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 Puffy Eye Causes And Ways To Treat Eye Puffiness, Irritation, Swelling & Dry Damaged Skin Instantly <br/>-2

There is no one specific reason for puffy eyes happening, so to treat the puffiness successfully it & # 39; s important the exact reason is identified.

Puffy eyes may occur because of things you may, do not get enough enough sleep or trauma., Because of many many reasons, the cause could be deeper, so if a lack of sleep or a punch in the face If you sleeping well, that & # 39; re not sleeping well, that you could not have a doctor. s easily remedied by getting more shut-eye, having said this if you struggled to sleep talk to your GP.

Knowing why your eyes have puffed up from let let's say not deep coiled black circles or unsightly bags, the quick home treatment can start, that is, if a health condition is not accounting. for swollen eyes. You may not know but you could have had allergic reaction, or swelling is there because of fluid, weather conditions, or change in hormone levels.

1. At night elevate the head. Supporting the head with a pillow controls surplus fluid from filling up around the eyes.

2. Placing a cool damp compress over eyes gives fast relief, reduces swelling and irritation.

3. We see it all the time the cucumber spectacles. Cucumber slices, potato, even sliced ​​apple over the eyes freshes the skin and soothes, and also do cold moist tea bags.

4. Gel masks are another option for treating tired skin and swollen eyes. Gel works best cool so store it where advised on the packaging.

5. To facilitate irritated skin around the eyes, dip cotton wool pads in cold milk and gently squeeze. Apply to eyes for 15 minutes. This procedure exactly the same as moist tea bags, gel, and cucumber slices.

The skin guards us against microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and allowing the feeling of touch, heat, and cold. However a tough organ, skin around the eyes is sensitive so There is not advised by a pharmacist or doctor. There is inflammation as well as dries out do the skin. There is a do evidence to show that haemorrhoid cream reduces puffiness. A doctor must suggest use, as it supposedly irritates the eyes and brings inflammation as well as dries out the skin.

6. A good mixture for treating dark circles includes half a mashed tomato, turmeric powder, lemon juice and a small amount of flour. Leave for 10 minutes then wash it off drying the skin thoroughly.

7. A dehydrated body retains water and this could cause puffiness. Drink lots of fluid.

8. To help circulation sleep sleeping flat on your back, avoid the stomach as fluid can flood the eyes.

9. All beauty creams and eye cosmetics remove before bedtime to prevent irritation.

10. Foods laced with salt, and alcohol increase fluid retention.

11. Apparently, before menstruation water can settle around the eyelids. Eat fruit and vegetables regular to help manages a good hormonal balance.

As we getder the skin loses elasticity. When out in the sun use a good sunscreen. A diet rich in antioxidants or supplements should be considered.

If these suggestions have failed to soothe the tired skin, reduce eye puffiness or swilling consult a GP as kidney and thyroid conditions can cause this problem.

 Puffy Eye Causes And Ways To Treat Eye Puffiness, Irritation, Swelling & Dry Damaged Skin Instantly <br/>-2

 Puffy Eye Causes And Ways To Treat Eye Puffiness, Irritation, Swelling & Dry Damaged Skin Instantly <br/>-2

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