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 Why do not you mix penis health and smoking? -2

Penile health is a problem that must be the highest among all men's minds, but too many men are concerned that despite all men treating this most important organism treasures, Penile care includes various activities such as appropriate sanitary examinations and periodic penile examinations, but sometimes it looks odd rather than smoking.

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Everyone is familiar with the couple 's classic post - Koi Taru routine that is enjoying cigarettes as a rugged and intense love making koda. There are countless movies, books, and TV shows, but you definitely need to delete it.

As being recorded again and again, smoking is simply bad for your health. Just because of its reason and its reasons, it should be discouraged. But there is another reason to stop using tobacco: it hurts the penis. seriously.

Here, there are several ways in which smoking hurt the penis and negatively impact male love life:

  • There is a possibility of shrinking the size of the penis. Many studies, including Boston University, show that smoking may reduce the size of functional penis. how? Smoking can cause damage to blood vessels and penile tissues and may prevent the penis from reaching its maximum potential size. This is particularly likely to happen to men who smoked during puberty and can be affected by the most persistent damage.

  • It may hurt the smooth muscle inside the penis. Although the penis is composed of smooth muscle tissue, this plays an important function, but it does not respond to exercise by "weight gain". Evidence suggests that smoking may damage this smooth muscle, which may have negative consequences on erectile function.

  • Erections may become "loose" and slow. Every man gets furious with a finger snap and likes to have a hard and hard punishment. In 2011 UK Urology Journal Men who have not smoked or quit smoking showed a stiffer, broader erection and aroused much more quickly than a smoked man.

  • It may contribute to erectile dysfunction. The same 2011 survey states that many smokers suffer from erectile dysfunction. Strangely enough, 75% of those who quit smoking again showed that the problem of erection has been resolved and is no longer a problem and that smoking adversely affects sexual performance. Other studies support this. For example, in one study, it has been shown that severe smokers who take more than 20 cigarettes per day (basically one pack per day) have a 60% higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction than those who do not smoke I will. Also, if people with hypertension also smoke, the risk of erectile dysfunction will be 26 times higher.

Since it is very difficult to stop smoking, the best way to ensure that tobacco use does not cause health concerns is never to start. However, for those who smoke, it is important to consult a doctor or register for an effective smoking cessation program.

Abandoning smoking is, of course, only part of the appropriate penis health routine. Consistent use of superior penile nourishing cream, in addition to the good hygiene control and periodic punitive examination mentioned earlier ( Health experts recommend Man 1 Man oil ) Must be part of all men's penile health regimen. The best cream contains vitamin C essential for collagen production and stiffness of the penis tissue, the enzyme L-arginine, which helps the formation of nitrous oxide, thus helping the relaxation and blood flow of the penile blood vessels; decreasing the susceptibility of the penis Acetyl L carnitine which plays a role in preventing penis trauma injury which can be caused.

 Why do not you mix penis health and smoking? -2

 Why do not you mix penis health and smoking? -2

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