A high BMI is bad for the health of an individual. It shows that the person has a poor, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity It can even lead. It is even serious illness.
There are various diseases that are connected to obesity and they are:
Cardiovascular Problems:
In turn, they can not carry on with their normal body physiological functions.
This happiness due to the heart muscle. This happiness is the size of the body.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:
Women who are obese have the tendency to develop Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Some females also develop some females also develop That disturbs their menstrual cycle, incident pain and heavy bleeding. At times most women also turn infertile due to obesity and this may end up ruining their life. follow an active lifestyle to stay fit and in good shape.
Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease:
The people end up feeling. Sometimes they open up spontaneously and cause the stomach contents of the stomach, including its digestive juices, to rise up. The people end up feeling sever heart burn. This medical condition may cause more serious medical complications.
Fatty Liver Diseases:
This accumulation of fat can cause liver damage, inflammation and the formation of fibrous tissue in this vital organ. This condition may also lead to cancer in the end.
It is always best to eat healthy food, drink adequate amounts of water and be physically active. In this way, all your body organs will perform their regular functions perfectly.
This girl stones are formed by the hardening of the bile. This hinders the digestion of body fat.
Colorectal Cancer:
It may promote the development of cancerous growth in the colon, appendix and rectum. This is the second most common type of cancer in the world and obese people fall victim to it mostly.
Chronic Renal Failure:
Ability people may suffer from chronic renal failure. This condition is characterized by the gradual and progressive loss of the kidneys & # 39; abilities of the kidneys to filter the waste material in the body. This can lead to life threatening situations, if the condition is not valued in due time.
Urinary Incontinence:
This woman's end up with this problem, as obesity causes loss of bladder control. When you are unable to control your bladder control. You may suffer from urinary tract infections too. These are reasons, it & # 39; s best to do pelvic exercises That will be accompanied by a weight loss diet as well.
Stretch Marks:
Obesity causes stretch marks that make you feel lol weight in a healthy way by adopting good eating habits and a regular exercise program. This will help you to stay fit and elegant.
Respiratory Disorders:
Many obese people also have difficulty breathing. This is a sleep disorder in which patients stop breathing for short durations of time while sleeping and end up with an oxygen deficiency. hypoventilation syndrome. They can not breathe normal levels of oxygen.
In order to avoid all these diseases caused by obesity, you need a healthy diet and exercise.