Storm tracking is a recreational entertainment pursuing extreme weather conditions and usually satisfies personal interest by shooting or recording the phenomenon. Storm chaser, in most cases, will rarely benefit from activities, usually meteorologists and scientists, and the myriad of documentary evidence they have produced often benefits researchers, governments, and authorities It is what it brings. Therefore, if you do not directly affect life insurance, will the storm chaser receive a higher premium?
Tornado is the freezing of the Arashi tracker's cake and witnessing something is not the most important goal of tracking, but for a considerable period, tracking and monitoring the unexpected nature of the tornado is considered a great achievement . After that, the area that experiences frequent tornado activities (most notably the southeastern United States) is a popular destination for Arashi Chaser. Risk is not as strong as hurricane, but it is certainly frequent (about 1000 people per year). Therefore, in these areas, it is a standard procedure to see if the insurance of the homeowner covers the damage of the tornado, and thereby expect the premium to be higher.
Thunderstorms are more likely to be much more successful than a tornado. Interestingly, despite the fact that thunderstorms are undoubtedly undoubtedly the average of opportunities for Americans to be stuck with lighting is one in 576,000 people, but as expected, the chances of a chaser being stuck are much higher . So far, Arashi 's chaser was not dead. And the old adage of the car, the most dangerous place, was near the wire gap and the pylon pointing to an unexpected strike. .
Hurricanes are rarer than the above, but more dangerous things are undoubted, combining all of the above risks. As a result, high risk areas are before hurricane insurance is needed, which may include most of the United States. Many of the most awe-inspiring chaser pictures are struck by floods and coastal areas during the hurricane, because of the precipitation and strong winds. This leads to the greatest risk for the chaser, but it does not storm itself, it runs through rainy weather (heavy rain and hail) rainy weather (core punching), making it incredibly dangerous for every driver. To date, the only recorded chaser death was due to a traffic accident.