Smoking partnerships billions of people worldwide. It has been attracted to smoking is more than developed There are percentages of both active and passive smokers are huge.
The influential organ may be lungs, esophagus, liver, kidney, cervix, pharynx, larynx, active smokers directly use cigarette, cigar or bidis for smoking. , throat, bladder, or even bone marrow. Other biological effects include various complications during pregnancy, damage of digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system etc.
By inhaling the second hand smoke, nicotine and other carcinogens and toxins are going inside the lung of the passive smokers. As a result they may experience sore eyes and throat, frequent headache, coughing, sneezing, dizziness, nausea and irritation in nasal area and many more unusual symptoms. though passive smokers do not get addicted to smoking by this process, but for sure they share the effects of active smoking. They also pronounced to all the diseases mentioned for active smokers, but in a lower rate.
Many scientific studies have some of the diseases such as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), asthma , lung infections and even allergies. The hazardous components of tobacco or nicotine products easily affected older people as their immunity power goes lower with the growing age. It is so sinful to see our own parents getting affected by our irresponsible habit of active smoking.
In 2004 International Agency for Research on Cancer and World Health Organization were confident enough to be declared in a smoking in the public places was categorized as offensive crime. Studies have shown that the probability percentage for passive smokers to develop heart disease is 25% -30% and to develop lung cancer is 20% - 30%.
Active smokers are caused harm to themselves by direct smoking. But they do not have any right to spread diseases in society. If they are not at first they should be doing that at least they can isolate themselves from the surroundings while smoking to make sure that nobody is getting affected by passive smoking unknowingly.