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The human brain limits itself. Even if it is troublesome for us, it has all the reasons. We build our own obstacles and set up our own obstruction. And we limit the ability to see these limits. That is why it is easy to solve the problems of others. We do not have a blind spot about the flaws of others.

In myths, the Pandora 's Box contained all things in the world. I like this idea, but I do not think that is correct. In fact, it is probably behind. However, before I explain Arodnap 's box (the other side of Pandora), think about the tree species.

Seeds have huge potential. Branches of trees can grow in any direction, but they can not grow in all directions. If possible, the trees will soon become a block of trees and some leaves will protrude. Such malfunctioning trees will not last long. You can argue that the branches may have grown, but the space around the branches that could not be done defines trees that branches do.

Your brain is like this tree. It does not matter in any configuration, but it can not be used in all configurations. When you grow from baby to child and become an adult, you lose so many brain functions that you get it. Think of all destructive or antisocial impulses you do not have. Do you want to eat your arm? Because it is a possible brain composition, if not, you must not develop in you.

In your mind, some branches grow, other branches do not grow. This pattern defines who you are and what you can do. However, you may wonder what will happen to thoughts never formed.

For example, in our society, courage is virtue. You can imagine a world without it. In a brutal and effective dictatorship, perhaps the best strategy is to keep heads down. In such countries are noble like freedom fighters, so their courage leads to suffering, emotional pain and death life. That's why children's minds may not demonstrate the skill of courage by seeing how much wasteful and painful courage is.

Where are you going? Can it come back as an adult?

Your unconscious mind seals harmful and unnecessary things. Some of those hits are located near the surface. If an ambitious child has many setbacks like a teenager, the outcome may be an adult of great amnestic ambition. Other things like promising autophagus are buried deeper.

But I do not need to tell you that your heart is messy. It is not a warehouse with separate storage units for each concept. Things are bundled together. If the smell of roses comes to mind of your grandparents' house, it is strongly bound to your brain. The same happens to everything that you can not access your conscious mind.

Your heart is amazing to protect you. If you (consciously) can not handle something, you probably will not stumble it (consciously). Your unconscious mind overflows truly mentally broken ideas from your troublesome little fingers. If this happens to your consciousness, that means perhaps you are ready to deal with it. It may not be fun, but you experience it more strongly.

Think of these two ideas together. Your mind is filled with unknown possibilities. It is a branch that does not grow from trees. And these branches and boxes contain a neutral one better than a bad one by mixing a metaphor. Here is Arodnap & # 39; s Box full of happy creatures and sometimes poor animals.

How can I use this idea? Pay attention to your own mind. There is an idea around your consciousness that you do not like to think. When they weave, you keep your head away. One may be a dream that you give up a few years ago. The other may be fear that you do not want to face.

These monsters protect Arodnap's box. Do not be afraid of them. They are paving the way for your biggest untapped resource.

Whether they are Einstein level scientists or fantasy parents, great geniuses can access more spirit than most people. They are not smarter in the sense that they have more intelligence. They can consciously access materials sealed to others. If you can not access spiritual materials, it will only confuse your mind. But more and more you can access these, your more flexible and original your thoughts will be.

This is what it means when people use cliche where your dream life is on the other side of fear. If you do not deal with thinking, an unconscious mind breaks it. But as it happens, it fills with others with that. Those who regularly suppress emotions become nervous.

Compare this with those faced with fear and victory. Are they suddenly not living a rich life? They describe experiences as releases - release of energy, release of box contents. It is released as if there is not much mental confusion.

Your heart is like a mother cleaning her teenage room. My mother does not know what kind of inconvenience or treasure it is. She sweeps everything into boxes and throws them underground. If Junk makes you frightened, you can not find precious relics.

But, if you actively looking for discomfort in your heart, who knows what is behind it?

 Open Arodnap & Boxes -2

 Open Arodnap & Boxes -2

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