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 Strategies behind crisis management -2

Humpty · Dumpty was sitting on the wall
Humpty · Dumpty was a big depression
All the king's horses and all the king's soldiers
Humpty Dumpty could not be put together again

For the past week I attended a meeting of business leaders who want to raise the business to the next level. On the second day I met a leader living in Pensacola, Florida, and started talking about the oil spill and its influence to the area. As many of you, we shared personal photos taken from oil, so the strategy for cleaning the oil, and most importantly the coast of the Gulf Coast, marine industry, tourism industry, wildlife There is a possibility of a long-term influence of such a disaster.

And yes, we discussed the politics of the problem - since it is a "WE" matter, this should not have "politically opposed" political spin. We are all affected (or affected) by this disaster ... recognition for the coming generations. After the discussion, I began to wonder how many companies are deep in building disaster recovery / crisis management strategies both at the organization level and at the project level.

You may be wondering about the relationship between Disaster Recovery / Crisis Management and Humpty Dumpty. Think about Humpty Dumpty being that wonderful project. That wonderful idea ... a wonderful solution to promote your organization ahead of others in your industry that you need to spend years trying to recover from your progress. For ideas with such global impact, everything will be better for the implementation of that idea! Or the new product / service will increase your stock price by 200%.

It sets the standard for exceptional greatness - Humpty Dumpty is sitting on the wall! Then, something happens inside or outside your control that drops the Humpty Dumpty, this fall will have a big impact on others.

The question would be: Before the fall of Happty Dumpty falls (strategically), or to discuss whether he collapsed, the best best (all knight horses and all the kings Soldier) The result of his fall (tactical)? A very small number of business leaders carry out detailed programs on crisis management / disaster recovery / risk management related to various projects / products / services that we would like to introduce into the market. Of course, there are many reasons for such conduct. However, in the current history, if you do not implement the disaster recovery / crisis management plan, you can see that there is a possibility that not only the generation's global economy will have a long-term adverse effect on business.

Leaders need to plan dangerous situations that threaten the crisis, that is, injuries, deaths, financial difficulties that could cause serious injury or closure of your company. However, if you can acquire specific skills, you can make the organization work better to overcome the crisis.

Recent crises and disasters included many events that were never before thought. These disasters included terrorist attacks, natural disasters sufficient to deprive large cities and industries, cyber attacks and corporate fraud. Today's organizations need to adopt the idea that they are ready even if a crisis occurs. Crisis occurs more frequently. They are part of business. Industries and organizations are not secure, but you can save the most serious consequences for your organization by drastically changing the planning and handling of crisis management.

Comprehensive risk management is at a stage where preliminary planning and active investment are necessary. First of all, we will prevent and reduce the damage of disasters before risk occurs. Then prepare a robust response. Third, build a recovery infrastructure. Fourth, we will provide appropriate response by coping with the damage received during the event. Do not forget to take responsibility of your organization for the crisis. In the fifth phase of appropriate reconstruction, we need to rebuild the infrastructure to provide general welfare. In the final stage, adjust the lessons / other strategies learned based on what happened. What should the organization do to prevent this from happening again?

Below, organizations can implement before the fall strategy and fall strategies, so that you can return Humpty · Dumpty again.

Strategy for Disaster Recovery / Crisis Management before Collapse

1. Risk Forecast - A more accurate prediction method is required in this field.

2. Transmission of risk information - Most people assume that disasters with low probability will not affect. Expanding the horizon of time for opponents helps better evaluate how employees can hurt. The possibility of a "one hundred annual flood" that happened in that 25-year period to help the owners of production facilities with a 25-year lifespan understand the flood risk is called In · 5 ". Presenting the possibility of "one-hundredth" in one year is not so attractive.

3. Economic incentives - Cash can motivate people to protect themselves from disasters. For example, reduce flood protection Mississippians premiums.

4. Private public partnership - Since disasters affect public and private organizations, it is necessary to attend in advance to prepare emergency strategies and defense plans for each other.

5. Elasticity and Sustainability - The organization needs to decide whether it can continue to function after sudden disasters. This question also relates to countries centered on developing countries that are burdened with "low quality structures, poor land use, inadequate emergency response" and so on.

