"To detox or not to detox?" This article will hopefully all the way of detoxification that our medical friends sometimes like to put forward, often in an attempt to bring disrepute onto the natural health industry.
The unfortunate truth is there are bad detoxification programs out there (such as the lemon detox diet), developed by unskilled but clever marketing people. The information in this should put your fears to rest and help you to work out if a detox is for you .
You may have some muscle ache, a If you are showing any signs of ill health, even if these symptoms are not particularly bad or debilitating, this may be your body informing you that things are not going as tickerty-boo as they should be. slight skin problem, maybe some excess fatigue, some digestive irregularities, or infertility issues.
It needs a regular service to keep it functioning and giving optimal performance. It needs the oil filters changed, new breaks pads applied, maybe some It is always advisable to deposit it in our adipose tissue. It is an anti-rust in the radiator.
This time it is altogether to the insult. You take yourself off to the doctor, who may tell you everything is normal. place at a sub-clinical level and it is not when the toxins are so deeply imbedded that they produce pathologies that can be measured by your doctor.
Obviously as a preventive health practitioner, I do not want you to progress to that point.
This should not be confused with the liver blood tests (LFT '# 39; s) that medical practitioners perform - these are more a When there is liver damage. certain enzymes are produced by the liver cells and that what is being measured by a medical liver function test.
A real Liver Function test is performed by a private pathologist who will have a specific time. Over the following few hours, urine or sputum specimens are taken at designated intervals and these Without going into great details here, if any of those phases are under or over functioning, chances are your body is not eradicating toxins effectively.
These days we have a good idea - this how we have that a healthy detoxification eating plan eradicated the main allergy foods, excess caffeine and alcohol, encouragements plenty of water and possibly cleansing teas. It should basically be a good healthy diet that still needs all the necessary nutrient and protein that the body requires.
Without adequate protein during your detoxification, it is possible that the body will lose its ability to process toxins inadequately.
A proper detoxification program will firstly work to create a good gut integrity because of it being insidated by the toxins that are being mobilized by the liver will simply be reabsorbed by the gut. setting another excretory organ, the kidney, to work effectively also.
Most communities will have a trained natural health practitioner who can guide you through the whole process and surely you are using good quality products that are backed by by sound research
(not the supermarket detox in a box kind).
There has been some publicity that has been & # 39; proved & detoxification as ineffective and even dangerous.
This is untrue when a well researched and supportive detox program is carried out.
These elimination processes can over over loaded from the excess toxic inclusion burden placed on us with our modern lifestyle. These toxins include the obvious such as alcohol, junk food and tobacco then also biological inhalants such as mold and pollen, sprays and herbicides, heavy metals, stress or hormonal imbalances just to give you an idea. For a proper detox , you have to include all eliminative systems including the digestive tract, kidneys and liver .
We aim to repair the gut lining to reduce this this momentarily for majority function using a three step method. as populate it with good bacteria that will aid digestion and keep unhealthy bacteria at bay.
Stage 1 Remove. Here we remove any bad bacteria and waste from your digestive tract.
Stage 2 - Renew. Also there will be support of your kidney function with products to alkalize your body.
Stage 3 - Release. In this final stage your liver function will be supported, completing the detox and enabling you to release toxins more effectively.
The liver needs protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to deal with everyday detoxification effectively. These nutrients are provided to us in vegetables and fruit. The aim is to provide plenty of these nutrients during a detox. at fault as they do not offer the essential nutrients necessary for proper elimination.
During Phase 1 liver detox to phase 3 processing the toxin. After phase 1 processing the toxin residual reactive and can act a free radical. If phase 1 process is fast, (induced by caffeine, alcohol , stress and other toxins) and the phase. It is critical for effective whole liver function that phase 2 keeps up with phase 1 so there is no build up of these damaging reactive substances.
Most people do not have amble nutrition which can lead produced phase 2 function. Whilst fast and liquid detoxes, the main nutrient withdrawal is protein and this is why for the first few days of fasting people often feel very unwell and it is not until the body starts to break down other tissues to provide these amino acids is detoxification process return to normal.
We can check refer to you a dover test case for hormones produced when the liver is damaged. It can not check how 1 and phase 2 function to assess just how well your liver is coping.
Detoxification will proceed more easily and safely under alkaline conditions. More substances are eliminated by the kidneys. More substances are eliminated from the body. Alkaline blood and urine reduces oxidative injury in the kidney so it is best for you detoxification process.
Some symptoms that are associated with toxic overload are:
- recurrent headaches
- muscle aching and weakness
- recurrent infections
- adverse reactions / sensitivity to environmental chemicals and odors
- chronic fatigue and lethary
- depression, anxiety and mood swings
- poor short term memory and concentration
- anaemina
If you suffer from any of the symptoms above then it may be time to give your body a well supported, scientific researched detoxification.
We will give you a reminder and some will you have a feeling of focus on giving your body the break the needs of the body the break it needs after so much indulgence. more information around the new year.
If you have read this far, you are obviously devoted and interested in fosting your good health, so I would encourage you to do a proper detoxification at least once.
Once you have completed this 6 week process, and have resolved to a lifestyle of low toxicity (good diet, low stress, low chemical exposure etc.) you will be rewarded with new found health. "slippery slide toward ill health" that toxicity can so often lead to.
Turn back the clock and help prevent or slow down the slippery slide towards ill health by using fully researched, quality detoxification products. Now is a great time to start thinking about your detox and planning a fabulously healthy 2010. The process is easy.
Now does not sound sound worthwhile?