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 Symptoms Of A Swollen Liver <br/>-2

A medical term is hepatomegaly. A swollen liver is not considered to be a disease, but is rather a symptom of some underlying disorder like cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver disease or cancer.

If symptoms are not swollen liver symptoms until the disease or condition that occurred swelling reaches a serious stage. If symptoms are ignored or left untreated at this point, liver failure could eventually become a reality. Liver failure is fatal without a liver transplant.

He or she alone is qualified to make a diagnosis. The information presented here is intended solely to give you a basic and introductory knowledge of the symptoms of liver swelling so you can discuss your with your doctor.

But again the liver is grossly swollen, several symptoms may appear that point to liver trouble.

Jaundice is the most prominent of these. This accumulation of bilirubin causes the skin and the whites of the eyes to look yellow.

Patients with liver problems often report especially strong reactions to certain chemical smells like household cleaners and insecticides.

This is known as photophobia. It should be noted that this is known as photophobia. Photograph is not a fear of light so much as it physically to light that hurts the eyes. Photophobia can be a symptom of other problems, but when combined with other signs of liver swelling, it frequently helps confirm a diagnosis.

This can happen feeling of fullness in the lower stomach and upper abdominal areas. This patient happen even though the patient eats very little, and in fact, has an unusual lack of interest in food and e reduced. A reduced appetite is a common sign of liver swelling.

Painful muscles and joints are typical too. Someone who is getting older could easily mistake these symptoms for the onset of arthritis.

When you have a swollen liver, you may experience bouts of either diarrhea or constipation. The color of your urine will also probably change, becoming dark or cloudy.

If you have a persistent cough even though you have no symptoms of a respiratory infection or allergies, it could be a symptom of a swollen liver. Keep in mind however, that if you 're taking a blood pressure medication you may have a These may sometimes be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and an occasional fever.

Certain liver disorders or conditions are considered to be signs of a swollen liver.

  • cholestasis, a condition that occurs when bile flows from the liver is obstructed,
  • portal hypertension, or high blood pressure in the portal vein, which transports blood between the intestines and the liver,
  • ascites, which is an accumulation of fluids in the abdominal area, and
  • liver encephalopathy, which causes reduced brain function due to an accumulation of toxic substances in the body that are generally removed by the liver.

Such doctor can swallen liver function tests that can liver swelling long before any physical symptoms appear. Such tests can be a valuable tool For sure treatment of it liver is healthy - and a signal that you need to make some lifestyle changes or get treatment if it is not.

 Symptoms Of A Swollen Liver <br/>-2

 Symptoms Of A Swollen Liver <br/>-2

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