Mitroff (2005) recommends spinning Crises Wheel with the leader / project team before a business leader releases new products and services. The physical strut of this movement will cause the wheel to slow down and stop. Once you stop, discuss the possible crisis, what actions are necessary to prevent such a crisis, and what actions should be taken after such a crisis occurs . This tool must be part of the toolkit of all project managers for success. Each segment of the wheel lists the main areas where the crash occurs.

1. Economy - This crisis affects the economy
2. Information - information is lost due to intrusion or computer error (eg Y2K, Millennium Bug)
3. Physical - the crisis will affect your building, equipment or product
4. Human resources - a crisis occurs due to labor problems, fraud or criminal acts
5. Reputation - rumors and defamation that hurt your organization
6. Psychosis act - Strike of violence, product tampering or criminal acts
7. Natural Disasters - Hurricanes, Fire, Floods or Mudslides are at stake

To ensure that the organization covers all bases, combine the elements (for example, combine entries # 4 and # 7). What kind of plan is necessary to ensure prompt and maximum recovery?

Strategy for Disaster Recovery / Crisis Management after Collapse

Risk-related decisions include weighting probabilities and benefits and losses, creating accurate statistical analysis, and considering alternative behaviors. To perceive, manage and manage the risk of extreme events, please follow the principals below.

1. Recognizing the importance of guessing crisis - Although there is uncertainty in such calculations, organizations need good information to deal with risks

2. Recognize crisis-related interdependence - All risks are tied to the external environment. Such linked dependencies create dynamic and evolving uncertainty that causes mutations in response to events. Maintain risk prediction up to date

3. Understand the behavioral prejudices of people in developing crisis management strategies - people must admit their prejudice to mitigate it. For example, leaders may postpone dealing with potential disasters due to robust refusal rather than within their term of office (NIMTOF)

4. Recognize the long-term effects of crisis / disasters - Catastrophies can cause permanent change

5. Recognize the risk across borders by developing global strategy - There is no border at the time of disaster. A person died in 11 countries by the 2004 tsunami

6. Overcoming inequalities in distribution and impact of catastrophe - ready to help those who need it

7. Build leadership to avoid avoiding opponents before they are needed - Planning and preparation for disaster is much better than waiting until an emergency occurs

Push after the crisis is to return to business. Barton (2007) recommends the next pillar of business continuity.

1. When a disaster occurs, you can not communicate excessively with the victim.
2. Please contact the shareholders, employees, customers, contractors and suppliers 24 hours a day, 365 days.
3. Run offsite IT recovery operations and Emergency Operations Center as soon as possible.
4. Confirm that the staff receives full salary and benefits. Give the commander of the case the authority to pay "equipment, hotel room, consulting service" as necessary.
5. Document everything including damages. Please connect to your insurance company as soon as possible.
6. The only speaker will communicate. Employees need to refer all questions to that spokesperson. Avoid policy violations. Control rumors.
7. Designate a psychological counselor and make it available to affected people.
8. If you update stakeholders three times daily, all activities and progress will be concerned.
9. Stay on top of all suppliers. Please make sure they are useful for recovery in a timely manner.
10. Before declaring it to be complete, make sure that the disaster is over. Please review "Scenario Test" and check the situation again. Plan to be "to multilayered and return to normal".
11. Evaluate the event failure. Establish accountability. I will reward those who explain it.

Now, how about putting all the works together again? We live a certain amount of information we have available than we had to wait years for our predecessor. If your organization is in trouble identifying a solution to the crisis, please put a best brain together (inside or outside the company or industry) to come up with a solution.

As an organization, your responsibilities include placing many Humpty / Dumpty together through creativity and innovation. At the same time act actively during the planning and implement crisis management / risk management / disaster recovery strategy in case of crisis management. By actively working on the plan, you can survive by unplanned catastrophes and crises. Wisdom says your best creative and innovative ideas come from what you learned about how to handle the crisis and solving the problem that caused the crisis / disaster.

When talking with last week's business leader, I said that my solution to the oil spill crisis is to take the best heart from all the oil companies, universities, governments and even the general public and place it in the room talked. Develop solutions to these crises and develop standard operational procedures to ensure that such crisis does not occur again. This, together, we can put "all the pieces again" together, you can make the Humpty Dumpty stronger and better than before!

 Strategies behind crisis management -2

 Strategies behind crisis management -2

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