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 Athlete foot and colloidal silver soap -2

The athlete's foot is a common fungal infection of the foot's skin and normally affects the area between the sole and toe of the foot. Sometimes it spreads to the nails. This skin disorder is caused by tinea pedis of mycoses contracted from the public environment. Fungus will prosper in humid, warm regions such as locker rooms and general shower and provide an ideal breeding ground for them. If you walk barefoot at such a facility, you can easily transfer from barren floor to feet. Because the infection was common among athletes who used these facilities frequently, the word "athlete's feet" became popular. Sensitivity to this infection is increased by poor hygiene, solid footwear, long damp skin, and mild skin or nail injuries. This infection is contagious and may spread by direct contact or by contact with objects such as shoes, stockings, shower and pool surfaces. They can also be communicated from contact with pets carrying fungi. Competitor's foot infection is short-term or long-term and may recur after treatment.

The most common symptoms of athletes' feet are cracking, exfoliation, and skin exfoliation between the toes. As the infection progresses slowly, the skin around the feet dry and scales. Inflammation and blistering can also occur gradually during the course of infection. In particular, blisters found between the toes are more likely to expose live skin, which may cause pain or burning sensation. The itching of the surrounding skin is also one of the troublesome and troublesome symptoms of the athlete's feet. The affected area is usually itchy and itchy. In addition to the toes, symptoms may also occur between the heel, palm, and fingers. As the fungus spreads over the nails, they may discolor, thicken, or even collapse. It spreads to other parts of the body, especially the inguinal part and armpits, by those who hurt the infection and touching themselves. Creatures that cause athletes' feet may persist for a long period of time. As a result, contaminated bed sheets or clothing may spread the infection to other parts of the body.

The best treatment for athletes' feet is prevention. Before the infection, good foot hygiene practice can be done. Wash your feet daily with soap and water. Carefully dry, especially between toes. Regular replacement of shoes and hoses to reduce moisture helps to prevent bacteria from infecting your feet. Also daily use of high quality foot powder helps. Special precautions are necessary in public places. Avoid walking barefoot in places such as locker rooms instead of shoes. It is also recommended that you wear socks like cotton socks with dried feet. Also, it is necessary to change frequently. Never wear damp sweaty socks. Also, many sports shops can find socks made of special "moisture wicking" material. These socks are designed to keep feet dry. If possible, you should choose sneakers with good ventilation - there are small vents in the sneakers to help keep your feet dry. Light and airy shoes should be given priority over various other shoes. You must always use clean towels. Sharing the towel may spread the infection, so it is better not to share towels.

Counter medications are available for the treatment of athletes' feet, but their main fungicide / fungicide often does not contact the dermal layer of the stratum corneum. If topical antifungal therapy is not sufficient to control the problem, oral prescription therapy is often the next step.

However, these drugs have unique problems such as side effects and prolongation of the healing period. Recently, it has been replaced with colloidal silver, it is very effective for the treatment and prevention of the athlete's foot. Colloidal silver, a silver ultrafine particle suspended in water, is well known for its effectiveness in battle against infectious organisms. Colloidal silver has proved useful for all species of fungi, parasites, bacteria, protozoa, and certain viruses. In the early 1900's, colloidal silver was considered one of the mainstream of antibiotic treatment. It is still considered to be the most universal antibiotic that is nontoxic in its trace concentrate at 10-25 ppm. It is absorbed into the skin tissue at a rate slow enough not to irritate the tissue.

As mentioned earlier, cleanliness is one of the main factors of athletic foot prevention, which is one of the main benefits of soaps, including colloidal silver. The bacterial eradication ability of colloidal silver is incorporated in soap and is further used for daily use. These soaps are getting extra power to fight diseases that cause fungus, so it helps to maintain healthy and clean skin. Colloidal silver has also been found to stimulate the healing process of the skin. This leads to the rejuvenating skin appearance due to the regular use of soaps containing colloidal silver. Also, these soaps are considered purely natural due to their silver content. As a result, all harmful substances contained in normal soap are not included. Soap containing colloidal silver is totally safe for human use and has no side effects. Also, the fungus causing the athlete's feet does not seem to enhance the resistance to colloidal silver, just like the way of pharmaceutical antibiotics. As antibiotic resistance decreases, the effectiveness of antibiotics is decreasing. This makes such soap very common in the treatment and prevention of the athlete's foot.

 Athlete foot and colloidal silver soap -2

 Athlete foot and colloidal silver soap -2

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