cleaned by thoroughly wiping off with antibacterial spray or disposable cloth or paper towel to prevent recontamination. You are not permitted to start drilling and prepare until the area is prepared and sterilized.
Needles used for body puncture are sterile and individually wrapped, and once used needles are not used with a reputable puncture needle. When puncturing, open the sterile needle package just before puncturing. The same is true for your starter jewelry - it is sealed with aseptic packaging and it will only be opened in front of you.
Before the disposable gloves are worn, the piercer washes the hands and wrists with antimicrobial soap so as to dry them. At this point, he is ready to begin your perforation.
Preparation work is straight piercing and relieving complications
With appropriate gloves in place, first locate the part you want to puncture and determine whether you are a candidate for the type of body you are about to pierce. In some cases, he may tell you that the conditions are not appropriate.
For example, there are damage or heavy scar on the cartilage in the part you want to pierce. Also, if there is current sharpness or skin condition, tell them that you need to postpierce. In this case, he will not proceed in order to protect your health and prevent the possibility of causing problems. If everything goes well, he says that. Proceed to the next step.
- He will care for the skin and examine the area, then change to a new glove.
- He cleans the area to be drilled with the antimicrobial solution.
- He marks the area to be drilled with a sterile disposable marker.
- There is an opportunity to check the marking (with a mirror if necessary) before proceeding to the drilling stage.
- He asks if you are ready for drilling and will allow you to spend a moment comfortably.
- He puts his tool at hand and opens the sterile package with a puncture needle.
And now you are ready in the real sense.
But, first of all, words about those needle ...
The puncture needle is not an average sewing needle or push pin. The piercing needle is highly specialized and specially designed to puncture the meat with minimal pain. They also help to promote faster and cleaner healing than normal needles.
These needles also come with various gauges suitable for a particular kind of piercing. For example, if you are puncturing a nipple, you do not want to use a piercer smaller than 12 gauge (the gauge is smaller the smaller the needle), whereas the lips or nostrils can be drilled at 14 or 16 gauge. A thicker gauge will prevent jewelry from moving in the area before it moves and will not tear the pierced ear more delicate body.
The puncture needle is made of surgical steel - the same material as the hospital female and lancet. This ensures that they are biocompatible with all skin types and do not cause allergic reactions. They are also sharp edged with sharp edges, so they are very sharp so slice cleanly without tooth pulling out or pulling. Since the puncture needle is hollow rather than solid, it cuts a small hole through the skin to be punctured rather than penetrating the skin.
These hollow needles leave a clean, sharp, precise hole in the meat that will normally heal quickly, while the usual needle (quite dull compared) actually passes through the skin, causing pain on the way and bruising along the way I will.
This is why a professional piercing needle minimizes painful perforation and is safer and easier for the body.
Main Event - Body Piercing
The basic procedure is the same for most piercing, but all piercer handles it in its own way. Several punchmakers clamp that area with forceps to stabilize the area before passing the needle, but the needle prefer to use a stable hand and his own eyes to guide the needle. When a perforated person seems to be shaken it is more likely that some type of forceps or surgical pliers will stabilize the area and hold the skin in place. This will not hurt, and only confirms that you did not get crooked placement.
When the needle is marked, the piercer finally asks if you are ready and pierces through the needle at once. Some piercers use cork as lining and others do not. This usually requires a moment and feels like someone is stretching the skin. In most cases, the build up to the present moment is much worse than the actual piercing. More sensitive areas include genital areas and nasal bridges.
Starter jewelry must be of high quality
Once the needle is pulled out, the starter's jewel is placed immediately. One of the most important things to know about starter jewelery is that fresh pierced earrings are put in open wounds that are actually there. Obviously, you do not want starter jewelry to be potentially allergic reactions or infections.
Because of the high incidence of high quality, purity, and allergic reactions, three materials recognized as acceptable in starter jewelery are recognized by professional piercer.
- Surgical steel
- Titanium
- 14K or 18K gold
Other substances are more likely to cause either allergic reactions, refusal of perforation by the body, or migration of perforation.
Starter jewelry is a bead ring or barbell that is generally caught. The piercer chooses an appropriate size of the area slightly larger than what is normally worn to tolerate swelling that is normal during the first few days after new puncture. He screws the end into a new jewelry and confirms it is firmly fixed.
At this point, the piercer removes the glove, wears another fresh set, sweeps the area around the new drill and finally examines it. Let's take a look at your new body jewelry as he explains the after-care and the potential problems to be noted. He will also give you a sheet of detailed after-care instructions to go home with you.
Before you leave you may take some time to relax in one of the atrium and the waiting room. Sometimes adrenaline rush and its aftermath may make you feel a little light. Once you feel that you are stable, I recommend you to drink something like fruit juice or snack. Your perforation is complete!
What happens when you try to pierce your body?
If you love changing your body, you may be considering drilling yourself. It is actually not a good idea for many reasons. If you want to try piercing, do it in the right way. You can become a professionally trained licensed professional. Without proper training and understanding of proper sterilization techniques, scarring, infection, and permanent damage may be incurred.
Using a familiar drilling tool like a sewing needle is a big risk because it can not simply be properly sterilized. Even heating over an open flame (like a lighter) will not kill all the bacteria. The only guaranteed way to kill all bacteria is to use a sterile surgical needle packaged in an autoclave or packaged. Nevertheless, the whole area and all tools must be properly disinfected.
If you are really interested in drilling, you can think of it as a carrier, not as a hobby or instantaneous activity. To become an apprentice at a pierced shop means learning the right skills, at the same time learning trade and combining your interests with ways to make a living.
The apprentices usually receive training for at least 1 year under an authorized professional piercer who learns all aspects of sterilization, perforation and customer service. In many states it is also necessary to take courses in emergency medical care, blood borne pathogens, anatomy and other safety and health standards and practices. You observe the piercing and actually work in the sterilization process for several months before doing the piercing, but if you do pierce it will do it properly and professionally. To learn more information, please visit the Association of Professional Piercers website # http://www.safepiercing.org.
This article was reprinted with permission of "How Body Piercing Works".
Copyright 2004 Evaluseek Publishing.